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[MOD] IWD:EE compatibility fixer for mod kits (v0.8)

Dan_PDan_P Member Posts: 132
edited November 2024 in IWD:EE Mods
If you've played IWD:EE with mod kits, you may have noticed many kits aren't actually compatible with IWD:EE, even if they say they are. Kits will generally work, but they'll be missing IWD:EE abilities, or in the case of druids or paladins, have completely wrong abilities.

I decided to do something about it (a long time ago, but only getting it done now). More details below.


Additional info (Kit mods):

  • Gains IWD Detect/Protection From Evil (and removes BG2 versions if detected)
  • Cure Disease is given if a kit gains Lay On Hands
  • Gains disease immunity
  • Gains fear immunity at level 3
  • Blackguard is skipped
  • Smite Evil is skipped (too many different kits with custom smite abilities)

  • Gains Tracking at level 1

  • Gains Evasion at level 7

  • Gains Timeless Body at level 15
  • Gains poison immunity at level 9
  • Removes BG2 abilities (resists, poison immunity, shapeshifts)
  • Gains IWD shapeshifts (only if BG2 shapeshifts were detected)

  • Safe to install at end of order (i.e. if you notice something wrong after making a big install).
  • Install after all kit mods (kits with correct abilities are skipped by installer).
  • Uses 2DA_MISSING_COLS function by K4thos (

  • Installer now avoids adding Detect/Protection from Evil to Paladin kits that should not gain them. This was already done for Blackguard, but will now also account for mod kits. The installer determines if a kit should gain them based on checking each kit's abilities table during install.
  • Removed fix/tweak for subtledoctor's innate metamagic/sequencers (Tome and Blood mod). The actual fix parts were already added to TnB a long time ago. (Note: Use the SCS version of this tweak if your want bards to gain the higher level sequencers.)
  • Fixed an issue related to a naming conflict, caused by some paladin revisions. If you notice a kit gaining 2 Detect Evils and no Protection From Evil, this will fix it. This issue happens if a Paladin revision makes certain changes without properly patching other mod kits.
Post edited by Dan_P on
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