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Building PW with hakpacks - adding and removing to it without crashing with errors

I want to be able to add big hakpacks to the PW I'm working on without them being divided to a 1000 files. But let's say I make them all into a big single hakpack (2GB file) made out of many small hapacks and then suddenly I want to add some new hakpacks that I like into my big hakpack. At the same time, I also want to remove some hakpacks that I eventually wound up not using from my big hakpack. Will it cause me problems?


  • FreshLemonBunFreshLemonBun Member Posts: 909
    Your hak files contain resources (textures, 3d models, icons, etc) and reference tables (2da text files) to those resources. Any way that you can imagine that might cause a problem it will probably cause a problem. If you replace an unused resource with a new resource it wont cause a problem. If your references are updated but still point to valid resources they wont cause a problem unless what was once a potted plant is now a dragon statue. If your previous 2da files awarded content on level up that you later remove it might cause a problem for older characters. If you exceed the line read limit on a 2da then content over that limit might cause problems, I think 256 on classes, 128 on races, and 256 on base items are still a problem unless it was changed recently. Body parts might still have limits too.

    Updating, removing, or replacing resources is mostly an exercise in common sense and precision, but a module wont crash if something it never used is no longer there and the references are all **** or blank whichever is expected.
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