Problem with door not unlocking

Hi all! Currently I am running through BGII:EE on my iPad, and I have run into a problem. In the quest “investigate and destroy the cult of the eyeless”, the door to exit the lair of the unseeing eye has not unlocked, despite me completing the rod and destroying the unseeing eye. Is this a glitch, or have I missed a key of some kind? If it is a glitch can I fix it?
Do you mean you can't access the small staircase to leave the area where you fought the Unseeing Eye, which should unlock once you killed it? Or did you exit there and the door leading to the hallway in the sewers (between the tomb and the stairs to the underground temple), which can only be opened from the inside, won't unlock?
That one should open automatically from the inside when you exit. It's only locked if you try to enter that way.
I suppose you have already tried going downstairs again and back up, and restarting the game and all that?
Do you have any mods installed that could have caused it? Since you're on iPad, I have no idea if and how you could use the console to teleport out of there...
There's a thread here about installing mods on iOS devices, maybe someone there can help you.