Project: getting quickly all maximal dual-classed kits in Black Pits

Difficulty: Insane or LoB
Trainer: Beowulf (dwarven defender, lvl 10, high mastery in axes) who already soloed and completed Black Pits on Insane. ❤️?
Goal: quickly test all kits and their dual-classing.
The idea is to play duo with Beowulf and to obtain maximal XP-capped dual-classes for all available human kits. ?
I started with a Berserker of lvl 1 planning to get Berserker/Thief of level 9/11. ☑️
Trainer: Beowulf (dwarven defender, lvl 10, high mastery in axes) who already soloed and completed Black Pits on Insane. ❤️?
Goal: quickly test all kits and their dual-classing.
The idea is to play duo with Beowulf and to obtain maximal XP-capped dual-classes for all available human kits. ?
I started with a Berserker of lvl 1 planning to get Berserker/Thief of level 9/11. ☑️
Post edited by Yigor on
Now, this Berserker/Thief will be a trainer for a new duo gameplay in order to create a Berserker/Mage of lvl 9/10. ?
Here are the single-class experience caps for Black Pits 1:
Cleric: 450K.
Druid: 250K
Fighter: 500K.
Mage: 250K.
Ranger: 600K.
Thief: 161K.
Now, as to why you would have a difference ... I have no relevant mods currently installed, and no Siege of Dragonspear. Mac version, through GoG. I wonder how your installation differs, and what's allowing you to do this?
On additional thought ... I suspect it's Siege of Dragonspear that allows the levels you saw. There are multiple level caps in BGEE; each campaign has a cap (Baldur's Gate = 161000, Black Pits = 600000, Siege of Dragonspear = 500000) and each class has a cap (as above, plus numbers for multiclass combinations). SoD apparently raises those class caps to support its higher overall cap; it would feel wrong if your pure thief couldn't progress at all after starting SoD, while your pure fighter could.
I play on Nintendo Switch (BG1+SoD+BP1). ? It seems that the installation of SoD changes XP cap to the universal 500K for all classes. It is stated explicitly here:
"With Siege of Dragonspear installed, all classes are capped at 500,000 in The Black Pits." ☑️
New try: I wanna build Berserker/Cleric on LoB difficulty with the help of imported Berserker/Mage of lvl 9/10. The beginning is relatively easy since Berserker/Mage of maxiamal level is strong enough for Black Pits 1 on LoB! ⚔️
New try: Dwarven Defender (lvl 10), Berserker/Mage (lvl 9/10) and Berserker/(Cleric) at lvl 1 on LoB. ?
Current trio: Berserker/Mage of lvl 9/10, Berserker/(Cleric) of lvl 7 and Berserker/(Druid) of lvl 1.
I should buy many new spells for learning by my Berserker/Mage. ?
Right! ? Near the end, it's also possible to use 3-3 tier fight (Ice Salamanders) as the best grinding spot, it requires only an easily obtainable 100% cold resistance. ❄️
Berserker/Thief, lvl 9/11
Berserker/Mage, lvl 9/1O
Berserker/Cleric, lvl 8/9
Berserker/Druid, lvl 9/11.
Berserker/Mage can use lvl 5 spells (2 slots) while Berserker/Druid can use lvl 6 spells (1 slot). ?
Berserker/Thief, lvl 9/11
Berserker/Mage, lvl 9/10
Berserker/Cleric, lvl 8/9
Berserker/Druid, lvl 9/11.
Wizard Slayer/Thief, lvl 9/11
Wizard Slayer/Mage, lvl 9/10
Wizard Slayer/Cleric, lvl 8/9
Wizard Slayer/Druid, lvl 9/11.
Kensai/Thief, lvl 9/11
Kensai/Mage, lvl 9/10
My Wizard Slayer/Mage has grand mastery in long bows! It's awesome in BP1 (except for the fight with Clay Golems). ?