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Will I be missing much if I get rid of Dynaheir?

I started the game with a Fighter/mage and I really landed on a party that canonically fits the story (Minsc/Dynaheir, Khalid/Jaheera and Imoen) but... I can't identify anything without resting 8 hours for the spell and khalid keeps panicking everytime a goblin looks at him funny, so I wanted to go back to Beregost and replace Dynaheir with the bard there (And divide the spellcasting between him and my character).

But before I bravely send her to solo a pack of wolves armed with her fists and no armour, I gotta ask... Is she important to the story? Am I making a huge mistake by leaving her behind?


  • KatzerchenKatzerchen Member Posts: 61
    edited June 2021
    She only is important for the story in a sense that BG2 assumes that you traveled with her and Minsc in BG1. You probably won't miss that much, just that when you fire her, Minsc will leave, too. To get rid of her and still keep Minsc, you could kill her while she's still in the party without reputation loss or you could dismiss her in a building you won't visit ever again, then dash through the door before she can talk to you, depends on how you would feel about that. With a LG or NG char I couldn't do that... and with any non-evil char I would feel horrible about killing a companion to get rid of them (even though with a CN or maybe CG char I MAY be okay with using that building trick).
    That, and depending on who else is in your party... I wasn't too fond of her myself, but last playthrough there were some funny banters between her and Coran. At higher levels she wasn't so bad as a mage anymore.
    And in SoD she can become quite useful. Note that the "canon" characters with whom you ended BG1 will carry over into SoD.

    It's all up to you, depending on what's more important for you: story, RPing according to your alignment, power-gaming or something else.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,973
    Plot-wise, you can build any party you want, and you'll be just fine. None of them, even Imoen, are critical to anything.

    Mechanically, Dynaheir's pretty solid. An invoker is quite good in BG1; Stinking Cloud and Web with the Invoker save improvement are amazing spells, and all those damage spells are harder to save for half against. That includes the wands.

    On lore identification ... you'll get better over time, with more levels. By the end of the game, either Dynaheir or Imoen can identify minor items regularly. Also, you can pick up rings of wizardry that double 1st level spells (one in a hidden container, one from an enemy in the big city).

    Also, NPCs get experience based on your protagonist's when you first recruit them. If I'm not using Garrick in my party, I typically recruit him at 32K XP or more, so he comes in at level 6. Then I just leave him in Beregost, and come back whenever I want to identify a batch of items. Only a few things resist 60 lore.

    If you are intent on dumping Dynaheir, you don't need to permanently kill her. Just find a room you don't need to go back to, send her in alone, and drop her from the party. If she doesn't get the chance to talk to you, she won't bring Minsc with her on the way out.
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