How to use .PVRZ files?

Been playing around with NI, figured out with help how to replace .MOS images and use .PNG instead in the override, but I also see images stored as .PVRZ and when I try to follow the same procedure as I do with .MOS (saving a .png version with my changes and putting it in override while removing the .PVRZ from override) the game crashes when it gets to the point of opening the new image where the .PVRZ was. How do I replace those as they seem to work differently than .MOS despite many of them seeming to be exact duplicates of some of the .MOS files.
.MOS is completely unrelated to any area files. It is only the mini-map. The game will not read a .PNG btw.
The reason you are crashing is because you have the original .TIS with all the images encased in it, you need to make changes ff you want to use PVRZ of a custom area. If this is NOT for a custom area but for a shipped area in the EE, then do nothing or delete everything from the override (TIS and PVRZ) if you don't want/need them in there. NI will automatically export the areas PVRZ to the override when opening an area.
The reason PVRZ is used is because it is a better graphics container that eliminates the line glitches (among other things) in the Enhanced Editions.
So, for converting your custom tileset to use PVRZ -> open NI, browse down to the .TIS. Open the TIS you want to convert in NI. Select the Export dropdown and select -> Export as PVRZ-based TIS. Export this somewhere besides the override since if you are creating a custom area likely you have your original in the override for testing/viewing/working. I suggest creating a new folder on your desktop, wait for it to complete export. Now backup your original that was in the override. Copy all the PVRZ and "NEW" TIS to your override and replace the old original. Now you can start the game and go to your area and see it in game using PVRZ instead of the old style TIS graphics container.
Hope this clears things up
Here is screenshot of what I mean: