What is your favorite race for a fighter/thief?

The way I view it, you play a fighter/thief as either primarily a fighter with some thief abilities or as your main thief with decent THAC0/AC.
What is your favorite way of playing this class?
Post edited by gregorsamsa on
At a certain point, having all thief skills above 100 is a bit unnecessary especially when you can just cheese it by stacking potions of master thievery to open a certain lock or pick a certain pocket.
And has more room for manoeuvre….
An excellent fighter but a terrible thief
If I'm running a fighter/thief in a party without a good paladin, Carsomyr might be somewhere in the bag of specialty weapons to use when the situation calls for it. Without proficiency. That's as much respect as I'll give it.
For a multiclass fighter/thief, I'll build for tactical flexibility. Ranged damage-dealing, melee tanking, or sneaky melee skirmishing are all achievable with just slight equipment shuffles. My fighter/thief duals tend to be much more focused on backstabbing specifically, because that synergizes so well with the grand mastery damage bonus.
I've done a full run with a multiclass fighter/thief protagonist, as well as several older runs with fighter-thief duals. That was my "Wee Cant Spell" run in which all arcane and divine spellcasting was forbidden for the party. I went with a halfling for it; it takes a very long time to reach a permanent 19 strength, but potions can tide you over and the early skill boosts for being a 19 Dex halfling are fantastic. Weapon proficiency choices for her: start with scimitar and dagger specializations, add dual-wielding specialization by fighter level 6. Then in BG2, the next two proficiency points (levels 9 and 12) go to katanas. Level 15 and 18 are staves, 21 is two-weapon mastery, and 24 is two-handed proficiency.
I dont see the point of this class even, actually.
Great answer, also you can put a helmet which is nothing to sneeze at
I used to have a halfling F/T in our AD&D tabletop back in the day that was such a blast to play. I usually played magic users, so this guy was such a breath of fresh air and a reincarnation of a halfling I played in Basic even earlier. This thread is motivating me to build his next version, maybe with short swords and crossbows this time.
Anyway, that was many, many moons ago indeed...
the reason why i do things like this is for the lewlz, i've had 1000s and 1000s of play throughs over the 20+ years that i have played this game and now when i play the bg series, im not looking for optimal teams, im not looking for the best fit for said player/ teammate
i play "just for the lols" teams, i do things for spite or because i can, many times i will do themed type things, other times i will have play throughs that are not optimal what so ever just because
at this point in time, i dont even play for story any more, sometimes i just come up with an idea and think to myself "what will this look like by the end?" and then i will do that play through, like the one i had where i had an evil team, and i made myself a kensai18/thief char who wielded carsomyr as well, and why did i do that? the same reason why i do every play through now;
for the lewlz
You can do some crazy stuff in rping, this is why this game is so cool and ages fine.
You can do rp as bilbo, halfling with short sword. Pretend when you stealth you have the One Ring,
You can rp as immigrant, half orc and max daggers. Demand reparations in suldanesselar.
You can rp as spider man and shoot webs. Pretend Imoen is aunt May.
Sky is the limit