Needing help legacy of baahl playtrought
Hi guys ! So i loaded a mage 6 times from previous playtrought to use planetars for a cake walk on legacy of bhaal difficulty for the trophy on PS4. The thing is im stuck at the very beggining to get the 10k gold .... I heard there a sewer mission that gives 10k gold . Where is the npc. Is there any other ways if that does not work ? Thanks for your replies.
While Tarnor's party doesn't carry much gold directly, they have Full Plate, Full Plate +1, Plate Mail +1, and two sets of Plate Mail. Those sell for a total of over 6000 gold at a standard merchant. And while your party might have a use for the first set or two of Full Plate, you'll quickly reach the point of having all you ever need.
There are two early quests that have particularly large gold payouts - the thieves' guild quest in the Docks and helping out Trademeet. Completing either of those quests will get you a reward that includes about 10K gold, which will usually get you to the point of being able to progress to chapter 3.
Neither of those quests has anything to do with sewers.
Betting on dog fights? Sure, you can, but that's penny ante stuff. It's not a serious way to make gold, even if you cheat. If you want some quick dirty money, just sell a wand to a merchant, shoplift it back fully recharged, and resell to a fence. It's even possible to loop this for unlimited gold, repeatedly shoplifting from the fence and selling the same item back. With sufficiently high pickpocket scores (170 for the Athkatla black market), this is completely safe.
I'm a bit confused. That party has quite a bit of equipment - not just armor, but other things as well. Selling all that to the merchant in the sewers will give you something pretty close to 10k gold, which was what you said you wanted. Taking on quests, such as those @jmerry refers to, involves a lot more gameplay.
If you do need a bit more money, then there's a secret door just to the west of Tarnor - and there's more treasure in there you could sell.
And the dog fighting idea ... you do realize that you'd have to watch a cutscene every time? For just 10 gold? It's incredibly slow. Traveling around randomly until you get waylaid by bandits and then killing them would be a faster and more fun way to get rich. As would just playing the game normally.
As a slight aside, I'm not quite sure why you're playing on Legacy of Bhaal difficulty. That's not simply harder, the changes to the game significantly alter the type of tactics that can be used and tend to make combats last much longer. I would suggest it's best used by people who are very familiar with the basic game and are seeking a different type of challenge. I suspect most people without much experience of the game are likely to find it somewhat boring compared with playing on more standard difficulty levels.