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Custom Race / Kit - Help

LandonLandon Member Posts: 14
Hi. So I decided to make a custom race and kit for my next playthrough. I've added all the necessary stuff to the .ids and .2da files (as far as I know). My race shows up during character creation but shows no classes available to choose from:



My kit doesn't show up under the thief kit tree either, although I can choose it in EEKeeper:


But changing it in EEKeeper still does nothing in game. Still a standard thief.

Even using the new race, none of the racial bonuses / penalties are there.

Any one have any idea what I might have done wrong? Or maybe some links to tutorials? I haven't been able to find any walkthrough, and all the information I'm reading and following through with makes it seem like I'm more or less frankensteining this new race and kit together.

The character will be a thief kit with necromancy spells applied at normal mage levels as innate abilities + some custom spells and abilities. I've disabled all utility thief skills leaving only stealth, detect illusion, and set traps. I've copied most level progression items from mage/thief class (i.e. hit point gains), while giving weapon proficiency and armor allowance based on a thief.

Files edited to get this far (by adding my kit / race values):
CLABVH1.2DA - Custom CLAB file
clastext.2DA - Added all necessary srefs
CLSRCREQ.2DA - Made all races available for my kit and all classes available for my race
DUALCLAS.2DA - All values 0 except fighter, cleric, ranger
HPCLASS.2DA - Using M/T HP gains
K_*_*.2DA - K_T_DH (kit_thief_dhampir, references KITTABLE.2DA)
LUFVH0.2DA - Duplicated and renamed mage/thief HLAs
MGSRCEQ.2DA - All enabled
RACE.IDS - Added my race
RACEFEAT.2DA - Doesn't enable infravision, tried using K_*_*.2DA to add it, still nothing
racetext.2DA - Added all srefs

I assume I did something wrong under KITLIST.2da, probably under the proficiency, unusable, or kitids sections because I'm not entirely sure what they are. Also got an error message once while searching for unused strings which referenced this file. Only happened once and I don't remember exactly what it said.


  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,101
    edited May 2020
    Are you editing these by hand or using weidu? I would recommend using the latter, and using the fl#add_kit_ee library. It makes making a custom kit so much easier. My Recorder mod has a decent example of this you could use.

    I'm assuming your race errors are occuring because just swapping the race in EEKEEPER won't add the values. You have to manually increase the int and manually add the innate spell to the character, ensuring you increase innate memorized spell slots as necessary for it to appear. At least that's what I'm guessing since in character creation you weren't able to select any classes.
  • LandonLandon Member Posts: 14
    Skitia wrote: »
    Are you editing these by hand or using weidu? I would recommend using the latter, and using the fl#add_kit_ee library. It makes making a custom kit so much easier. My Recorder mod has a decent example of this you could use.

    I'm assuming your race errors are occuring because just swapping the race in EEKEEPER won't add the values. You have to manually increase the int and manually add the innate spell to the character, ensuring you increase innate memorized spell slots as necessary for it to appear. At least that's what I'm guessing since in character creation you weren't able to select any classes.

    Thanks for the reply. I edited / added everything using near infinity. They are the same files weidu edits (unless I missed something) according to this thread

    I've tried using weidu and none of the commands work. Not sure what I'm doing wrong with it. Missing libraries or something? The fl#add_kit_ee folder is there but the commands don't work. Completely new to weidu. I was trying to follow the instruction to add all the libraries it needed and even installing the libraries left me scratching my head and confused. The instructions aren't very well written, especially for a novice. I'll keep poking around til I figure it out I guess.

    As far as the race, I'm not entirely sure why it won't allow classes to be chosen at creation. I've unlocked them all for the new race in the respective .2da files. Also, I'd rather the bonuses be natural and me not have to EEKeeper them in and would just happen naturally at creation like with an elf or half-elf. I guess ultimately, I can just use an eff opcode since I am making a predesigned PC, but it would be nice to figure out how to add the race and class to the game normally if possible.

    The class seems to be working okay as far as skills / bonuses / clab files go so that's a step in the right direction.

    I'll check out your recorder mod and see what I can learn (and probably use it - it looks good :) ).I always liked bards but was disappointed in their song for bg compared to iwd.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,101
    edited May 2020
    It is definitely confusing the first time in my opinion. I could probably walk you through it.

    You probably already know, but to use Weidu, you can just get the .exe from any EE mod and rename the setup-MODNAME to your mod. Then create a folder name and inside of it a corresponding setup-MODNAME.tp2

    To use the fl#add_kit_ee library, you only need the fl#add_kit_ee.tp2 file (Which you can grab from my Recorder mod.)

    The start of the .tp2 file should look like this:


    The include line should show you how the fl#add_kit_ee is used.

    The rest more or less follows the kit guide you linked. When you run the .exe, if you get any errors I can tell you what is wrong. I can also clarify any confusing parts of the kit guide.

  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,524
    There is another option available: ADD_KIT_EX (download)

    It's basically an improved version of ADD_KIT that includes both libraries fl#add_kit_ee (providing EE support) and QDMULTI (providing multiclass kit support) and a couple of convenience features. Example code is included in the library package.
  • LandonLandon Member Posts: 14
    Thanks @Skitia and @argent77 . I will get back to you in a couple of days.

    I restarted from scratch to make sure everything is done cleanly. I think I may have directly edited some .itm files for the summons that I'm adding for one of the spells. I should have cloned and renamed them instead.

    Basically some of the summons are too powerful with their normal abilities that are added by items. I edited those items to make the summon less powerful, but wasn't thinking about it change those creatures globally.

    I may have a few more questions about weidu and I really appreciate your help on this.
  • LandonLandon Member Posts: 14
    I got it! That was a lot of work. I did the same thing through NI so I dunno how using weidu made any difference. Maybe a typo somewhere or something.

    Now if I can just figure out how to give my custom race access to classes.. I guess I can always just change the IDS state through a spell or something to force it on the character. Would like to be able to use it at character creation though.

  • LandonLandon Member Posts: 14
    Would anyone know how to make classes available to custom races? I have the race appearing on the creation screen but no classes available for it. I've added all the K_X_X.2DA files, RACE.IDS, RACECOLR.2DA, racetext.2da, clsrcreq.2da, abracead.2da, and ABRACERQ.2DA files. Is there anything I'm missing?

    Is there perhaps an ADD_RACE function on weidu like with ADD_KIT? I can't find any info really about adding races.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,101
    I've not seen a mod that has ever added a race that works with other classes in creation, only mods that add races that you become after you leave character creation via an item or NPC dialogue.
  • Vy_LinvailVy_Linvail Member Posts: 6
    Sorry for reviving a nearly year old thread.... but is there no way to mod a kit into the game without using WieDu? I have less-than-no knowledge about modding or programming in general (I'm a TV Producer in real life!) and when I re-installed the game I spent a LOT of time learning NearInfinity... and all of that now seems kinda useless if I have to go back and get my head around creating everything through WieDu.

    I'm looking to simply add a new Thief kit that gains the odd spell (not even new spells) as an innate ability, but I'm hitting the same trouble as OP, where I can knock everything together in NI but can't get the mod to appear in the list when I fire up the game.
  • Vy_LinvailVy_Linvail Member Posts: 6
    Would also like to float this: I'm basically, sorta, looking at creating an Arcane Trickster style class (yeah - I know that there's Mage/Thief) and I'm really stunned that no one's made this kit yet! There are all sorts of wacky combos out there - I'm just really surprised not to see this one!
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