Is the info that the barkeeps give you when you drink tons of their beer matter in the game at all?

I just ask because it never seems too, but I would be more than willing to get drunk all the time if they tell me useful shit now and again.
I would very much appreciate that sir.
One could extrapolate, then, that all inn rumors are meant to be added to journal?
It sounds like they were planning on adding that to the game perhaps but time ran out? Getting quests from bars reminds me of Final Fantasy Tactics lol.
...Now lets not do anything crazy....
I'm picturing my 18:00 strength barbarian asking the bartender about potential adventuring opportunities while sipping on a milk...
Well, for starters, it doesn't get you drunk.
to (barely) walk on his own feet out of the tavern after so many beers leaving behind a carpet of completely drunk and unable to stand up competitors is what gives him reputation and the strength to fight the next battle.
at least if he sleeps 12 hours before it to recover
that told i drink much more milk then beer or wine and very rarely drink something more strong then wine, mainly if some friend want me to taste some home made liquor.
i don't want to promote in any way the alcohol consumption in RL, if not in a very limited way, and i am well aware of the enormous problems that alcohol abuse cause.
to the person abusing and to the ones around him.
but what in rl is a real problem and something that i hope will disappear from the things humans do (even if the abuse of some sort of drug seems to be deeply rooted in the way humanity behaves, being the drug alcohol, opium, weed or whatever is available in a particular place) is not necessarily so in a game.
after all playing this game we constantly murder people, steal and do other things that are as bad if not worse then alcohol abuse...
a thief charname that do his stronghold can even be involved in selling illegal drugs.
but as i like very much coffee and tea i would appreciate to have them available in the taverns, as i have no problem to ask for a coffee when all my friends drink wine in a bar also my 18:00 strength barbarian would do so, the only difference is that he would punch on the nose whoever comment about it, while i avoid to do it when it happens in RL.
Perhaps someone has made one, that would be nice but I don't know where to even find Baldur's Gate mods.
also googling "bg2 mods" works, i did try now and it brought more then 150k results, in the first page the dedicated section of this forum, a couple of modder's sites and many suggestions about the best mods to use.
the reason why they did not conquer all the word is that their main khan died so the different tribes had to go back to mongolia to chose a new khan, a new leader.
their nomadic tribal culture was their force, but in the end revealed itself as their main weak point.
a tribal nomadic people is not the best type of civilization to build a world wide and lasting empire...
Iirc, your thief can be involved in slavery too, very evil.
prohibition adds other problems to a problem without solving it, and gives to the criminal organizations a lot of money.
i instead hope that the humanity can grow and learn the use and not the abuse of drugs, and when a drug is addictive the use is very problematic as can become abuse so easily.
that told there is plenty of people that drink alcohol, an addictive drug, but never become addicted, as well as plenty of people that becomes addict.
education and personal growth imho are the ways to deal with he problem of drugs.
about the anti depressant drugs and the other psychiatric drugs i think that in some cases can be useful, as they can save a person from suicide or other bad things, but i think that they can never heal, only keep the symptoms quiet. until the causes of a depression are removed (changing the way of life, accepting a loss or whatever) there is no real healing process and also there i think that to abuse of them can make a state of depression permanent, they should be used only as last resource to avoid that the depressed or other way diseased person harm himself or in a acute phase of suffering.
i am convinced that the human brain has all that is needed to heal himself and can produce serotonin and whatever he need, if sometimes don't do it it is an alarm signal, a signal that something in the way of living of a person is wrong, once the cause is removed the natural serotonin level stabilizes naturally, but only if drugs that contain serotonin are not used or at least are not used for a long period.
both the things, prohibition and medical use of drugs are really complex, and i can not explain all that i think about in a forum post...
this is only to roughly tell what i think of those 2 matters, and only cause you quoted me bringing those matters. probably is not wise to continue here such discussion as the forum rules are clear about talking of drugs on the forum and even if until now on one promoted the use of illegal drugs (but in the forum rules i can not find any reference to the fact that the drugs are legal or illegal, so talking of bourbon or cocaine should not make any difference... ), but i suppose that the moderators are not happy if we continue, as if such discussion is done is very likely that someone will pass the border and break the rules.
when i was moderator in other forums i did not appreciate this kind of discussion, OT as is a gaming forums, or when i was moderator a woddoworking forum, and always at risk to have some ban flying around...