Terl Bug

In doing Anomen's quest, I am finding that "Terl" walks over to Anomen but doesn't initiate conversation, and attempts to do so meet with nothing (not even "Terl appears busy"). Attached is a save showing the bug, and another before the bug triggers (to trigger it, walk out to the Slums).
How do I get this fixed? Generating Terl via the console doesn't help (notably the Terl that generates also says nothing, though he does sport different clothing).
(Sigh, Beamdog and their bugs...)
How do I get this fixed? Generating Terl via the console doesn't help (notably the Terl that generates also says nothing, though he does sport different clothing).
(Sigh, Beamdog and their bugs...)
The quest should progress normally; you're just in the waiting period before the Order wants him.
It is weird that Terl walked directly to Anomen when we came into the Slums though.
Then, if in a romance, there's another part with new developments in the case, which comes some time after the Order's test. Terl is also the messenger for that part.
The Wiki wasn't terribly clear on this. Some people say that he has to be a certain level (12?) before the Order representative shows up, but others say it's just based on time. For my part, despite Anomen being level 15+ and after a couple in-game months of waiting, the Order still hadn't shown up, so I manually spawned in the creature who talked to Anomen immediately and got the Test portion going.
but if you are having a romance with him, then he romance gets in the way and after a certain love talk does it continue on
plus if you are romancing with him you need to do the saerk encounter first for it to go through
if you go to anomen's house and convince anomen not to go to saerk's place then ryan thrawl should come in sooner
my guess is, for the global timer is X amount of game days, or it could be real life hours, not sure which one, i usually get anomen to knight hood pretty quickly when i do my play throughs, but that is based more on accident than it is on purpose sort of thing
Fingers crossed this all works out!
I should know because I tested it today
PS Killing Terl on your first meeting had no effect on this outcome (I checked both possibilities)
PPS I waited 30 days in both cases after resolving things at the Order before I got bored