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The Guarded Compound

MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
My parties always clean this place out, as it makes a great base of operations until De'Arnise Keep becomes available. However, it occurred to me in this last run that there is no good RP reason do this - that I know of.

I have always considered, based on the NPCs inside, that this is the slaver's base of operations. There is no penalty for taking out everyone in the compound, which lends credence to this, but still. I realized that my PC had to barge in and get belligerent to start that fight.

Is there anything in the game that explains who these people are, or otherwise gives an RP reason why a good-aligned party would take them on? If not, it would be awesome if there was a mod that added a link between this compound and *something* that offered a reasonable excuse for this battle other than "it's fun and rewarding".


  • ThrasymachusThrasymachus Member Posts: 930
    If you have Nalia in your party, you will find a document connecting Isaea Roenall to the slavers (Slums) and the guarded compound (Temple district) while gathering evidence to expose him. It's a pretty subtle, easily missed, connection.
  • MaurvirMaurvir Member Posts: 1,097
    Well wouldn't you know it... all these years, I never saw that. Of course, I have only had Nalia in the party once, and that was enough.

    Thanks, though. I will have to keep that in mind in the future.
  • SharGuidesMyHandSharGuidesMyHand Member Posts: 2,586
    Maurvir wrote: »
    If not, it would be awesome if there was a mod that added a link between this compound and *something* that offered a reasonable excuse for this battle other than "it's fun and rewarding".

    The Fade NPC mod does this, although the explanation/excuse you seek wouldn't come until a later (post-Underdark) chapter.
  • IseweinIsewein Member Posts: 583
    De'Arnise Romance makes the connection more explicit as well, if I recall correctly. It's not necessary to pursue the romance to play this quest component of the mod.
  • ExoAskaExoAska Member Posts: 2
    Hello, does anyone know the author of Fade Npc Mod?
    I looked at Fade's script file and found that I liked this Mod so much that I wanted to translate it
    (104 lines of text have been translated so far)

    I wish I could use it in my game

    (After translating it, I realized that I really like Fade as a character - even if it ruined the immersion of my first game)

    But I am a layman of programs and modders.
    I'm not sure if I can add it to the MOD even if it's translated? How to add it to the MOD?

    Or ask the original MOD author to help me add a translation language.

    I might need some help or even some direction.
    Even if I translate this MOD all day long, I only have about 104 sentences of text in one day (more than 8 hours)...

    However, this MOD has at least more than 7,000 sentences of text.

    (Unfortunately my native language is not English, not even the language supported by the game - Simple Chinese - but Traditional Chinese)

    This is my e-mail address:

    I hope I can find the original author; the original mod's website seems to be no longer functioning (cannot register or comment)

    Any useful suggestions are welcome, thank you all.
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