BGEEII (Android) Table Quest Screen BUG

Hello everyone!
I'am having a trouble with my BGEEII for Android. When a new sidequest occurs on the game, it doesn't appear on my Table Quest Screen. It seems a BUG. It seems that only the main Quests are reported. The only registered quests, on several hours of game, are in the attached photo.
I am using a Samsung Galaxy TAB A 10" and I have already played and finished all BGEEI on the same platform without any problem.
Please help me.
Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely...
I'am having a trouble with my BGEEII for Android. When a new sidequest occurs on the game, it doesn't appear on my Table Quest Screen. It seems a BUG. It seems that only the main Quests are reported. The only registered quests, on several hours of game, are in the attached photo.
I am using a Samsung Galaxy TAB A 10" and I have already played and finished all BGEEI on the same platform without any problem.
Please help me.
Looking forward to your reply. Sincerely...
All sidequests after that will be on the chapter 2 page, which can be accessed using the vaguely arrow shaped buttons at the bottom of the journal page (the ones that surround "Chapter One"). Quests will always appear in the respective chapter that you received them in (they *might* change though if you complete the quest in a different chapter, though I can't remember exactly).
If you've already checked there and they didn't appear then it could indeed be a bug.
Now I am in Chapter II, and the only quest registered was "Collect the fee for Gaelan Bayle".
This is weird to me, because in BG1EE almost every important conversation was reported on Quest Screen like a sidequest.
Sorry my english, I brazilian.
Do you know if after I have talked Galean Bayle at his home and when he talks about "a boy from Umar Hills", "a girl named Nalía", "The churches and this strange Unseeing Eye", one of this events goes to the table Quest Screen or not?
My Quest Screen remains the same.
Thanks for your support!
help me to find a work about "a boy in the Government District".
This event should go to the table Quest Screen, shouldn't?
My Quest Screen remains the same after this too, sadly...
Name of the boy:
When I talk with the barman at Copper Coronet (image attached) the rumors that he said should have appear on Quest Screen or not?
I am asking because on BG1EE, in these cases of Rumors, have a entry seems to be a pattern.
Then it seems to be different from BG1EE. Because of that I was confused.
I think I should write down a lot of informations to not forget, if there are too important things, rumors, dialogues, that are not going to Quest screen entries, even looking to be sidequests.
Thank you again friend for your support!