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Help With Zep Doors for PvP utilization

GruffbaneJoeGruffbaneJoe Member Posts: 39
After playing with the CEP's zep_doors last night, I gained renewed hope that a PvP zone as cool as DAOC could be implemented into NWN.

However, 90% of the way there I ran into a major problem.

The zep_doors are the only placeable working doors I've found in the NWN community. Since they are placeable doors, they can be summoned by a player using an inventory item with the same resref and an int variable.

This works fine.

However, these doors have 5 hardness, 10 hp, and are marked static, unlocked, and no key.

This makes them unuseable unless you first place one in the world and then edit that one particular instance.

If you try to make a copy for one on the pallet, it changes the resref and the Gateblock function no longer works, leaving you with a walk-through door.

I'm surprized the CEP team didn't provide extra GATEBLOCK slots in the Variable in case builders want to make a new door.

If you try to edit one of the existing doors on the palett, the changes do not take affect and you get a pop-up telling you so.

Now, I can place a zep_door in an area, up it's hit points, give it a lock and key, and it works fine.

But once an enemy player smashes it it's gone forever, and players have no way to repair their door.

In my PW, players can build walls, houses, and barricades in their settlement area. But they need to be able to place a door so that they can get in and out of the fort they've built. They need to be able to lock it, or it needs to have a preset key that corresponds with the TEAM ITEM in their inventory.

They need to be able to destroy the door with a little hard work, in case they get the placement off or change their minds and want it somewhere else.

And enemy players need to be able to break it down in order to steal the player's community chest and "Relic."

Does anyone know about a work-around? Or is there any way to add an extra variable slot in variables called zep_doors002 that is a dupilcate of zep_doors001?

(When I make a copy, zep_doors001 alway becomes either zep_doors002 or zep_doors012 and there is no gateblock for either).

Thanks in advance!


  • GruffbaneJoeGruffbaneJoe Member Posts: 39
    I'm going to try and build the doors in a staging area, and use the sparky respawner to summon them with a player-useable trigger. Then at least everything will be customizable in the settlement area except the location of the door. Will update if it works.
  • Grizzled_DwarflordGrizzled_Dwarflord Member Posts: 168
    Why not just create custom versions of them with their own resref?
  • GruffbaneJoeGruffbaneJoe Member Posts: 39
    Because when I do they lose their GATEBLOCKs and can be walked through. The GATEBLOCKs only work with the original door with the original res ref.
    I tried the sparky system, but I can't get it to work.
    The module asks for the file sparky_inc.nss which is supposedly in the sb_v1 cep erf, but it's apparently not in mine.
  • GruffbaneJoeGruffbaneJoe Member Posts: 39
    Do you mean make custom versions of the gateblocks? I don't know how...I'm just learning about custom variables.
  • Grizzled_DwarflordGrizzled_Dwarflord Member Posts: 168
    Here, you can have mine, free of charge:
    // --------------------------------------------------------
    // sparky_inc         Sparky Spawner v2 include file
    // original version by Sparky1479
    // recode and expansion by Malishara
    // 10/28/2009    Malishara: added SMS encounter type
    // 10/29/2009    Malishara: added static encounter type
    //                          added music encounter type
    // 11/10/2009    Malishara: added disable encounter type
    // 11/14/2009    Malishara: added equip and unequip encounter types
    // 11/20/2009    Malishara: added ability to store encounters on,
    //                          and spawn from, a trigger
    // --------------------------------------------------------
    #include "mali_string_fns"
    #include "mcs_inc"
    #include "x0_i0_position"
    #include "dm_sm_inc"
    int WhichSlot(string sSlot)
    {   if (sSlot == "head")
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_HEAD; }
        if (sSlot == "lefthand")
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTHAND; }
        if (sSlot == "righthand")
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTHAND; }
        if (sSlot == "cloak")
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_CLOAK; }
        if (sSlot == "arms")
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_ARMS; }
        if (sSlot == "belt")
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_BELT; }
        if (sSlot == "boots")
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_BOOTS; }
        if (sSlot == "rightring")
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_RIGHTRING; }
        if (sSlot == "leftring")
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_LEFTRING; }
        if (sSlot == "arrows")
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_ARROWS; }
        if (sSlot == "bolts")
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_BOLTS; }
        if (sSlot == "bullets")
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_BULLETS; }
        if ((sSlot == "neck") || (sSlot == "necklace") || (sSlot == "amulet"))
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_NECK; }
        if ((sSlot == "chest") || (sSlot == "armor") || (sSlot == "torso"))
        { return INVENTORY_SLOT_CHEST; }
        return -1;
    object FindSMSWidget(string sSMS_Crate, string sName)
    {   object oSMS_Crate = GetObjectByTag(sSMS_Crate);
        if (!GetIsObjectValid(oSMS_Crate)) { return OBJECT_INVALID; }
        object oSMS = GetFirstItemInInventory(oSMS_Crate);
        int iLoop = TRUE;
        while (iLoop)
        {   if (!GetIsObjectValid(oSMS))
            { iLoop = FALSE; }
            else if (GetStringLowerCase(sName) == GetStringLowerCase(SearchAndReplace(SearchAndReplace(GetName(oSMS), ",", ""), " ", "")))
            { iLoop = FALSE; }
            { oSMS = GetNextItemInInventory(oSMS_Crate); }
        return oSMS;
    int ProcessTrapType(string sTrapType)
    {   string sTrapStrength = FirstWord(sTrapType, " ");
        string sTrapDamageType = RestWords(sTrapType, " ");
        int iStrength = 0;
        if (sTrapStrength == "random")
        { switch (Random(5))
          { case 0:
              sTrapStrength = "minor"; break;
            case 1:
              sTrapStrength = "average"; break;
            case 2:
              sTrapStrength = "strong"; break;
            case 3:
              sTrapStrength = "deadly"; break;
            case 4:
              sTrapStrength = "epic"; break;
        if (sTrapStrength == "epic")
        { if ((sTrapDamageType == "electrical") || (sTrapDamageType == "electric") || (sTrapDamageType == "elec"))
          { return 44; }
          if (sTrapDamageType == "fire")
          { return 45; }
          if (sTrapDamageType == "frost")
          { return 46; }
          if (sTrapDamageType == "sonic")
          { return 47; }
          return Random(4) + 44;
        if (sTrapStrength == "minor")
        { iStrength = 0; }
        else if (sTrapStrength == "average")
        { iStrength = 1; }
        else if (sTrapStrength == "strong")
        { iStrength = 2; }
        else if (sTrapStrength == "deadly")
        { iStrength = 3; }
        if (sTrapDamageType == "spike")
        { return iStrength + 0; }
        else if (sTrapDamageType == "holy")
        { return iStrength + 4; }
        else if (sTrapDamageType == "tangle")
        { return iStrength + 8; }
        else if (sTrapDamageType == "acid")
        { return iStrength + 12; }
        else if (sTrapDamageType == "fire")
        { return iStrength + 16; }
        else if ((sTrapDamageType == "electrical") || (sTrapDamageType == "electric") || (sTrapDamageType == "elec"))
        { return iStrength + 20; }
        else if (sTrapDamageType == "gas")
        { return iStrength + 24; }
        else if (sTrapDamageType == "frost")
        { return iStrength + 28; }
        else if (sTrapDamageType == "negative")
        { return iStrength + 32; }
        else if (sTrapDamageType == "sonic")
        { return iStrength + 36; }
        else if (sTrapDamageType == "acid splash")
        { return iStrength + 40; }
        { return (Random(11) * 4) + iStrength; }
        return 0;
    void ProcessSingleAction(object oCreature, string sAction)
    {   if ((sAction == "walk") || (sAction == "1"))
        { AssignCommand(oCreature, ActionRandomWalk()); return; }
        if (sAction == "chair")
        { object oChair = GetNearestObjectByTag("Chair", oCreature, 1);
          if (GetIsObjectValid(oChair))
          { AssignCommand(oCreature, ActionSit(oChair)); }
        if (sAction == "dead")
        { AssignCommand(oCreature, SetIsDestroyable(FALSE, TRUE, TRUE));
          ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectDeath(), oCreature);
        if (sAction == "corpse")
        { AssignCommand(oCreature, SetIsDestroyable(FALSE, FALSE, FALSE));
          ApplyEffectToObject(DURATION_TYPE_INSTANT, EffectDeath(), oCreature);
        if (FirstWord(sAction, ":") == "faction")
        { object oFactionNPC = GetObjectByTag("Faction_" + RestWords(sAction, ":"));
          if (GetIsObjectValid(oFactionNPC))
          { ChangeFaction(oCreature, oFactionNPC); }
        if (FirstWord(sAction, ":") == "unequip")
        { string sSlot = RestWords(sAction, ":");
          object oItem = GetItemInSlot(WhichSlot(sSlot), oCreature);
          if (GetIsObjectValid(oItem))
          { AssignCommand(oCreature, ActionUnequipItem(oItem)); }
        if (FirstWord(sAction, ":") == "equip")
        { string sSlot = FirstWord(RestWords(sAction, ":"), ":");
          string sTag = RestWords(RestWords(sAction, ":"), ":");
          object oItem = GetItemPossessedBy(oCreature, sTag);
          if (GetIsObjectValid(oItem))
          { AssignCommand(oCreature, ActionEquipItem(oItem, WhichSlot(sSlot))); }
        int iAnim;
        if (sAction == "spasm")
        { iAnim = ANIMATION_LOOPING_SPASM; }
        else if (sAction == "sit")
        else if (sAction == "threaten")
        else if (sAction == "laugh")
        else if (sAction == "talk")
        else if (sAction == "beg")
        else if (sAction == "worship")
        else if (sAction == "pray")
        else if (sAction == "conjure1")
        else if (sAction == "conjure2")
        { return; }
        AssignCommand(oCreature, ActionPlayAnimation(iAnim, 1.0f, 9999.0f));
    void ProcessActions(object oCreature, string sActionList)
    {   string sAction = FirstWord(sActionList, ";");
        sActionList = RestWords(sActionList, ";");
        while (sAction != "")
        { ProcessSingleAction(oCreature, sAction);
          sAction = FirstWord(sActionList, ";");
          sActionList = RestWords(sActionList, ";");
    location ProcessLocation(string sLoc, string sOffset, int iSpawn, int iTotalSpawns, object oArea)
    {   string sAngle = RestWords(sLoc, "@");
        sLoc = FirstWord(sLoc, "@");
        location lLoc;
        float fAngle;
        if (sAngle == "")
        { fAngle = IntToFloat(Random(360)); }
        else if (sAngle == "last")
        { lLoc = GetLocalLocation(oArea, "lLastSpawn");
          fAngle = GetFacingFromLocation(lLoc);
        { fAngle = StringToFloat(sAngle); }
        string sType = GetStringLowerCase(FirstWord(sLoc, ":"));
        string sParameter = RestWords(sLoc, ":");
        float fOffset = StringToFloat(sOffset);
        vector vVector;
        float fROffset;
        float fFacingOffset = 0.0f;
        if ((sType == "circle") || (sType == "circleflip"))
        { if (iSpawn > 0)
          { lLoc = GetLocalLocation(oArea, "lLastSpawn"); }
          { lLoc = ProcessLocation(sParameter, "", 0, 0, oArea);
            SetLocalLocation(oArea, "lLastSpawn", lLoc);
          vVector = GetPositionFromLocation(lLoc);
          fAngle = (360.0f / IntToFloat(iTotalSpawns)) * iSpawn;
          if (sType == "circleflip")
          { fFacingOffset = 180.0f; }
          lLoc = Location(oArea, GetChangedPosition(vVector, fOffset, fAngle), fFacingOffset + fAngle);
          return lLoc;
        if ((sType == "loc") || (sType == "location"))
        { sParameter = GetStringLowerCase(sParameter);
          float fLocX = StringToFloat(FirstWord(sParameter, "x"));
          sParameter = RestWords(sParameter, "x");
          float fLocY = StringToFloat(FirstWord(sParameter, "y"));
          sParameter = RestWords(sParameter, "y");
          float fLocZ = 0.0f;
          if (sParameter != "")
          { fLocZ = StringToFloat(FirstWord(sParameter, "z")); }
          lLoc = Location(oArea, Vector(fLocX, fLocY, fLocZ), fAngle);
          SetLocalLocation(oArea, "lLastSpawn", lLoc);
          if (sOffset != "")
          { vVector = GetPositionFromLocation(lLoc);
            fROffset = IntToFloat(Random(FloatToInt(fOffset * 100.0f))) / 100.0f;
            lLoc = Location(oArea, GetChangedPosition(vVector, fROffset, fAngle), fAngle);
          return lLoc;
        if ((sType == "wp") || (sType == "waypoint"))
        { lLoc = GetLocation(GetWaypointByTag(sParameter));
          SetLocalLocation(oArea, "lLastSpawn", lLoc);
          if (sOffset != "")
          { vVector = GetPositionFromLocation(lLoc);
            fROffset = IntToFloat(Random(FloatToInt(fOffset * 100.0f))) / 100.0f;
            lLoc = Location(oArea, GetChangedPosition(vVector, fROffset, fAngle), fAngle);
          return lLoc;
        if ((sType == "object") || (sType == "obj"))
        { lLoc = GetLocation(GetNearestObjectByTag(sParameter, GetFirstObjectInArea(oArea)));
          SetLocalLocation(oArea, "lLastSpawn", lLoc);
          if (sOffset != "")
          { vVector = GetPositionFromLocation(lLoc);
            fROffset = IntToFloat(Random(FloatToInt(fOffset * 100.0f))) / 100.0f;
            lLoc = Location(oArea, GetChangedPosition(vVector, fROffset, fAngle), fAngle);
          return lLoc;
        if (sType == "last")
        { lLoc = GetLocalLocation(oArea, "lLastSpawn");
          return lLoc;
        // Return a random location. Do not use the edges (.05 width).
        int iAreaX = GetAreaSize(AREA_WIDTH, oArea);
        int iAreaY = GetAreaSize(AREA_HEIGHT, oArea);
        float fRandX = IntToFloat(Random(iAreaX * 10)) + (IntToFloat(Random(90)) / 100) + 0.05f;
        float fRandY = IntToFloat(Random(iAreaY * 10)) + (IntToFloat(Random(90)) / 100) + 0.05f;
        lLoc = Location(oArea, Vector(fRandX, fRandY, 0.0f), fAngle);
        SetLocalLocation(oArea, "lLastSpawn", lLoc);
        return lLoc;
    int GetSpawnAmount(string sAmt)
    {   if (TestStringAgainstPattern("*n-*n", sAmt))
        { int iLowAmt = StringToInt(FirstWord(sAmt, "-"));
          int iHighAmt = StringToInt(RestWords(sAmt, "-"));
          return (Random((iHighAmt - iLowAmt) +1) + iLowAmt);
        { return StringToInt(sAmt); }
    int ProcessV2Entry(string sEnc, object oArea, object oDB, string sLocationOverride = "", string sOffsetOverride = "")
    {   string sResRef;
        int iAmt;
        string sLocation;
        string sOffset;
        location lLocation;
        int iLoop;
        object oSpawn;
        int iEntry;
        int iContinue;
        string sAction;
        string sNewTag;
        string sType = GetStringLowerCase(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
        sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
        if (sType == "music")
        { string sMusic = GetStringLowerCase(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          int iMusicTrack = StringToInt(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
          if (iMusicTrack == 0) { return TRUE; }
          if (sMusic == "day")
          { SetLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyMusicDay", MusicBackgroundGetDayTrack(oArea));
            MusicBackgroundChangeDay(oArea, iMusicTrack);
          else if (sMusic == "night")
          { SetLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyMusicNight", MusicBackgroundGetNightTrack(oArea));
            MusicBackgroundChangeNight(oArea, iMusicTrack);
          else if (sMusic == "battle")
          { SetLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyMusicBattle", MusicBackgroundGetBattleTrack(oArea));
            MusicBattleChange(oArea, iMusicTrack);
          return (StringToInt(sEnc));
        if ((sType == "creature") || (sType == "npc"))
        { sResRef = FirstWord(FirstWord(sEnc, ","), ":");
          sNewTag = RestWords(FirstWord(sEnc, ","), ":");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          iAmt = GetSpawnAmount(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          sLocation = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sLocationOverride !="") { sLocation = sLocationOverride; }
          sOffset = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sOffsetOverride !="") { sOffset = sOffsetOverride; }
          sAction = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < iAmt; iLoop++)
          { lLocation = ProcessLocation(sLocation, sOffset, iLoop, iAmt, oArea);
            oSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, sResRef, lLocation, FALSE, sNewTag);
            SetLocalInt(oSpawn, "iSparkySpawn", TRUE);
            ProcessActions(oSpawn, sAction);
          return (StringToInt(sEnc));
        if (sType == "mcs")
        { object oMCS_Spawn;
          location lHoldingCell = GetLocation(GetWaypointByTag("MCS_CELL"));
          string sRecord;
          string sMCS_Unit = "ENC_MCS_" + FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          string sMCS_BagName = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          object oMCS = FindMCSBag(sMCS_Unit, sMCS_BagName);
          if (!GetIsObjectValid(oMCS)) { return TRUE; }
          string sMCSData = GetDescription(oMCS, FALSE, FALSE);
          iAmt = StringToInt(FirstWord(sMCSData, "|"));
          sMCSData = RestWords(sMCSData, "|");
          sLocation = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sLocationOverride !="") { sLocation = sLocationOverride; }
          sOffset = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sOffsetOverride !="") { sOffset = sOffsetOverride; }
          sAction = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < iAmt; iLoop++)
          { lLocation = ProcessLocation(sLocation, sOffset, iLoop, iAmt, oArea);
            object oMCSSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, FirstWord(sMCSData, "|"), lHoldingCell);
            sMCSData = RestWords(sMCSData, "|");
            sRecord = FirstWord(sMCSData, "<<<EOR>>>|");
            sMCSData = RestWords(sMCSData, "<<<EOR>>>|");
            RestoreCreature(oMCSSpawn, sRecord);
            oSpawn = CopyObject(oMCSSpawn, lLocation);
            SetLocalInt(oSpawn, "iSparkySpawn", TRUE);
            ProcessActions(oSpawn, sAction);
            sLocation = "last";
            sOffset = "";
          return (StringToInt(sEnc));
        if (sType == "sms")
        { string sSMS_Crate = "ENC_SMS_" + FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          string sSMSWidgetName = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          object oSMS = FindSMSWidget(sSMS_Crate, sSMSWidgetName);
          if (!GetIsObjectValid(oSMS)) { return TRUE; }
          sLocation = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sLocationOverride !="") { sLocation = sLocationOverride; }
          sOffset = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sOffsetOverride !="") { sOffset = sOffsetOverride; }
          if ((sLocation == "absolute") || (sLocation == "abs"))
          { lLocation = ProcessLocation("1.0x1.0y", sOffset, 1, 1, oArea);
            Unpack(oSMS, lLocation, OBJECT_INVALID, FALSE, FALSE, FALSE, 2);
          { lLocation = ProcessLocation(sLocation, sOffset, 1, 1, oArea);
            Unpack(oSMS, lLocation, OBJECT_INVALID, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE, 2);
          return (StringToInt(sEnc));
        if ((sType == "placeable") || (sType == "prop") || (sType == "static"))
        { sResRef = FirstWord(FirstWord(sEnc, ","), ":");
          sNewTag = RestWords(FirstWord(sEnc, ","), ":");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          iAmt = GetSpawnAmount(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          sLocation = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sLocationOverride !="") { sLocation = sLocationOverride; }
          sOffset = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sOffsetOverride !="") { sOffset = sOffsetOverride; }
          for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < iAmt; iLoop++)
          { lLocation = ProcessLocation(sLocation, sOffset, iLoop, iAmt, oArea);
            oSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE, sResRef, lLocation, FALSE, sNewTag);
            SetLocalInt(oSpawn, "iSparkySpawn", TRUE);
            if (sType == "static")
            { AssignCommand(oSpawn, SetIsDestroyable(FALSE)); }
          return (StringToInt(sEnc));
        if ((sType == "waypoint") || (sType == "wp"))
        { sNewTag = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          sLocation = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sLocationOverride !="") { sLocation = sLocationOverride; }
          sOffset = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sOffsetOverride !="") { sOffset = sOffsetOverride; }
          lLocation = ProcessLocation(sLocation, sOffset, 1, 1, oArea);
          oSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_WAYPOINT, "nw_waypoint001", lLocation, FALSE, sNewTag);
          SetLocalInt(oSpawn, "iSparkySpawn", TRUE);
          return (StringToInt(sEnc));
        if (sType == "item")
        { sResRef = FirstWord(FirstWord(sEnc, ","), ":");
          sNewTag = RestWords(FirstWord(sEnc, ","), ":");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          iAmt = GetSpawnAmount(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          sLocation = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sLocationOverride !="") { sLocation = sLocationOverride; }
          sOffset = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sOffsetOverride !="") { sOffset = sOffsetOverride; }
          for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < iAmt; iLoop++)
          { lLocation = ProcessLocation(sLocation, sOffset, iLoop, iAmt, oArea);
            oSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_ITEM, sResRef, lLocation, FALSE, sNewTag);
            SetLocalInt(oSpawn, "iSparkySpawn", TRUE);
          return (StringToInt(sEnc));
        if ((sType == "trap") || (sType == "traps"))
        { string sTrapStrength = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          string sTrapDmgType = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          string sTrapType = sTrapStrength + " " + sTrapDmgType;
          iAmt = GetSpawnAmount(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          float fTrapSize = StringToFloat(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (fTrapSize < 1.0f)
          { fTrapSize = 2.0f; }
          string sDetectDC = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          string sDisarmDC = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          int iRecoverable = StringToInt(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          sLocation = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sLocationOverride !="") { sLocation = sLocationOverride; }
          sOffset = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sOffsetOverride !="") { sOffset = sOffsetOverride; }
          for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < iAmt; iLoop++)
          { lLocation = ProcessLocation(sLocation, sOffset, iLoop, iAmt, oArea);
            oSpawn = CreateTrapAtLocation(ProcessTrapType(sTrapType), lLocation, fTrapSize);
            SetLocalInt(oSpawn, "iSparkySpawn", TRUE);
            if (sDetectDC == "-1")
            { SetTrapDetectable(oSpawn, FALSE); }
            else if (sDetectDC != "")
            { SetTrapDetectDC(oSpawn, StringToInt(sDetectDC)); }
            if (sDisarmDC == "-1")
            { SetTrapDisarmable(oSpawn, FALSE); }
            else if (sDisarmDC != "")
            { SetTrapDisarmDC(oSpawn, StringToInt(sDisarmDC)); }
            if (!iRecoverable)
            { SetTrapRecoverable(oSpawn, FALSE); }
          return (StringToInt(sEnc));
        if (sType == "script")
        { sResRef = FirstWord(FirstWord(sEnc, ","), ":");
          string sRunAs = RestWords(FirstWord(sEnc, ","), ":");
          object oRunAs;
          if (sRunAs != "")
          { oRunAs = GetObjectByTag(sRunAs);
            if (!GetIsObjectValid(oRunAs))
            { oRunAs = oDB; }
          { oRunAs = oDB; }
          ExecuteScript(sResRef, oRunAs);
          return TRUE;
        if (sType == "group")
        { string sGroup = "group_" + GetStringLowerCase(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
          iEntry = 1;
          for (iEntry = 1; sEnc != ""; iEntry++)
          { sEnc = GetLocalString(oArea, sGroup + ((iEntry < 10) ? "_0" : "_") + IntToString(iEntry));
            iContinue = ProcessV2Entry(SearchAndReplace(sEnc, " ", ""), oArea, oDB, sLocationOverride, sOffsetOverride);
          return iContinue;
        if (sType == "table")
        { string sTable = "table_" + GetStringLowerCase(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
          int iDieRoll = d100();
          int iChance = 0;
          iEntry = 1;
          for (iEntry = 1; iDieRoll > iChance; iEntry++)
          { sEnc = GetLocalString(oArea, sTable + ((iEntry < 10) ? "_0" : "_") + IntToString(iEntry));
            iChance = StringToInt(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
            sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          iContinue = ProcessV2Entry(SearchAndReplace(sEnc, " ", ""), oArea, oDB, sLocationOverride, sOffsetOverride);
          return iContinue;
        if ((sType == "level") || (sType == "lvl"))
        { int iSparkyPartyLvls = GetLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyPartyLvls");
          string sTable = "lvltable_" + GetStringLowerCase(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
          int iEntryLvl = 10000;
          iEntry = 1;
          for (iEntry = 1; iSparkyPartyLvls < iEntryLvl; iEntry++)
          { sEnc = GetLocalString(oArea, sTable + ((iEntry < 10) ? "_0" : "_") + IntToString(iEntry));
            iEntryLvl = StringToInt(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
            sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          iContinue = ProcessV2Entry(SearchAndReplace(sEnc, " ", ""), oArea, oDB, sLocationOverride, sOffsetOverride);
          return iContinue;
        if (sType == "copy")
        { string sAreaTag = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          string sObjTag = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          sNewTag = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          object oSourceArea = GetObjectByTag(sAreaTag);
          object oObject = GetFirstObjectInArea(oSourceArea);
          if (GetTag(oObject) != sObjTag)
          { oObject = GetNearestObjectByTag(sObjTag, oObject); }
          iAmt = GetSpawnAmount(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          sLocation = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sLocationOverride !="") { sLocation = sLocationOverride; }
          sOffset = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          if (sOffsetOverride !="") { sOffset = sOffsetOverride; }
          if (GetObjectType(oObject) == OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE)
          { sAction = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
            sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
          for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < iAmt; iLoop++)
          { lLocation = ProcessLocation(sLocation, sOffset, iLoop, iAmt, oArea);
            oSpawn = CopyObject(oObject, lLocation, OBJECT_INVALID, sNewTag);
            SetLocalInt(oSpawn, "iSparkySpawn", TRUE);
            if (GetObjectType(oObject) == OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE)
            { ProcessActions(oSpawn, sAction); }
          return (StringToInt(sEnc));
        if (sType == "disable")
        { string sEntry = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
          iContinue = StringToInt(RestWords(sEnc, ","));
          sEnc = GetLocalString(oDB, "encounter_" + sEntry);
          if (!TestStringAgainstPattern("OFF:**", sEnc))
          { SetLocalString(oDB, "encounter_" + sEntry, "OFF:" + sEnc);
            SetLocalString(oDB, "sSparky_Disabled_List", GetLocalString(oArea, "sSparky_Disabled_List") + sEntry + " ");
          return iContinue;
        return TRUE;
    int ProcessTime(string sTime)
    {   if (sTime == "always")
        { return TRUE; }
        if (sTime == "day")
        { return GetIsDay(); }
        if (sTime == "night")
        { return GetIsNight(); }
        if (TestStringAgainstPattern("*n", sTime))
        { return (StringToInt(sTime) == GetTimeHour()); }
        if (TestStringAgainstPattern("*n-*n", sTime))
        { int iHour = GetTimeHour();
          int iHour1 = StringToInt(FirstWord(sTime, "-"));
          int iHour2 = StringToInt(FirstWord(RestWords(sTime, "-"), ","));
          if (iHour2 < iHour1)
          { return (iHour1 <= iHour) || (iHour <= iHour2); }
          { return (iHour1 <= iHour) && (iHour <= iHour2); }
        return FALSE;
    int ProcessV2Encounter(string sEnc, object oArea, object oDB)
    {   int iRightTime = ProcessTime(GetStringLowerCase(FirstWord(sEnc, ",")));
        sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
        int iChance = StringToInt(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
        sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
        if ((d100() <= iChance) && iRightTime)
        { int iContinue = ProcessV2Entry(sEnc, oArea, oDB);
          return iContinue;
        return TRUE;
    int ProcessEncounter(string sEnc, object oArea, object oDB)
    {   int iContinue;
        int iLoop;
        object oSpawn;
        if (TestStringAgainstPattern("OFF:**", sEnc))
        { return TRUE; }
        if (GetStringLowerCase(FirstWord(sEnc, ",")) == "v2")
        { iContinue = ProcessV2Encounter(RestWords(sEnc, ","), oArea, oDB);
          return iContinue;
        if (GetStringLowerCase(FirstWord(sEnc, ":")) == "runscript")
        { ExecuteScript(RestWords(sEnc, ":"), oDB);
          return TRUE;
        int iChance = StringToInt(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
        sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
        string sResRef = FirstWord(sEnc, ",");
        sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
        int iAmt = StringToInt(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
        sEnc = RestWords(sEnc, ",");
        object oWP = GetWaypointByTag(FirstWord(sEnc, ","));
        location lWP = GetLocation(oWP);
        iContinue = StringToInt(RestWords(sEnc, ","));
        if (iChance <= d100())
        { for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < iAmt; iLoop++)
          {   oSpawn = CreateObject(OBJECT_TYPE_CREATURE, sResRef, lWP);
              SetLocalInt(oSpawn, "iSparkySpawn", TRUE);
              AssignCommand(oSpawn, ActionRandomWalk());
          return iContinue;
        return TRUE;
    void SpawnEncounters(object oArea)
    {   int iDone = FALSE;
        int iEnc = 1;
        string sEnc;
        object oDB = oArea;
        if (GetObjectType(oArea) == OBJECT_TYPE_TRIGGER)
        { oArea = GetArea(oDB);
          int iSparkyTriggers = GetLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyTriggers");
          SetLocalObject(oArea, "oSparkyTrigger" + IntToString(iSparkyTriggers), oDB);
          SetLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyTriggers", iSparkyTriggers + 1);
        while (!iDone)
        {   sEnc = GetLocalString(oDB, "encounter" + ((iEnc < 10) ? "_0" : "_") + IntToString(iEnc));
            sEnc = SearchAndReplace(sEnc, " ", "");
            if (sEnc == "")
            { iDone = TRUE;}
            { iDone = ProcessEncounter(sEnc, oArea, oDB);
              iDone = abs(iDone - 1);
        SetLocalInt(oDB, "iSparkySpawned", TRUE);
    void Despawn(object oArea)
    {   object oObject;
        int iObjectType;
        int iSpawned;
        string sEntry;
        string sEnc;
        iSpawned = GetLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkySpawned");
        if (!iSpawned)
        { return; }
        string sSparky_Disabled_List = GetLocalString(oArea, "sSparky_Disabled_List");
        while (sSparky_Disabled_List != "")
        { sEntry = FirstWord(sSparky_Disabled_List, " ");
          sSparky_Disabled_List = RestWords(sSparky_Disabled_List, " ");
          sEnc = GetLocalString(oArea, "encounter_" + sEntry);
          if (TestStringAgainstPattern("OFF:**", sEnc))
          { SetLocalString(oArea, "encounter_" + sEntry, RestWords(sEnc, "OFF:")); }
        DeleteLocalString(oArea, "sSparky_Disabled_List");
        oObject = GetFirstObjectInArea(oArea);
        while (GetIsObjectValid(oObject))
        {   iObjectType = GetObjectType(oObject);
            iSpawned = GetLocalInt(oObject, "iSparkySpawn");
            if (iSpawned)
            { if ((iObjectType == OBJECT_TYPE_PLACEABLE) && GetHasInventory(oObject))
              { DestroyContents(oObject); }
              AssignCommand(oObject, SetIsDestroyable(TRUE));
            oObject = GetNextObjectInArea(oArea);
        int iMusic = GetLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyMusicDay");
        if ( iMusic!= 0)
        { MusicBackgroundStop(oArea);
          MusicBackgroundChangeDay(oArea, iMusic);
          DeleteLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyMusicDay");
        iMusic = GetLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyMusicNight");
        if ( iMusic!= 0)
        { MusicBackgroundStop(oArea);
          MusicBackgroundChangeNight(oArea, iMusic);
          DeleteLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyMusicNight");
        iMusic = GetLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyMusicBattle");
        if ( iMusic!= 0)
        { MusicBattleChange(oArea, iMusic);
          DeleteLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyMusicBattle");
        SetLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkySpawned", FALSE);
        int iSparkyTriggers = GetLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyTriggers");
        int iLoop;
        object oDB;
        string sDB;
        for (iLoop = 0; iLoop < iSparkyTriggers; iLoop++)
        { sDB = "oSparkyTrigger" + IntToString(iLoop);
          oDB = GetLocalObject(oArea, sDB);
          SetLocalInt(oDB, "iSparkySpawned", FALSE);
          DeleteLocalObject(oArea, sDB);
        DeleteLocalInt(oArea, "iSparkyTriggers");
  • GruffbaneJoeGruffbaneJoe Member Posts: 39
    Ahhh thanks very much!
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