Good portraits for a male evil elf fighter/mage?

Could anyone point me in the right direction for some good professional-looking portraits for a male evil fighter/mage CHARNAME (which I intend to use in my first BGEE run-through)? Am having problems finding a good one that would fit in with the standard BG NPC portraits.
Also, quite a few of the portraits I've dowloaded and tried out don't seem to work in BG2 (well, BGT-WEIDU), they either just appear in BG with a "?" symbol, or are just not listed, even though they're in the "Portraits" sub-folder. Does anyone know why that might be? They're all .bmp files. Thanks
Also, quite a few of the portraits I've dowloaded and tried out don't seem to work in BG2 (well, BGT-WEIDU), they either just appear in BG with a "?" symbol, or are just not listed, even though they're in the "Portraits" sub-folder. Does anyone know why that might be? They're all .bmp files. Thanks
Edit: File name should be less than 8 letters long, with an "s" or "L" (for small and large portraits) taking up the last letter of that 8. So evfigmgL.bhp should be a valid name for a "large" portrait.
At this point have the developer's even told us if the portrait feature's have been enhanced as well?
For all we know we may be able to have a litlle bit more depth than 8bit for our protaganist.
Here-----------> wOW did not know that after all these year's thank you for enlightening me.
regardless im wondering if they are going to support higher resolution character portraits.
Maybe even an option to have new re mastered artwork or the original.
Large picture need to be of a size 110x170
Small picture 38x60
Put them all in "Portraits" folder, which should be in your BG folder (if not, create portraits folder), for example:
C:/Games/Baldur's Gate/Portraits
File name should be less than 8 letters long.
I never needed to to this, but many people say, that large picture should have "L" at the end of its name, and small picture "S". For example:
viconiaS (for 38x60)
viconiaL (for 110x170)
I always rather liked the Jude Law one because it's good looking and dark and it really doesn't look too much like Jude Law so I don't associate it with an actor. It's the one I use for my fighter / mage.
Am liking this one:
You also don't have to add L or S at the end of picture names. At least I didn't have to do that.
a) she definitely looks like an elf
b) she has an ambiguous look which could be a fighter, a mage (or even a thief), so suits the multiclass
c) whilst by no means ugly, she's not inappropriately astonishingly beautiful (consider CHARNAME currently has 8 Charsima)
d) she has a bit of an evil look to her, but not over the top
I think the only downside is she looks a little old (in her 30s, if she was a human) to be CHARNAME, but I can live with that.
I think I may use this for BGEE and just miss out on the Viconia romance in BG2EE, female mages just look better generally, and I'm not so keen on how male elves looks, and Dorn could be entertaining to romance!
I got this from this portrait pack: