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Remove randomness of loot

ArwernArwern Member Posts: 53
Hello. Im looking for a mod, which replaces rndtresXX.itm with items from rndtres.2da file. So all random items will be available during game. Anyone knows which mod can do this?


  • benibielbenibiel Member Posts: 8
    Tweaks Anthology/cdtweaks has a component that does pretty much this - there are 3 options for either re-randomizing every time you reload, trading the item you get with a merchant or I think something like getting tokens that you then swap for whatever item you want. (I've never used the last one so I'm not totally sure how it works)
  • cloudsatcloudsat Member Posts: 27
    Is there a version of such solutions that can be implemented by adding files to the override folder? As a android/iOS user, it is still not very straightforward to install any mod that is not in the override folder.
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