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Advice on Tweaks and SCS

BruceVCBruceVC Member Posts: 5
Hi All

BG2:ToB was my favorite RPG of all time but I have never played BG1

I purchased BG1 EE on Steam with SOD and initially I installed several mods, like BG1 NPC project, without following the correct mod install order like installing modmerge first. And when I started the game I got the " Invalid " NPC text error in parts of the game

I did some troubleshooting but then just reinstalled the game and the mods I wanted ostensibly in the right order and the game seems stable, Im just in the beginning outside the inn in Candlekeep

But I havent installed SCS or Tweaks Anthology and they seem to add some great functionality. So my question is can I just install them the "normal" way by copying and running the .exe or do I need something additional like DLC Merger which I havent installed

And finally would you recommend them? I use to DM in the TT AD&D and enjoy the mechanics of the ruleset but I want to avoid them breaking my stable new game? It only takes about 1 hour to reinstall the game with my working mods but I want to avoid unnecessary re-installations


  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,973
    Because of the way SoD is handled, you do indeed need DLC Merger (or modmerge) before installing mods on BGEE with SoD. Tweaks Anthology just flat out refuses to install with the following error message:
    DLC Merger is required before mods can be installed on this game. Check the readme for more information and a link to download DLC Merger.

    Both of these mods have lots of components, and thus lots of choice about exactly what to install.
    Tweaks Anthology has many, many independent components. You don't "install Tweaks Anthology". You install some tweaks that you like the look of, and leave the rest out.
    SCS is more of a complete experience; you install the AI stuff, and pick and choose some things around the edges. But there's still a lot of those; some rules tweaks, some "tactical challenge" components that make specific parts of the game harder, and so on.

    There's something to be said for not going too heavy on the mods your first time through. After all, how can you make an informed decision about changing things if you don't know what the baseline is?
  • BruceVCBruceVC Member Posts: 5
    Thanks for the response. I have played most IE games like IWD1, BG2, Planescape and NWN1&2 so when I looked at the readme files for Tweaks and SCS I can more or less understand what functionality they add even though I have never played BG1

    Thats why Im adding mods now for my first play through. I am one of those gamers who believes mods enhance these types of games always

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