Maximizing the challenge of Legacy of Bhaal

So I'm playing through SoA on Legacy of Bhaal difficulty and I'm almost done. It was really fun, but now I'm thinking what I could do to make the game even more interesting/challenging. I had this idea: roll a character with the LOWEST possible die roll, but still allocate the attribute points freely afterwards (like if you were a fighter, you would reallocate points to boost strength), then play through the game with that character. Then the next challenge after that would be to play through the game with the lowest stats allowed for your character class. Has anyone experimented with this play style yet?
Also, I don't know if you're already using mods or not, but if not, there are several wonderful mods out there that are for players just like you, looking to make the game a little harder and a little more interesting. I recommend SCS and Ascension as good starting points!
If you want to get some ideas about other types of challenges involving LoB (particularly as a solo) then have a look at this thread.
...then I came to the bandit camp, got attacked by 100 bandits, hobgoblins and blacktalon elites plus all chapter the same time. And my level 4-5 party got annihilated within seconds every time and I gave up.
But this could be a nice challenge for better players than me.
Since SCS buffs AI and magic/boss encounters it makes game many times harder.
One of the best things in SCS/LOB is that thanks to buffed HP, AC and Saving Throws brute force tactics are almost nullified. Enemy mages with 200 HP and good AC are no longer one-shotted after protection removal. They do get chance to cast another sequencer and continue fighting.
Also wait till you reach Tor'Gal for the first time in SCS/LOB. This was (and still is) one of my first stops in chapter 2, but now requires a lot of planning and some preparations.
One additional challenge that I see people do is avoid summons completely. Summons get also a massive buff in LOB/SCS so they trivialize a lot of fights early game.
Thank you @Grond0 ! What a great resource that thread is. I'm really glad you pointed me to that!
Also spells like improved haste aren't nearly so good since it takes a whole round to buff each fighter, compared to regular haste which buffs everyone at once (albeit not as much of a buff).