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Possible bug with either DLCMerger or CDTweaks.

Not sure if it belongs here or on the Tweaks Anthology boards, but whenever I try to install mods, it says I have to be using Modmerger, instead of the DLCMerger you guys recommend.


  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    This message is displayed by Tweaks Anthology if you haven't merged "Siege of Dragonspear" DLC with the main game. You can do it with either modmerge or DLCMerger. Both tools do basically the same, but DLCMerger is more mod-friendly and allows you to revert the merge process if needed. The message itself mentions modmerge because it was the only merge tool available for a while.
  • Admiral_ThrawnAdmiral_Thrawn Member Posts: 27
    I have merged Sod wih BGEE (option 1), and it's stilling telling me I have to merge SoD with BGEE
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    That shouldn't happen unless the merge failed or there is a second copy of the DLC somewhere. Do you still see in the game's root folder or the "dlc" subfolder? If you're using Steam, close the Steam Client and try merging again, or follow the steps outlined in this post.
  • Admiral_ThrawnAdmiral_Thrawn Member Posts: 27
    That fixed it. thanks
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