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I have been experimenting with some code for a few hours now and I cant figure out why I am getting the TMI error in game. Maybe someone can see something that I am missing?

This code goes in the on closed slot of a chest and without the item property section it works fine. It renames all the items as intended without errors but when I add the item property section It caused the TMI error in game.
#include "x2_inc_itemprop"
#include "x3_inc_string"

void main()
string sNewName, sName;
int iCount, iLength, nAbility, nBonus, nDamage, nResist, nSaves;
itemproperty ipProperty;
object oChest = OBJECT_SELF;
nAbility = 12;
nSaves = 12;
nBonus = 16;
nDamage = 26; //amount is 16 This is the same for Mass Crit
//nElement = 30; //amount is 20 This is the same for Mass Crit

object oItem = (GetFirstItemInInventory(oChest));
while (GetIsObjectValid(oItem))
    sNewName = ""; //clear string for next item
    iCount = 0; //clear count for new item
    sName = GetName(oItem, FALSE);
    iLength = GetStringLength(sName);
    while (iCount < iLength)
        if (GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "<") iCount = iCount + 4;
        if (GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "A" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "a"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "B" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "b"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "C" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "c"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "D" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "d"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "E" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "e"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "F" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "f"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "G" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "g"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "H" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "h"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "I" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "i"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "J" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "j"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "K" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "k"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "L" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "l"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "M" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "m"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "N" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "n"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "O" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "o"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "P" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "p"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "Q" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "q"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "R" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "r"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "S" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "s"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "T" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "t"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "U" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "u"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "V" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "v"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "W" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "w"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "X" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "x"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "Y" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "y"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "Z" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "z"
        || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == " ")
            sNewName = sNewName + GetSubString(sName,iCount,1);

    while (GetStringLeft(sNewName, 1) == " ")
        sNewName = GetStringRight(sNewName, GetStringLength(sNewName) - 1);//remove left spaces

    while (GetStringRight(sNewName, 1) == " ")
        sNewName = GetStringLeft(sNewName, GetStringLength(sNewName) - 1);//remove right spaces

// This section here compiles but it gives me a TOO_MANY_INSTRUCTIONS error in game
    ipProperty = GetFirstItemProperty(oItem);
    while (GetIsItemPropertyValid(ipProperty))
        if (GetItemPropertyType(ipProperty) == ITEM_PROPERTY_AC_BONUS)
            RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
            AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyACBonus(nBonus), oItem, 0.0);
        ipProperty = GetNextItemProperty(oItem);

    SetName(oItem, StringToRGBString(sNewName, "627"));
    oItem = GetNextItemInInventory(oChest);


  • ProlericProleric Member Posts: 1,281
    You're getting a TMI because you're adding item properties in the loop, which get processed in turn, so the loop can never end. DelayCommand on AddItemProperty should fix it.

    In general, when looping through a list, adding or removing list items is bad news unless the changes are delayed.
  • 4BOLTMAIN4BOLTMAIN Member Posts: 90
    I couldn't get this to work as intended by adding a delay. The properties kept stacking. I soon realized what needed to be done to prevent repeats so here's what I did...
    I changed the if to a case and used item property type.
    I checked to see if the item property bonus was at the maximum and if it was the item property was not added, no new properties would get added if the bonuses were higher than x amount.

    What this does is renames items in a chest removing the + # on the end and it increases the properties to the values called out at the beginning of the script. This also removes color tags from the names if there are any.

    Here is the working code...
    #include "x2_inc_itemprop"
    #include "x3_inc_string"
    void main()
    string sNewName, sName;
    int iCount, iLength, nAbility, nBonus, nDamage, nResist, nSaves;
    itemproperty ipProperty;
    object oChest = OBJECT_SELF;
    nAbility = 12;
    nSaves = 12;
    nBonus = 16;
    //nResist = IP_CONST_DAMAGERESIST_50;
    nDamage = 26; //amount is 16 This is the same for Mass Crit
    //nDamage = 30; //amount is 20 This is the same for Mass Crit
    object oItem = (GetFirstItemInInventory(oChest));
    while (GetIsObjectValid(oItem))
        sNewName = ""; //reset string for next item
        iCount = 0; //reset count for next item
        sName = GetName(oItem, FALSE);
        iLength = GetStringLength(sName);
        while (iCount < iLength)
            if (GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "<") iCount = iCount + 4;
            if (GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "A" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "a"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "B" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "b"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "C" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "c"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "D" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "d"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "E" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "e"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "F" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "f"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "G" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "g"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "H" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "h"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "I" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "i"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "J" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "j"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "K" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "k"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "L" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "l"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "M" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "m"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "N" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "n"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "O" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "o"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "P" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "p"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "Q" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "q"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "R" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "r"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "S" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "s"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "T" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "t"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "U" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "u"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "V" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "v"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "W" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "w"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "X" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "x"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "Y" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "y"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "Z" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "z"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == " ")
                sNewName = sNewName + GetSubString(sName,iCount,1);
        while (GetStringLeft(sNewName, 1) == " ")
            sNewName = GetStringRight(sNewName, GetStringLength(sNewName) - 1);//remove left spaces
        while (GetStringRight(sNewName, 1) == " ")
            sNewName = GetStringLeft(sNewName, GetStringLength(sNewName) - 1);//remove right spaces
        if (GetStringLeft(sNewName, 1) == "f")
            sNewName = GetStringRight(sNewName, GetStringLength(sNewName) - 2);//remove "f"
        SetName(oItem, StringToRGBString(sNewName, "127"));
        ipProperty = GetFirstItemProperty(oItem);
        while (GetIsItemPropertyValid(ipProperty))
            switch (GetItemPropertyType(ipProperty))
                case ITEM_PROPERTY_AC_BONUS:
                    if (GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nBonus)
                        RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                        AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyACBonus(nBonus), oItem);
                    if (GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nBonus)
                        RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                        AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyEnhancementBonus(nBonus), oItem);
                case ITEM_PROPERTY_ATTACK_BONUS:
                    if (GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nBonus)
                        RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                        AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyAttackBonus(nBonus), oItem);
                case ITEM_PROPERTY_REGENERATION:
                    if (GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nBonus)
                        RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                        AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyRegeneration(nBonus), oItem);
                    if (GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nBonus)
                        RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                        AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyVampiricRegeneration(nBonus), oItem);
                case ITEM_PROPERTY_MIGHTY:
                    if (GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nBonus)
                        RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                        AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyMaxRangeStrengthMod(nBonus), oItem);
                    if (GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nSaves)
                        RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                        AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyBonusSavingThrowVsX(IP_CONST_SAVEVS_UNIVERSAL,nSaves) , oItem);
                    if (GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nDamage)
                        RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                        AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyMassiveCritical(nDamage), oItem);
                    if (GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nResist)
                        RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                        AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT,ItemPropertyDamageResistance(GetItemPropertySubType(ipProperty),nResist), oItem);
                case ITEM_PROPERTY_DAMAGE_BONUS:
                    if (GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nDamage)
                        RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                        AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT,ItemPropertyDamageBonus(GetItemPropertySubType(ipProperty),nDamage), oItem);
                case ITEM_PROPERTY_ABILITY_BONUS:
                    if (GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nAbility)
                        RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                        AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyAbilityBonus(GetItemPropertySubType(ipProperty), nAbility), oItem);
                ipProperty = GetNextItemProperty(oItem);
        oItem = GetNextItemInInventory(oChest);
  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    When I first saw your code I felt sure that someone would point a certain thing out to you. While you have managed to get it to work (that's really good BTW), there is a section of your code that's terribly inefficient. This section -
    while (iCount < iLength)
            if (GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "<") iCount = iCount + 4;
            if (GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "A" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "a"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "B" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "b"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "C" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "c"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "D" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "d"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "E" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "e"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "F" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "f"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "G" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "g"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "H" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "h"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "I" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "i"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "J" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "j"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "K" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "k"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "L" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "l"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "M" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "m"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "N" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "n"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "O" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "o"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "P" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "p"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "Q" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "q"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "R" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "r"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "S" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "s"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "T" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "t"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "U" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "u"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "V" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "v"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "W" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "w"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "X" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "x"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "Y" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "y"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "Z" || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == "z"
            || GetSubString(sName,iCount,1) == " ")
                sNewName = sNewName + GetSubString(sName,iCount,1);
    If the character you are testing does not match any of the letters you are testing for, the function GetSubString() is called 54 times. Even if the character is one of those you are testing for GetSubString() will be called between 2 and 54 times depending on the actual character. Remember this will be for each pass through the While() that the above code is embedded in. If you use a string constant and the function FindSubString() you can reduce that number of calls to GetSubString() down to just one or two instead. So I rewrote that section and did a little tidying up of your code to produce this -
    #include "x2_inc_itemprop"
    #include "x3_inc_string"
    const string csInTheseChars = " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
    void main()
        string sNewName, sName, sTestMe;
        int iCount, iLength, nAbility, nBonus, nDamage, nResist, nSaves;
        itemproperty ipProperty;
        object oChest = OBJECT_SELF;
        nAbility = 12;
        nSaves = 12;
        nBonus = 16;
        nResist = IP_CONST_DAMAGERESIST_30;
        //nResist = IP_CONST_DAMAGERESIST_50;
        nDamage = 26; //amount is 16 This is the same for Mass Crit
        //nDamage = 30; //amount is 20 This is the same for Mass Crit
        object oItem = (GetFirstItemInInventory(oChest));
            sNewName = ""; //reset string for next item
            iCount = 0; //reset count for next item
            sName = GetName(oItem, FALSE);
            iLength = GetStringLength(sName);
            while(iCount < iLength)
                sTestMe = GetSubString(sName, iCount, 1);
                if(sTestMe == "<")
                    iCount += 4;
                    sTestMe = GetSubString(sName, iCount, 1);
                if(FindSubString(csInTheseChars, sTestMe) > -1)
                    sNewName = sNewName + GetSubString(sName, iCount, 1);
            while(GetStringLeft(sNewName, 1) == " ")
                sNewName = GetStringRight(sNewName, GetStringLength(sNewName) - 1);//remove left spaces
            while(GetStringRight(sNewName, 1) == " ")
                sNewName = GetStringLeft(sNewName, GetStringLength(sNewName) - 1);//remove right spaces
            if(GetStringLeft(sNewName, 1) == "f")
                sNewName = GetStringRight(sNewName, GetStringLength(sNewName) - 2);//remove "f"
            SetName(oItem, StringToRGBString(sNewName, "127"));
            ipProperty = GetFirstItemProperty(oItem);
                switch (GetItemPropertyType(ipProperty))
                    case ITEM_PROPERTY_AC_BONUS:
                        if(GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nBonus)
                            RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                            AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyACBonus(nBonus), oItem);
                    case ITEM_PROPERTY_ENHANCEMENT_BONUS:
                        if(GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nBonus)
                            RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                            AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyEnhancementBonus(nBonus), oItem);
                    case ITEM_PROPERTY_ATTACK_BONUS:
                        if(GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nBonus)
                            RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                            AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyAttackBonus(nBonus), oItem);
                    case ITEM_PROPERTY_REGENERATION:
                        if(GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nBonus)
                            RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                            AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyRegeneration(nBonus), oItem);
                        if(GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nBonus)
                            RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                            AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyVampiricRegeneration(nBonus), oItem);
                    case ITEM_PROPERTY_MIGHTY:
                        if(GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nBonus)
                            RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                            AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyMaxRangeStrengthMod(nBonus), oItem);
                    case ITEM_PROPERTY_SAVING_THROW_BONUS:
                        if(GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nSaves)
                            RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                            AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyBonusSavingThrowVsX(IP_CONST_SAVEVS_UNIVERSAL,nSaves) , oItem);
                    case ITEM_PROPERTY_MASSIVE_CRITICALS:
                        if(GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nDamage)
                            RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                            AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyMassiveCritical(nDamage), oItem);
                    case ITEM_PROPERTY_DAMAGE_RESISTANCE:
                        if(GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nResist)
                            RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                            AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT,ItemPropertyDamageResistance(GetItemPropertySubType(ipProperty),nResist), oItem);
                    case ITEM_PROPERTY_DAMAGE_BONUS:
                        if(GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nDamage)
                            RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                            AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT,ItemPropertyDamageBonus(GetItemPropertySubType(ipProperty),nDamage), oItem);
                    case ITEM_PROPERTY_ABILITY_BONUS:
                        if(GetItemPropertyCostTableValue(ipProperty) < nAbility)
                            RemoveItemProperty(oItem, ipProperty);
                            AddItemProperty(DURATION_TYPE_PERMANENT, ItemPropertyAbilityBonus(GetItemPropertySubType(ipProperty), nAbility), oItem);
                ipProperty = GetNextItemProperty(oItem);
            oItem = GetNextItemInInventory(oChest);
    Hope you find this of use.

  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    @4BOLTMAIN FWIW, there is still a possible problem in that code depending on whether or not the character '<' occurs more than once in the string you are testing.

    That aside, you may find the tutorials on scripting that I wrote to be of use in understanding the changes I made to your code -

    TR's Basics - Variables, Types and Functions (TBC)
    TR's Basics - Boolean Algebra
    TR's Basics - Decisions
    TR's Basics - Mostly Operators

  • 4BOLTMAIN4BOLTMAIN Member Posts: 90
    In the original NWN I used color codes for naming items so there is only a possibility of 2 "<" in an items name, one at the beginning and then </c> at the end. Eventually I will get around to removing the tags from these items since my recent discovery of StringToRGBString.

    With the release of NWNEE I am a firm believer that writing code is not like riding a bike. I often look at code I wrote years ago and struggle understanding it. It is coming back to me but slowly.

    Thank you for taking the time to point out the efficiency in the naming section. I don't do a whole lot of work with strings so this is something I definitely need to work on.

  • TarotRedhandTarotRedhand Member Posts: 1,481
    If you need help, just ask. BTW I did a little something that you might find useful where StringToRGBString() is concerned. I created a simple small html file to illustrate the various colours and their codes for use with that function - Colours and Codes for StringToRGBString().

    Hope that is of use.

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