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[BG2:EE Feature Request] Restore/Complete Yoshimo's Storyline

WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
I realize this is a tad premature, but this issue is pretty dear to me so I guess I just can't contain myself ;)

I really love Yoshimo, he's easily one of my favorite BG2 characters, but I always felt that he was given the shaft... never being able to truly find redemption for his "betrayal". Out of all the BG2 cast, his storyline was one of the most tragic.

I'd love to see a better ending to his storyline where you actually get to raise him (should you so choose) instead of just bringing his ashes back (and naturally be able to have him in your party again). I believe this was supposed to be possible, but was cut due to time constraints. I also heard a rumor about the devs originally intending to make it possible to bring Yoshi back via the pocket plane in ToB, i.e the Bhaalspawn calls for Yoshi and he has to answer, even from beyond the grave, so he comes back as an undead version of his charming self: "I can dance on the head of a pin as well! (But I might loose a limb doing so since I am decomposing rather rapidly and am somewhat fragile as a zombie)"

Anyone else want Yoshi restored?


  • NooneelseNooneelse Member Posts: 23
    he mainly serves as the main rogue character while imoen is kidnapped, and imoen returns to party as soon as he is dead.

    Maybe the devs/writers did the betrayal and permanent death intentionally, so player has to keep imoen in party.

    I am not really sure thou, his questline has some missing spots and forgiving him and raising him might be a good hook for a new yoshimo questline.
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    @Nooneelse Thing is, many players felt that the hook to find Imoen was too weak, especially when playing an evil aligned character. Yoshi, being Neutral, fits better than Imoen in those parties.
  • NooneelseNooneelse Member Posts: 23
    @Winthal You are right in that part but she is the main hook for the story line and missing for long time from the party but yes, evil aligned players will have their difficulties. And I also agree that Yoshimo is a better rogue, skill wise. ( since imoen is duel class )

  • ScooterScooter Member Posts: 182
    I’m not entirely sure as bringing him back so that he’s joinable once again but I certainly want to learn more about his backstory/ motives etc he is such an interesting character!
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    @Communard I guess I could settle for that, a little closure... :) tho I would prefer being given the *choice* of bringing him back, that way we get the best of both worlds
  • FlauschigFlauschig Member Posts: 84
    I would love to play with him again and ditch Imoen as soon a possible.
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    @Winthal i heard rumor that he actually had some contract disputes with bioware and thats why they kicked his can, but i also heard what you can do is, let him leave your party before you go to spell hold and he will go to the copper corhonet ( or however its spell) and when you come back from spell hold, enter the inn, and pause right away and talk to him and he wont actually die and he can join your team again, i remember one team i was fiddling with cheats and i went to the nine hells with him and he actually had dialogue there so maybe there was supposed to be some yoshimo something er rather but then crap happened and now we get this junk, and as you said it would be nice to have him come back, because he is an actual THIEF, no dual class/ multi-class nonsense, and he would be able to take full advantage of the thief abilities in ToB, so i guess it depends on that contract dispute stuff that went on to see what will be able to happen mayhaps?
  • lansounetlansounet Member Posts: 1,182
    I've never played it fully because of compatibility issues (intended by the author I heard, though he's been backing off that stance lately, and TS-BP version was there as an attempt to replace the official one) but the Tortured Souls mods expands a lot on Yoshimo backstory and you can even make a detour to Kara-Tur on the way to Brynnlaw (lol WTF kind of detour is that). If you complete that part I think ou can redeem him, though I've never been that far
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    @sarevok57 He actually has dialogues in hell? Voice acted ones? That would indeed prove the theory of Yoshi originally being (intended to be) redeemable... I hope the devs can get more freedom with BG2:EE than BG1 so they can actually change old quests and content like this one... *thumbs crossed*
  • RogeveevRogeveev Member Posts: 6
    I really enjoyed having yoshimo in my party (i love setting traps) :-D but I think it would not be the best idea to revive him! it makes him unique...but it would be nice to meet him later in the game as a ghost or something :-)

    BTW i really like the idea of undead "zombie" yoshimo :-D
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    edited July 2012
    Once betrayed is enough for me, leave the guy dead (reminds me, never trust a neutral character... ;0)
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    Once betrayed is enough for me, leave the guy dead (reminds me, never trust a neutral character... ;0)
    @Space_hamster That's just the thing tho, Yoshimo's betrayal was not volitional, he was under the effect of Irenicus's geas spell and literally could not disobey... hence why this character's end is so tragic.

  • ZaccaroZaccaro Member Posts: 39
    I agree with this implement completely. Yoshimo was my favorite too and it frustrated me that there was no real way of saving him from Irenicus's claws.
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    I seem to recall that he had betrayed someone in the thieves gild, or at least they didn't think too highly of him. In the end though, a true thief is only looking out for number one. Perhaps his dealing with irenecus just turned sour on himm, but he was otherwise a willing partner...
  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,025
    i think the reason why the thief guild didnt think to highly of him is because he was a free lancer in renal's territory and yoshimo was trying to avoid him and renal didnt like it too much, at least that is what it seemed like
  • WinthalWinthal Member Posts: 366
    @sarevok57 yeah, Yoshi, being a bounty hunter/freelancer, isn't affiliated with any thieving organization and therefore operates outside their laws and does not pay them a percentage of each profit he makes, as I'm sure all the other Athkatlan thieves must - this does not go down well with Renal obviously.

    @Space_hamster We actually know surprisingly little of Yoshi's true motives and persona... it is possible that he was contracted by Irenicus to insert himself into the PC's adventuring companions at first without any real knowledge of what he was getting into, but once there, he found himself unable to back out of the deal, even if he decided the PC didn't deserve his betrayal. Or he might have still gone through with the betrayal, or he was always forced to do it by the Geas, we just don't know :(
  • ScooterScooter Member Posts: 182
    I’m pretty sure one of the mods I downloaded (probably unfinished business) allows you to read his ‘journal’ after he dies which gives you an idea of his motives and how he met Irenicus, it was pretty interesting but I still felt I needed more, besides I’m not sure that mod content was what the original developers would have wanted to say about him anyway.
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    there is a mod 'keeping yoshimo'. I haven't tried it but I intend to. It lets you keep Yoshimo.
  • TheGrapeTyphlosionTheGrapeTyphlosion Member Posts: 29
    I would like to see the option to keep Yoshimo in your party or at least redeem him in BG2:EE I think at least having it there would make it possible to do different things on different run throughs.
  • Bastion72Bastion72 Member Posts: 60
    I like the TOB half-dead idea. -''Fight for me in death and restore your honor''
  • LeoncerLeoncer Member Posts: 3
    Yoshimo was awesome. Something I didn't like was that he was a character you met riiiight at the start, you became so familiar with him and developed a role for him in your party (especially the first time you play the game and don't know of the terrible twist...) only to have him die later on you. It was frustrating that there wasn't any more to be done about it! I appreciate the story and did not see the betrayal coming the first time, but I'd like there to be some way for me to keep Yoshimo! After all, he WAS the only thief in game that you could dual to a fighter.
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