How would you feel if there were a biweekly fanart challenge here on the forums?
I remember back when I used to hang out on Spellhold Studios forums, there used to be a biweekly fanart challenge that I really liked. The whole idea was just to get everyone drawing and excited and having fun, regardless of skill level. Every two weeks a new challenge would come out with a theme and everything. I loved drawing for it and seeing everyone else's drawings. But it just sort of died at the beginning of 2010.
I was wondering. If I tried to start something similar here, would anyone actually participate?
I was wondering. If I tried to start something similar here, would anyone actually participate?
- How would you feel if there were a biweekly fanart challenge here on the forums?46 votes
- I think it's a good idea, and I would participate.28.26%
- I think it's a good idea, but I would not participate.54.35%
- I think it's a bad idea.  0.00%
- I don't care either way.17.39%
Also, uploading pics is easy. Get a photobucket account if you dont already have one. Upload picture to photobucket. Go to image links on the image's page on photobucket, then copypaste the text in the one labeled "HTML code" into your comment here on the forums. It's that simple.
But my art are somekind Trashfull and low-budget and B-category for 100 percents....
Aw, I think it looks pretty cool!
I'm not sure how effective taking a photo of a drawing will be
Photos of drawings are fine! I've seen it done before. Gets a little blurry at times if the camera's not holding still, but its still generally effective enough for people to make out the art~
Have you guys ever heard of "Drawception"? It's basically a telephone game but with pictures. You can set up private games, so we could easily do one among forums members around here.
That totally sounds like funsies~!