Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
Over many a quaint and curious mod that I had in my store—
While I judged which were appealing, suddenly there came a feeling,
'Twas my OCD revealing, which I first tried to ignore,
But alas 'twas too strong, oh no! Too strong for me to ignore—
'Twas just the start, there was more!
Ah, distinctly I remember that I had to surrender,
And sacrifice my dear slumber, even though my back was sore.
Some modding tips I must borrow,— so I thought I'd shoot an arrow,
And get a guide that was thorough— thus my friend I did implore,
"How do I install all these mods?" I asked @ThacoBell next door—
"I am so very unsure!"
@ThacoBell then immediately, gave me a list quite happily,
A list he knew whole-heartedly, and I knew that he was sure.
So I looked upon it eyeing, all the details underlying,
As my mind went on defying, all the logic I'd conjure,
"It's all so complicated, all this hassle I can't endure!"
So I began to explore.
So I went to the internet, as my forehead grew beads of sweat,
However I wasn't done yet, because I must find a cure!
My OCD was now looming, like a void ever-consuming,
I knew that it was my dooming, something I had to procure,
Something that could make installing mods to not be such a chore,
It is always such a bore!
And then I found a forum thread, "Project Infinity" it said,
It made me quite interested, so I looked into it more.
It was a mod management tool, and looking at it made me drool,
"A GUI?! Now that is cool!" I did not feel sad anymore—
I was filled with great joy and my sanity seemed to restore—
I'll be obliged forevermore!
So I downloaded it right then, for my search hadn't gone in vain,
And only a minute passed when, it was downloaded and secure.
And so my mods I extracted, to a folder copy-pasted,
Having done that I now hasted, to start the .exe that it bore,
The wondrous .exe that would surely solve all my modding chore—
I no longer felt so sore.
So the boxes I selected, of the components I wanted,
And all things went as expected, I was glad like never before.
The installation went smoothly, and everything was orderly,
Though SCS took time duly, but 'twas not so bad as before—
Now I could relax without staring at the screen like before,
And this I greatly adore.
The progress bar then went ahead, "SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED" it said,
As swiftly I jumped off my bed, the thud resounding on the floor.
But now I was too exhausted, and I needed to be rested,
But my OCD protested, it said I needed a cure.
So modded BG2 I started, for I could wait no more,
That's my story, what about your?
Over many a quaint and curious mod that I had in my store—
While I judged which were appealing, suddenly there came a feeling,
'Twas my OCD revealing, which I first tried to ignore,
But alas 'twas too strong, oh no! Too strong for me to ignore—
'Twas just the start, there was more!
Ah, distinctly I remember that I had to surrender,
And sacrifice my dear slumber, even though my back was sore.
Some modding tips I must borrow,— so I thought I'd shoot an arrow,
And get a guide that was thorough— thus my friend I did implore,
"How do I install all these mods?" I asked @ThacoBell next door—
"I am so very unsure!"
@ThacoBell then immediately, gave me a list quite happily,
A list he knew whole-heartedly, and I knew that he was sure.
So I looked upon it eyeing, all the details underlying,
As my mind went on defying, all the logic I'd conjure,
"It's all so complicated, all this hassle I can't endure!"
So I began to explore.
So I went to the internet, as my forehead grew beads of sweat,
However I wasn't done yet, because I must find a cure!
My OCD was now looming, like a void ever-consuming,
I knew that it was my dooming, something I had to procure,
Something that could make installing mods to not be such a chore,
It is always such a bore!
And then I found a forum thread, "Project Infinity" it said,
It made me quite interested, so I looked into it more.
It was a mod management tool, and looking at it made me drool,
"A GUI?! Now that is cool!" I did not feel sad anymore—
I was filled with great joy and my sanity seemed to restore—
I'll be obliged forevermore!
So I downloaded it right then, for my search hadn't gone in vain,
And only a minute passed when, it was downloaded and secure.
And so my mods I extracted, to a folder copy-pasted,
Having done that I now hasted, to start the .exe that it bore,
The wondrous .exe that would surely solve all my modding chore—
I no longer felt so sore.
So the boxes I selected, of the components I wanted,
And all things went as expected, I was glad like never before.
The installation went smoothly, and everything was orderly,
Though SCS took time duly, but 'twas not so bad as before—
Now I could relax without staring at the screen like before,
And this I greatly adore.
The progress bar then went ahead, "SUCCESSFULLY INSTALLED" it said,
As swiftly I jumped off my bed, the thud resounding on the floor.
But now I was too exhausted, and I needed to be rested,
But my OCD protested, it said I needed a cure.
So modded BG2 I started, for I could wait no more,
That's my story, what about your?
Long story short, after a long long time, I finally managed to make a satisfactory modded BG2EE install with Ascension, SCS, RR, CDTweaks, some item upgrades and shaman overhauls, portrait mods, and the amazingly awesome Dragonspear UI++. Project Infinity was really helpful in installing that huge modlist, as I could just tick off the components I wanted to install and let Project Infinity install it for me automatically at once, without me having to stare at the WeiDU command line interface waiting when I would have to input an option. Big thanks to @ALIEN for this amazing tool, it's just great! Now I can enjoy modded BG2EE in peace, finally.
My WeiDU log is attached if you would like to see it.
My WeiDU log is attached if you would like to see it.

Just in time for 2.6 update to roll out... ?