No, nwhak is the hak editor, which is in the same folder as the game and toolset .exe files.
nwhak lets you add, export and delete files from .hak, .erf, .mod and .sav, which are all erf-format containers.
Many of the files which you can export are in .gff format, e.g. areas, templates. GFFEditor allows you to edit those files once exported from the container. This gives you access to fields that aren't visible in the toolset.
@Proleric Ah I see, Thank you! Sorry, start up builder here, can't really even call myself a builder yet lol. I found it now, nwhak. In my case it was in NeverwinterNights/bin/win32/.
nwhak lets you add, export and delete files from .hak, .erf, .mod and .sav, which are all erf-format containers.
Many of the files which you can export are in .gff format, e.g. areas, templates. GFFEditor allows you to edit those files once exported from the container. This gives you access to fields that aren't visible in the toolset.