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My script templates are missing

JapualtahJapualtah Member Posts: 165
I used to like that feature back in the days but whatever I do now, this panel is always empty in the toolset.
I have script templates both in the 'scr' and 'scripttemplates' folders and the toolset .ini file points to scripttemplates, so I wonder why this is.



  • JapualtahJapualtah Member Posts: 165
    It's not a bug, we just have to open the toolset scripts editor options and locate our script templates folder (last option in the window) and voila ! everything working fine.
  • HonounHonoun Member Posts: 12
    It is a bug in so far that you shouldn't have to go through the process of locating the template folder in the first place. The option to search for it is there so you can change the default folder if you so desired. The fact that the toolset displays an empty window by default means something is wrong with it and thus it is bugged.
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