XP required for the next level: -1 (Kensai 13 / Mage 40) + spell casting deactivated

Hello there,
Inspired by the BG3 trailers, I have recently started replaying BG saga from scratch (for the 20th time...).
I have decided to play Kensai / Mage dual-classed at the 13th level. I have also been playing solo (once re-activated Kensai class, until then I was playing in a 2-member party).
As you can imagine I have been gaining experience extremely quickly. I have reached... the 41st Mage level in Hell in BG2.
* no cheat codes...
* ... other than XP CAP remover
I think that starting somewhere from level 25, the leveling up didn't provide any benefits other than modest +2 HP. I was getting new levels, however, it didn't "improve" my character. I have also noticed that to level up from 2X level till 40th there was a constant XP of 375k required.
This was true until the 40th level, where I needed to get around 1.5M XP to level up to the 41st. I assumed that once I would do that, I will regain "lost benefits" that I haven't acquired from the 25th (?) to the 41st level.
In Hell, I have used Deck of Many things and drawn a "THRONE" card in which my party (solo game) received 1M XP. This was enough for me to level up to the 41st.
My assumption of regaining "lost benefits" was correct, e.g. my THAC0 decreased from -10/-10 to -18/-18 (celestial fury + crom faeyr).
However, ... it seems to me that my Mage class has been de-activated and right now I cannot cast spells.
Funny thing is that after I have reached level the 41st, I have info that to reach the "next level" I need to gain "-1 XP".
Of course, I understand that this is an unusual situation caused by the XP cap remover. Nevertheless, I would like to get my spells back.
Do you have any ideas about how to solve that problem? I would be grateful for your help.

Inspired by the BG3 trailers, I have recently started replaying BG saga from scratch (for the 20th time...).
I have decided to play Kensai / Mage dual-classed at the 13th level. I have also been playing solo (once re-activated Kensai class, until then I was playing in a 2-member party).
As you can imagine I have been gaining experience extremely quickly. I have reached... the 41st Mage level in Hell in BG2.
* no cheat codes...
* ... other than XP CAP remover
I think that starting somewhere from level 25, the leveling up didn't provide any benefits other than modest +2 HP. I was getting new levels, however, it didn't "improve" my character. I have also noticed that to level up from 2X level till 40th there was a constant XP of 375k required.
This was true until the 40th level, where I needed to get around 1.5M XP to level up to the 41st. I assumed that once I would do that, I will regain "lost benefits" that I haven't acquired from the 25th (?) to the 41st level.
In Hell, I have used Deck of Many things and drawn a "THRONE" card in which my party (solo game) received 1M XP. This was enough for me to level up to the 41st.
My assumption of regaining "lost benefits" was correct, e.g. my THAC0 decreased from -10/-10 to -18/-18 (celestial fury + crom faeyr).
However, ... it seems to me that my Mage class has been de-activated and right now I cannot cast spells.
Funny thing is that after I have reached level the 41st, I have info that to reach the "next level" I need to gain "-1 XP".
Of course, I understand that this is an unusual situation caused by the XP cap remover. Nevertheless, I would like to get my spells back.
Do you have any ideas about how to solve that problem? I would be grateful for your help.

In case you don't find a better solution, you can use near infinity and change from dual classed to multiclassed
You were gaining a few benefits other than the 1 HP/level; a sprinkling of extra spell slots, and higher caster levels for dispel checks. A level 40 character is basically immune to enemy dispels and can dispel anything. Of course, with all of the high level abilities taken long ago, there wasn't much else there.
There are no "lost benefits" to obtain. Extremely high levels tend to be pretty empty in general. Saves stop getting better at level 17 (warrior), 19 (priest), or 21 (rogue, mage). THAC0 stops getting better at level 21 (warrior, monk, rogue) or 22 (priest, mage).
and that your Original Class is set to: Fighter
and make sure your have the Dual Class box checked
my guess is that your game somehow put wizard into your original class as apposed to fighter, hence the reason why you have the thac0 tables of a level 41 fighter now
and then also make sure on the Abilities tab for levels your first is; 13, second is; 41 and third; 1
Thanks for a swift reply. Is there any way to handle that issue without EE Keeper? I am running it on Mac OS. I have downloaded the EEKeeper via Wineskin from another beamdog forum thread link and followed the instructions there however, I do not see BG2 folder in Z:/Applications as instructed in the thread
You say : My assumption of regaining "lost benefits" was correct, e.g. my THAC0 decreased from -10/-10 to -18/-18 (celestial fury + crom faeyr).
For a dual the better thac0 among the 2 classes is used, and fighter13 has 8 thac0, mage never get better then that.
So a - 10thac0 is probably right, as there are the kit and weapon enchantment as well as the - 14 from STR, but that - 8 you got does not seem to me a lost benefit, but one that you should never get.
It is the nature of the dual FM to be in end game a stronger caster, but to have worst thac0 compared to a multi or single class fighter.
Then the program should see your saves.
It is possible that for some reason is different from the one from the istructions.
I have managed to download EE Keeper and launched it via wineskin.
I checked everything according to your instructions. Everything was in place besides one thing: on abilities tab, in levels I did have 13, 14, 0. I changed 0 to 1 as you instructed, however, it didn't fix the problem.
Any other ideas? Thank you in advance.
sent via pm - thank you!