Dragon Disciple solo play-through - diary of Arwin Hawksong [SPOILERS]

After a long time, returned to the BG series and decided to give a no reload solo challenge another go. Few years back I tried one in a "maybe this time" thread and... you guessed, died (in Bandit Camp).
So, this time do it right, toning the difficulty down a bit (it was on Insane last time). Maybe this time I can finish without dying... we will see.
So, my challenge rules:
1) No reloads. Ever. Obviously.
2) No mods. I play BG1:EE vanilla, on an PC this time.
3) Core Rules difficulty setting. However, as much as I like the challenge, I also like strong characters, so I have set the "Max HP on level up" checkbox on.
4) Solo only. Grabbing another character into party is allowed for literal (RP) purposes, but such character must not be used to interact with anything on purpose and must be rid off at nearest opportunity. This means e.g. I can take Xan into group - would not leave him in the prison - but dismiss him once on surface. Same with Dynaheir - leading her to Nashkel is a right thing to do.
5) No cheese. No selling and re-buying of wands to recharge. No fast leveling on basilisk area. No... you get the idea. Running screaming from the mobs is allowed, though (while throwing knives behind me).
6) RP as much as possible. I admit that the challenge is what I am looking for, and as I know the game, in some cases I will inevitably react to things I know will happen before they happen. Pre-buffing will be done only in situations where it is expected to meet a foe, same with trap preparations.
7) No ShadowKeeper (as much as possible). Planning to do only change to the vanilla game, which is removing XP cap in SoA/ToB. BG1 will be run with a standard environment for sure. As well, I have used autoroller to get a perfect toon (and it ended up much stronger than I have expected).
Now, I have never played a pure caster, so this will be quite a challenge. Never ran the game through without trapper either. In solo challenge games I could always stealth. Looking forward to new experience.
Will start the story background in next post. See you all!
So, this time do it right, toning the difficulty down a bit (it was on Insane last time). Maybe this time I can finish without dying... we will see.
So, my challenge rules:
1) No reloads. Ever. Obviously.
2) No mods. I play BG1:EE vanilla, on an PC this time.
3) Core Rules difficulty setting. However, as much as I like the challenge, I also like strong characters, so I have set the "Max HP on level up" checkbox on.
4) Solo only. Grabbing another character into party is allowed for literal (RP) purposes, but such character must not be used to interact with anything on purpose and must be rid off at nearest opportunity. This means e.g. I can take Xan into group - would not leave him in the prison - but dismiss him once on surface. Same with Dynaheir - leading her to Nashkel is a right thing to do.
5) No cheese. No selling and re-buying of wands to recharge. No fast leveling on basilisk area. No... you get the idea. Running screaming from the mobs is allowed, though (while throwing knives behind me).
6) RP as much as possible. I admit that the challenge is what I am looking for, and as I know the game, in some cases I will inevitably react to things I know will happen before they happen. Pre-buffing will be done only in situations where it is expected to meet a foe, same with trap preparations.
7) No ShadowKeeper (as much as possible). Planning to do only change to the vanilla game, which is removing XP cap in SoA/ToB. BG1 will be run with a standard environment for sure. As well, I have used autoroller to get a perfect toon (and it ended up much stronger than I have expected).
Now, I have never played a pure caster, so this will be quite a challenge. Never ran the game through without trapper either. In solo challenge games I could always stealth. Looking forward to new experience.
Will start the story background in next post. See you all!
OK, something about Arwin first, in terms of game information, and also a background.
I wanted an arcane caster character with some survivability added, which is why I decided for the Dragon Disciple. I know most benefits to a sorcerer are marginal, but I fell in love with the 6+Con HP per level too much, at a cost of sleeping more often. Race was selected as elf (I love elves), which is slightly sub-optimal because of missing regeneration in BG1. The alignment I picked is Lawful Neutral for the Ferret familiar.
Statwise, I have planned to max Strength, Dexterity and Charisma, set Int to 10 (with +1 from tome, it is to absorb 2 hits from Illithid if necessary). I considered 15 Wis minimum for possible Wish spell later on (if I ever get that far), and wanted Constitution of 16 to be able to wear Claw of Kazargoth without HP loss in BG1. That all means I was looking for 96+ character, so I started the auto roller and left it overnight. In the morning I came to a character with 103 total, for this distribution:
As for spells, I went conservative for lvl1 picks to start with - Shield is absolute necessity, Blind is recommended by almost everyone. Other spells must wait for later.
Weapon-proficiency wise, I have opted for dagger. I don't plan to melee if I can help it, which ruled out Quarterstaffs, and from the ranged options the throwing dagger seems wisest choice to start with because of range (better than darts) and rate of fire (better than sling), and as I have just 1 proficiency, it covers also the desperate melee option.
Gorion insisted I have a spellbook... pfff, I prefer casting the spells to having to learn them. He even gave me this book, which I will used for a journal instead. A message got to me he wants me to travel with him tonight - I will rather say farewell to others and ask them if they want something brought back from the voyage.
Someone attacked me in the bunkhouse! Why? I must tell someone!
I told Karan, but he advised me to go telling Gorion. Will do, in due time. Important things first - the farewells.
Said bye to everyone, and stocked up on throwing knives. Got few goodies from different people to take with me - healing potions (I stole one too in hospital), an ornate dagger from Fuller, some scrolls I found in the Inn. Ready to roll, today starts my adventure!
Arwin's diary, page 2
That was terrible night! Someone ambushed us and killed Gorion, and I managed to run off just barely. I must have watched Gorion being outmatched and could do nothing about it. I was hiding up the tree till the morning, and once I went down, I have almost suffered a heart stroke - I believed the attackers found me and will finish me, but it was only Imoen who was sneaking on us. With her, I have decided to return back to Candlekeep and hide there. Imoen objected (she always does), but I have ignored her cries and returned. They refused to let us in, us who has been living there for our whole lives. I started to argue about Imoen at least, but she fled from both the guards and me. Hopefully she will find a way back in, she was always the one who could find secret ways in and out of places. Not sure what I will do, though.
Decided to carefully explore the place of the ambush - maybe I will find some clue there.
In the remains I have found a letter signed "E", which advised Gorion to travel to Friendly Arms Inn and meet someone named Khalid and Jaheira. Gorion mentioned those names, so I will try my luck. I have never been much into traveling the wilderness, so need to proceed with great care.
Metagame: (after Imoen pushed into the party)
Arwin Hawksong, lvl1; 8 hp; Reputation 10.
Alone again. Yesterday afternoon I met a man who said there are two people bit further north. I rejoiced as I thought this may be the Khalid guy coming to meet us mid way, but obviously it wasn't. I was looking for any help, so I agreed to join the two people, man named Xzar and his halfling companion, Montaron. They offered to help me and mentioned some problems down south on Amnish borders they want to investigate, and I thought it may actually be nice traveling with someone else, so I accepted, but at that moment they started to talk more and more freely and I was disgusted by the evil things they considered normal! It took me some effort to get rid of them - I don't wish them anything wrong, but I am definitely better on my own then in their company.
Later today I met another strange traveler, who pointed me in the direction of Friendly Arms Inn. The name means promising. Soon after I found a gibberling carrying a shiny ring, who attacked me, and I had to kill it. Poor creature. Further away I ran into an ogre who started to yell something about Gorions belt and chased me, and again, forced me to kill it (him? her? not sure). There were two more sashes in the Ogre's possessions, and I really liked the thin one, so I took it. It must be magical as it fits me too.
Am I cursed or what? I have entered the Friendly Arms Inn fort, started for the door, and a man stepped close, said few words and tried to kill me! He was a mage, and seemed to be surprised I can cast too. Good thing was the guards around stepped in and helped me to protect myself (I was only able to cast Shield on myself), but why are people doing this to me? On his body, I have found a bounty notice, so it seems that someone wants me dead. But why? WHY?
Arwin's diary, page 4
In the morning there was no sight of them in the main room, so I decided to give a shot to some local exploration. A woman has asked me to get her a ring from hobgoblins, which I was able to do. I have also found a ring of my own while sitting for a short rest, thinking. I looked back into the common room, but still no sign of the pair. I was anyway decided to give Beregost a try on my own.
Got nice invitation in Beregost, and decided to do a bit of spending the money I have. Entered the best inn here, only to be insulted by a drunk local guy. In the end we came to a calm solution, but I have rather left for another place not to reopen his soul wounds. I have caught a glimpse of Firebead Elvenhair, and did an errand for him, prior to falling in to a pub on the main square.
It's still good light, and I was just asked by a halfling thief Zhurlong to get him a pair of boots he was robbed off by hobgoblins south of the city. I should be back soon.
Metagame: (leaving Beregost to south)
Arwin Hawksong, lvl2; 16 hp; Reputation 12.
important items gained: Ring of Wizardry, Ring of the Princes, Girdle of Piercing, Scroll Case
It took me longer then expected, south of Beregost starts to be a real wilderness, and I have to admit I got lost there a bit. While searching for the boots, I got too far south, finding a small hobgoblin encampment - no boots there but a murdered young family was near. I have returned bit more north and encountered a pair of ogrillons. I got the boots Zhurlong mentioned in the end, discovered a secret cave with a stash of healing potions and obtained a letter from the ogrillons which should be delivered to Mirianne in Beregost. However, I am running out of throwing daggers so I need to return back to Beregost to restock.
Arwin's diary, page 6
On the road again. I decided to check the closest inn to the Thunderhammer's and literally ran into another assassin. I was forced to flee the inn and he was chasing me through whole Beregost before I managed to stop him. He had another bounty notice on his body - someone really wants me dead. I can't imagine why would someone do that, and who could that be. Anyway, I spent a night in the inn, woke up early morning, stopped at Thunerhammer's as they opened and stocked up and moved south. Nashkel it will be, or maybe even Amn - the one going after me must cease to attack me for sure then.
Metagame: (leaving Beregost for Nashkel)
Arwin Hawksong, lvl2; 16 hp; Reputation 13
Now I start being really angry. Came to Nashkel, entered the inn and got attacked AGAIN! I didn't want to cause any fuss in the main room, so I exited to the street, and few people helped me fight the assassin there - a guard, and some kind of a monk. We have had a chat after - interesting guy, though I am not sure I would be able to keep up his strict standards.
I have decided to check on the mines situation, and a tracker in the area told me about the Prism guy working nearby - it is the one who stole the emeralds. I have approached him to return the gems, but he is obviously mad, so I have decided to play his game for a bit. Then a bounty hunter arrived and things got hairy quick - luckily when he attacked me I was able to control him using my spells. Somewhere in the process of eliminating the bounty hunter (now could Oublek mistaken me for him?) Prism died, so I have grabbed the emeralds and returned to Nashkel to get a night's rest.
Arwin's diary, page 8
Bad dreams overcame me. I can feel something growing inside, a power I have never imagined. I do not understand it.
Metagame: (leaving Nashkel towards Beregost and Baldur's Gate)
Arwin Hawksong, lvl3; 24 hp; Reputation 15
Abilities gained: Cure Light Wounds
important items gained: none
I am tired. The way was harsher than I expected, I am not sure I can make one more step further. "Walking" off roads is not as pleasant as I thought - next time I will try to use roads, but once someone is around, hide in the undergrowth. It should work the same.
I started off the road closer to the coast. Just north (and still fairly close to Nashkel) three individuals tried to rob me of my gold... well, they will not try the same with anybody else. Maybe they were in a league with four half-ogres camped nearby, maybe not, but the ogres started for me as well. They will not threaten anybody either.
The power I spoke about scares me. Almost as north as Beregost, I encountered a wolf. All of a sudden a fire burst of my mouth, leaving large portion of scorched earth and the wolf fleeing. It is hard to concentrate now, in fears this might happen again when there are people around. I have to learn controlling the power, or get rid of it.
The wolf I wrote about was obviously chasing a chicken... a talking chicken. It turned out that the chicken is poly-morphed mage apprentice who wants de-poly-morphed. I promised to bring him back to his master in High Hedge, so that is where I am going now.
In High Hedge I have delivered Melicamp (which is the apprentices name, by the way) to master Thalantyr. Seems like Melicamp stole some artifact off his master, but master Thalantyr was generous enough to oversee it and help Melicamp back to human form. I have delivered the components and master Thalantyr reversed the polymorph - unfortunately the spell seemed to fail. Maybe he would be better in a chicken form, but it is a vain question now. Master Thalantyr suggested he will take care of the body, and I do not think he has burial in mind (given the fact he created flesh golems and maybe the undead roaming the wilderness around his home as well). I was then able to check out on master Thalantyr's possessions myself, and I have to say I will return here again in the future with more money. Some of the things are fabulous!
Metagame: (Beregost)
Arwin Hawksong, lvl4; 32 hp; Reputation 16
Abilities gained: Dragon Breath
important items gained: Potion Rack, Robe of Fire resistance
The spiders were monstrous! I was disgusted as well as impressed. The encounter didn't go that well, after the initial burnout the spiders chased me throughout Beregost in anger, but I managed to get rid of them. I took up the proof and some items Landrin wanted and set on journey towards Friendly Arms Inn.
Tired again. I don't like walking - I must get a horse. Landrin liked the items and rewarded me handsomely. Tomorrow, I will be at Baldur's Gate.
Arwin's diary, page 11
What a disappointment. I have continued north, only to stop for a lunch on a farm, and helped farmer in retrieving the body of his son from ankhegs. Some fishermen by the river asked for teaching a witch a lesson, but it turned out both sides were to blame for something. I have pulled the most I could from the situation. But, the biggest problem is Baldur's Gate - it is closed. They do not let me across the bridge, and I do not have the stomach to swim over Chionthar. Making a temporary camp in witch's house, I am thinking of the next steps to do.
Metagame: (Chionthar Bridge)
Arwin Hawksong, lvl4; 32 hp; Reputation 16
I have tried to cross the river for a few more hours, but without success. There are no boats on the river? But whatever, seems like assassins lost track of me. Will make it to Beregost again and see what is there for me.
Obviously I am not the only one in troubles. I met a woman who is hunted by some Red Wizards for her talent for magic. Could it be my case as well? I doubt it, those who attacked me tried to kill me rather than capture. Anyway I have dispatched the group going after Neera before we parted ways again. I do not think it would be wise to keep her around, though I do not wish anything bad to her.
Arwin's diary, page 13
I am exhausted. While traveling south, a group of people tried to question me. Their leader called me "barbarian" and "berserk" in one sentence... me who grew up amongst books in Candlekeep. It somehow boiled in me and I have proven her right, though one of her companions followed me around and almost killed me with his arrows. During that we ran into another two cretins who joined the hunt. When I was done with all, I was without spells so wanted to just take a nap - and met a small boy looking for his doggie. I was able to locate the dog, but when the two rejoined, the boy polymorphed to a demon and opened a gate to Nine Hells. I am still shaking, hiding is undergrowth trying to get some sleep.
Night was uneventful so I decided to continue - bit more to west not to draw attention of possible guards. I have met some weirdos today trying to fell a tree of a nymph (so I stopped them - not that I would care for the tree itself, but they could fell any other tree without a nymph and refused) and a small girl missing her cat. The cat was dead, but when I returned the body the girl mentioned her father will raise her again. AGAIN? What is wrong with people nowadays?
A gnoll mentioned a prisoner ready to be eaten in a stronghold on the shore. Time to play the good guy!
Arwin's diary, page 14
I am back in Nashkel, and alone again. Everything went fairly easy in the stronghold - I have used invisibility to scout the area for the prisoner. At first I was only seeing Xvarts and their pet Carrion Crawlers, but in one of their lockboxes I have eventually found a precious tome. I have identified it as a Tome of Leadership and Influence and read it in one go. I feel the knowledge has enlightened me.
Metagame: (Nashkel)
Arwin Hawksong, lvl5; 40 hp; Reputation 19
Abilities gained: Constitution+1 (DD), Charisma +1 (Tome)
important items gained: Tome of Leadership, Gem Bag
I have got an idea - maybe if it is not possible to get to Baldur's Gate over the Chionthar, I may be able flag down a ship sailing there. There should be an old lighthouse just south of Candlekeep that could be suitable for the task.
Two days later I have to say the idea was stupid. The lighthouse is not old, it is abandoned - there were even worgs living in it. I have presumably rescued a child trapped there (though I have never seen him) and got a small reward for that. As well, I have met two ladies not far away - one lunatic that could see things, the other one a burglar of sorts. She has started rambling about a treasure hidden in a cave nearby, but obviously lacks skills to get it. Well, I got curious so decided to check it, but ran into bunch of sirines which almost killed me. They have planted an idea on me that I could possibly sneak up into the cave to see the treasure, which I have eventually did using an Invisibility spell. There were flesh golems there and some traps, but my elven heritage protected me against those and I avoided the golems as much as I could. The treasure was eventually found and I had taken it into my custody. Another rare book hidden inside! I managed to escape and didn't sleep whole night to be able to read it. I feel... healthier now.
Arwin's diary, page 16
Back to civilization... decided to check on Beregost, to stay there for a while, gather some information and maybe even shop a bit (I now have a hefty sum of gold and I might be able to purchase an item or two from Thalantyr in High Hedge). On my way there, near the place I found Melicamp the chicken, I ran into a bunch of zombies with a priest in their midst. I have kept my wits and forced him to dismiss his zombies and skeletons, but he eventually saw through my answers and we have made battle. He is dead now. After returning to Beregost, someone mentioned I should go announce his death to the temple which I did, and that brought me a hefty sum of 5000 gold pieces. Time for some shopping, tomorrow.
Metagame: (Beregost)
Arwin Hawksong, lvl5; 40 hp; Reputation 20