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Project: getting quickly all maximal dual-classed kits in Black Pits

YigorYigor Member Posts: 825
Difficulty: Insane or LoB
Trainer: Beowulf (dwarven defender, lvl 10, high mastery in axes) who already soloed and completed Black Pits on Insane. ❤️‍?
Goal: quickly test all kits and their dual-classing.

The idea is to play duo with Beowulf and to obtain maximal XP-capped dual-classes for all available human kits. ?

I started with a Berserker of lvl 1 planning to get Berserker/Thief of level 9/11. ☑️
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  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 825
    edited September 2021
    Ok, it was indeed quick (14 battles) in order to get an XP-capped Berserker/Thief of lvl 9/11 (grand mastery in long swords, hide in shadows = 250).

    Now, this Berserker/Thief will be a trainer for a new duo gameplay in order to create a Berserker/Mage of lvl 9/10. ?

  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,981
    edited September 2021
    Cannot reproduce. At least where I am, in my essentially unmodded game, the experience cap in Black Pits 1 varies by class. And for dual classes, it uses the second class' cap. You can't have a berserker 9-thief 11 dual, because that combination is limited to the thief cap of 161K total experience. If you take the fighter half to level 9, the thief half can't gain experience at all.

    Here are the single-class experience caps for Black Pits 1:
    Cleric: 450K.
    Druid: 250K
    Fighter: 500K.
    Mage: 250K.
    Ranger: 600K.
    Thief: 161K.

    Now, as to why you would have a difference ... I have no relevant mods currently installed, and no Siege of Dragonspear. Mac version, through GoG. I wonder how your installation differs, and what's allowing you to do this?
    On additional thought ... I suspect it's Siege of Dragonspear that allows the levels you saw. There are multiple level caps in BGEE; each campaign has a cap (Baldur's Gate = 161000, Black Pits = 600000, Siege of Dragonspear = 500000) and each class has a cap (as above, plus numbers for multiclass combinations). SoD apparently raises those class caps to support its higher overall cap; it would feel wrong if your pure thief couldn't progress at all after starting SoD, while your pure fighter could.
    Post edited by jmerry on
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 825
    jmerry wrote: »
    Cannot reproduce.

    I play on Nintendo Switch (BG1+SoD+BP1). ? It seems that the installation of SoD changes XP cap to the universal 500K for all classes. It is stated explicitly here:

    "With Siege of Dragonspear installed, all classes are capped at 500,000 in The Black Pits." ☑️
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 825
    edited October 2021
    So far, I've builded Berserker/Thief of lvl 9/11 and Berserker/Mage of lvl 9/10 on Insane. ?

    New try: I wanna build Berserker/Cleric on LoB difficulty with the help of imported Berserker/Mage of lvl 9/10. The beginning is relatively easy since Berserker/Mage of maxiamal level is strong enough for Black Pits 1 on LoB! ⚔️
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 825
    Chromatic Orb of level 10 is a nice petrification tool! ?
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 825
    No enough brutal power for Tier 1-4 (9 Ogres) on LoB difficulty. ?

    New try: Dwarven Defender (lvl 10), Berserker/Mage (lvl 9/10) and Berserker/(Cleric) at lvl 1 on LoB. ?
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 825
    edited October 2021
    With my new team, I've finally finished the first Tier (1.1-1.5) + 2.1 on LoB. ?
    Post edited by Yigor on
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 825
    edited October 2021
    Switching again to Insane diff. (LoB is too tedious, new fights require a lot of preparation). ?

    Current trio: Berserker/Mage of lvl 9/10, Berserker/(Cleric) of lvl 7 and Berserker/(Druid) of lvl 1.

    I should buy many new spells for learning by my Berserker/Mage. ?
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,981
    Yes, paying for all those scrolls gets expensive. I've usually gone for the ankheg fight as my main grinding spot. It's just so quick to get through.
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 825
    edited October 2021
    jmerry wrote: »
    Yes, paying for all those scrolls gets expensive. I've usually gone for the ankheg fight as my main grinding spot. It's just so quick to get through.

    Right! ? Near the end, it's also possible to use 3-3 tier fight (Ice Salamanders) as the best grinding spot, it requires only an easily obtainable 100% cold resistance. ❄️
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 825
    Builded dual-class kits:

    Berserker/Thief, lvl 9/11
    Berserker/Mage, lvl 9/1O
    Berserker/Cleric, lvl 8/9
    Berserker/Druid, lvl 9/11.

    Berserker/Mage can use lvl 5 spells (2 slots) while Berserker/Druid can use lvl 6 spells (1 slot). ?
  • YigorYigor Member Posts: 825
    edited November 2021
    Builded dual-class kits:

    Berserker/Thief, lvl 9/11
    Berserker/Mage, lvl 9/10
    Berserker/Cleric, lvl 8/9
    Berserker/Druid, lvl 9/11.

    Wizard Slayer/Thief, lvl 9/11
    Wizard Slayer/Mage, lvl 9/10
    Wizard Slayer/Cleric, lvl 8/9
    Wizard Slayer/Druid, lvl 9/11.

    Kensai/Thief, lvl 9/11
    Kensai/Mage, lvl 9/10

    My Wizard Slayer/Mage has grand mastery in long bows! It's awesome in BP1 (except for the fight with Clay Golems). ?
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