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ShadowMShadowM Member Posts: 573
edited November 2018 in General Discussions NWN:EE
Latest Update 11.75A
LINK To Update

Added a few custom functions for random placement of visual placable and resource gathering placables.

HR_CreateVisualRes(object oArea,object oPC, int iResAmount)

HR_CreateResources(object oArea,object oPC, int iResAmount)

HR_ClearResourcePlc(object oArea, int iResType)

Now when magic potions are consumed they leave a empty magic bottle that can be enchanted again.

Summon monster spells cannot be made into potions now.

Custom Content


Updated iprp_neg5cost.2da to go down to -20

Updated hr_Sound.2da Added the rest of the standard sounds to DM sound system (some are not playing, I think there a bug) I look into it later.

Updated hr_weapons.2da, hr_wea_am.2da, hr_aparttool.2da, hr_alchemy.2da, hr_smeltparts.2da, hr_acce.2da, hr_traps.2da so that now you can choose what the top, middle, bottom models of the weapon and choose the colors also. For simple models just put the model number in the top column (example Dart, Shuriken). hr_armor.2da will need more work.

Added N_TAG column to all craft 2das so you can change the tag of the product to whatever you want. Useful for created items used in other recipes and saving on having more items in palette and for stacking issues.

Ripped out all skinning columns in appearance.2da and move them to their own custom .2da still supports all old integers on creature or you can also just put one integer on the creature to point to the row for ease.

Added hr_creature_res.2da is the new skinning 2da with many more options now including xp given, appearance change weight adjust to name a few. More information under Systems / Resource gathering.

Added hr_resources.2da for all other resource gathering placables, plants, rocks etc... can use functions mention above to randomly generate from list or you can hand place resources and just put a integer on them to reference row. More information under Systems / Resource gathering.

Updated custom examine feat to update all descriptions to show all information about grabbing resources off of corpse and other resources (trees, ore, rocks etc..)

Added a pickaxe and shovel model to base item Crafting Tools (HR) Two Handed.

Added back in vaei animation sorry(must of taken them out and do not know why) Let me know if anything going wrong.

This should go a long way to completing the loop of resource gathering / crafting for builders.

Updated PDF.


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