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[Kit Mod] Bling Fist Monk

jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,955
edited April 2022 in General Modding
From my deranged mind, I bring you a new kit: the Bling Fist monk. You'll be able to strike down even monsters like Karoug - and all it takes is wrapping some enchanted jewelry around your hands to use its power.

Current mod version: 1.2.

Full kit description below:
BLING FIST MONK: The Order of the Golden Hand, commonly knows as the Bling Fist Monks, are a sect devoted to fighting the unholy monsters that plague Faerun. By wrapping their hands in enchanted jewelry, they infuse their blows with divine power that makes them especially powerful against fiends, lycanthropes, and the undead. Bling Fist Monks adhere strictly to the law, but vary widely in their morality. While a good monk might fight a pack of werewolves simply to protect a town, an evil monk will demand large payments in order to pay for his expensive taste in jewelry.
Unlike most monastic orders, the Order places a premium on charisma; acolytes with an insufficiently commanding presence are laughed out of the training program. Talk to the fist.


BLESSED BLING: The Bling Fist Monk wears a set of baubles and bangles that allow them to use their kit's abilities. This bling can be upgraded in any city by activating the item's ability and spending gold.
– 1st level: Has a set of baubles and bangles of no substantial value. These allow the monk to cast Dazzling Strike once per day.
– 3rd level: May spend 5000 gold to upgrade to Blessed Bling. This upgrade grants an additional use of Dazzling Strike and grants the monk +1 damage on unarmed attacks against fiends, lycanthropes, and the undead.
– 6th level: May spend 10000 gold to upgrade the bling. This upgrade grants an additional use of Dazzling Strike and causes the monk's fists to strike as magical, silver, and cold iron. In addition, the monk now gets +1 to both attack and damage against fiends, lycanthropes, and the undead.
– 9th level: May spend 15000 gold to upgrade the bling. This upgrade grants an additional use of Dazzling Strike and causes the monk's fists to strike as +2 magical weapons. The monk's damage bonus against unholy monsters increases to +2.
– 12th level: May spend 20000 gold to upgrade the bling. This upgrade grants an additional use of Dazzling Strike and causes the monk's fists to strike as +3 magical weapons. The monk's attack bonus against unholy monsters increases to +2. In addition, the monk can now cast Disrupting Fist once per day.
– 15th level: May spend 25000 gold to upgrade the bling. This upgrade grants an additional use of Dazzling Strike and causes the monk's fists to strike as +4 magical weapons. The monk's damage bonus against unholy monsters increases to +3. In addition, the monk can now spend an additional 25000 gold to incorporate one magical amulet or ring into the bling, permanently gaining that amulet or ring's abilities as well as an additional use of Dazzling Strike.
– 25th level: May spend 50000 gold to upgrade the bling to its strongest form. This upgrade grants an additional use each of Dazzling Strike and Disrupting Fist and causes the monk's fists to strike as +5 magical weapons. The monk's attack bonus against unholy monsters increases to +3, for a total of +3 attack and +3 damage against fiends and the undead. In addition, the monk can now spend an additional 50000 gold to incorporate a second magical amulet or ring into the bling, permanently gaining that amulet or ring's abilities.

DAZZLING STRIKE: The Bling Fist Monk punches his enemies in the face, blinding them with his extremely shiny bling. When activated, this ability lasts for three rounds. All enemies struck during this time are blinded for four rounds unless they Save vs. Spell.
This special ability automatically modifies normal attacks; no targeting needs to be done.

DISRUPTING FIST: The Bling Fist Monk channels his divine power through his bling to disrupt his hated foes. Each successful attack within the next round slays a lycanthrope, banishes a summoned demon, or destroys an undead creature. The target may Save vs. Death at -4 to avoid this effect, but still takes 2d6 magic damage even if they save.
This special ability automatically modifies normal attacks; no targeting needs to be done. Creatures other than fiends, lycanthropes, and the undead are unaffected by the disruption.

– Must spend gold to upgrade his bling and gain more daily ability uses.
– Must have at least 15 Charisma.
– May not use Stunning Blow ability.
– May not use Quivering Palm ability.

Q: Is this a joke?
A: Yes. Yes, this is absolutely a joke. But I intend it to be a playable joke.

And now ... the mod is ready. Attached here.


- Windows installer should work now. No changes to mod content, so feel free to skip it if you've already installed it successfully.

- Fixed a bunch of issues related to starting at a higher level or importing to a new campaign.
Post edited by jmerry on


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,955
    And it's up. Only took a day and a half to finish from when I posted this. Now you can dazzle your enemies with far too much gold and silver jewelry.

    Or punch out Karoug. That's always a nice option.
  • Dan_PDan_P Member Posts: 132
    A few quick things noticed.

    When starting a new game in BG2 or SoD, the Blessed Bling item is lost.

    For BG1, if you import a character when starting a new game, it stacks the Dazzling Strike uses. So if you pregenerate a character, it starts with 2 uses at level 1.

    Blessed Bling item: I only quickly checked in ToB. Started a new game, warped to Amkethran. The Bling itself is level 5, but first dialogue option is to spend the 5000 for the first upgrade. Doing so doesn't remove the level 5 Bling. This might be intentional, but I wasn't sure.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,955
    Not intentional, and I thought I fixed that.
    ... it must not have been in the version of the key spell that I copied over. That's supposed to set a variable.

    Working on it.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,955
    edited April 2022
    Version 1.2 now available. Also, I can edit the first post now, so the attachment here is no longer needed.
    Post edited by jmerry on
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