After Clearing Bodhi's lair - time limit?

I know this was discussed before (years ago) but I can't find the thread.
Is there a time limit between telling Aran Vail you've cleared Bodhi's lair and castching the ship?
I specifically wanted to get lots of XP before doing a mod so I've waited till after cleaning out the vampire guild to go to Windspear. I wanted the bigger, better golems and also to kill Firkraag. I need to know if I can go off to do the White Queen mod, or if I'll run out of time.
Is there a time limit between telling Aran Vail you've cleared Bodhi's lair and castching the ship?
I specifically wanted to get lots of XP before doing a mod so I've waited till after cleaning out the vampire guild to go to Windspear. I wanted the bigger, better golems and also to kill Firkraag. I need to know if I can go off to do the White Queen mod, or if I'll run out of time.