Thalantyr Item Upgrade [BG:EE, EET]

in BG:EE Mods
After fixing the dialogue bug from v2.5 I think it's time now this mod gets it's own thread here.
What this mod does is very simple: it lets Thalantyr upgrade a few items for the player for a bunch of gems and gold, sometimes scrolls as well. It's in the spirit of Item Upgrade, just for BG1.
Note that I'm not the original author of this mod, just the current maintainer.
In the future I might make content modifications to the items this mod adds in case the user has IR installed, since some of the upgrades don't really go well with the base items IR changes.
The newest updates for it can always be found here.
Please report any issues you have with this mod in this thread.
What this mod does is very simple: it lets Thalantyr upgrade a few items for the player for a bunch of gems and gold, sometimes scrolls as well. It's in the spirit of Item Upgrade, just for BG1.
Note that I'm not the original author of this mod, just the current maintainer.
In the future I might make content modifications to the items this mod adds in case the user has IR installed, since some of the upgrades don't really go well with the base items IR changes.
The newest updates for it can always be found here.
Please report any issues you have with this mod in this thread.
Thalantyr item upgrade is a favourite of mine - much appreciated.
One thing is sure: the Cloak of Balduran can be equipped with other magical gear while the Improved one can't what makes it a little worse than the original one.
I'm not sure whether the original author intended for this to be this way or not, so I've never touched it. I might make it behave differently according to what mods the user has installed or add an option for it, but that'll have to wait.
The work I've done on this mod is minimal; I've merely enabled it to function on BG:EE, all else I've not touched. Originally, due to lack of interest, in the present, due to lack of time. If anything, all changes I'll make to this mod will only install according to what mods the user has already installed, to match the balance the user's game has.
"I found a mod-breaking conflict that I think is due to the v2.5 changes -- fortunately the solution is extremely simple. It may be due to some other mod in my install that affects NPC dialogue, but the issue is new in the last 2 years.
Currently, Thalantyr's dialogue tree only gives you the "Rumors? Bah! There's no mage here that wishes to speak or be spoken of ... " state once. It used to appear every time you talk to Thalantyr. Thalantyr's Item Upgrade places its functionality within the "Rumors?" dialogue tree. The effect is that you get to ask Thal about making magic items exactly once, and never again.
Now, the "Rumors?" dialogue tree has a trigger that RumorTalkThalan=0. Once it triggers, it then creates the action:
And you never see it again.
Until the mod is updated, you can go into THALAN.dlg using Near Infinity and change two Actions (6 and 18 in my install) to:
That fixes it, but ensures that you get to play Thalantyr's coy little game every time you talk to him once more"
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
~THALAN/THALAN.TP2~ #6 #0 // Thalantyr - Item Upgrade: v4.2.4
Like Lightbringer23 said, dialogue option appears in the dialogue tree under "rumors", which disappear after first talk. Can't find THALAN.dlg file, only THANAL.d but there is no "RumorTalkThalan". "Global("RumorTalkThalan","GLOBAL",1" appears only in thalan.tp2 file, but changing it for 0 doesn't change anything.
EDIT: Ok, i have found out what Lightbriger meant. After installing this mod, you have to go to the override folder, find thalan.dlg file, open it with notepad and change "SetGlobal("RumorTalkThalan","GLOBAL",1)" to "SetGlobal("RumorTalkThalan","GLOBAL",0)" (there should be 2 lines like that). After saving changes, "Rumors" branch will appear everytime you talk with Thalantyr.
You shouldn't be seeing it any longer under v4.2.5, but if the issue persists I'm not so sure what to do about it anymore.
No. After the bug with the dialog was fixed I'm not willing to touch Thalantyr's dialogue anymore out of fear of anything related to it breaking ever again. Also I'm not particularly interested in changing vanilla behavior so that it works in the same way the EE does, because we all know how much things that can potentially break.
I am well aware, that the main character isn’t there. But perhaps it could be a Orrick or Oswald upgrade mod?
Most of the recipes would work I’d reckon since most of the ingredients are in the in game files (perhaps the daggers being the exception).
Some items present in the i game files may not have found its way into the game (Elves Bane would be one and perhaps the berserker sword and the bracers of armour (ac 7)). But placing them in the inventory would easily solve that problem and it wouldn’t break the game either.
Would this be viable? And is my assumption, that this could be done with relative ease completely false? And could this be done with the authors acceptance?
If so I could make this mod within 10 years (I have to get the free time and learn Weidu first), but if it’s manageable I will make it. And if any would pick up the idea, feel free to make it.
When I check with EEKeeper I don't see any of the new items mentioned from the readme and when talking to him there's a broken dialogue option of Archer's Eyes, whicha after clicking gives me some statistics but then no further options or ways to exit the dialogue. So I installed it again and deleted it again. Same as before, Archer's Eyes dialogue option and then the stats broken dialogue.
edit: Also I assumed it would make no difference, but I have the gog version of BG1SoD
// Log of Currently Installed WeiDU Mods
// The top of the file is the 'oldest' mod
// ~TP2_File~ #language_number #component_number // [Subcomponent Name -> ] Component Name [ : Version]
// Recently Uninstalled: ~THALAN/THALAN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Thalantyr - Item Upgrade: v4.2.5
~THALAN/THALAN.TP2~ #0 #0 // Thalantyr - Item Upgrade: v4.2.5
Edit: Apparently it was a SoD issue, don't wanna say it was easier back in the days but now you apparently require the DLC merger.
The girdle gives +3 to AC, +1 STR, and regeneration (1hp/6 seconds) when equipped, so healing potions and spells are practically obsolete.
The Dagger is now +3, gives +1 APR, slows victim on failed save for 15 seconds, and poisons when save fails. In BGEE, this is only 1 step below Artemis Enteri's game ending weapon when you mess around with the Shadow Thieves in the Docks District.
If I could suggest;
Rework the Girdle for +2 AC bonus, and eliminate either the STR bonus, or regen;
Nerf the Dagger by eliminating the bonus APR and the slow.
I understand the proposal and would partially agree (I love the OP stuff on the other hand).
The original author of the mod is not active any more. I have actually tried reached out to him on the e-mail about a year ago - but didn’t get any response.
CrevsDaak has been so kind to curate the mod and make it playable in the EE. He is still somewhat active in these forums, but I don’t think he has the permission (or would give himself the permission) to change anything.
Thanks for the reply.
The IP rights of abandoned mods is an interesting study. @CrevsDaak
I've mentioned several times wanting to not only change around some items, but adding a few others multiple times, but I've never actually done anything related to that, and its already been a few years that I've not touched anything IE modding related, so I don't know if I should even continue saying "Soon™".
This aside, I don't think I would want to change anything, as I am not aware of what the original author would've liked. Its not an issue of rights nor anything like—it just doesn't sit right with me. So at most what I'd do is add a patch you'd have to download separately, or something like that. But it's still on my IE modding list, the thing is, I haven't done anything in that list in a couple of years now. We'll see, since I've been wanting to mod and play some Baldur's lately.
How 2.6 compatible is this mod?
No clue. Haven't looked at the 2.6 changes and I haven't played at all on 2.6 either. I'd assume it should still work unless they changed something specifically related to either Thalantyr's dialogue again, or how item mechanics work, which I greatly doubt they would change.
As of EET 13, k4thos removed official support for most mods to be installed pre-EET's installation, and, thus, support for Thalantyr Item Upgrade to be installed before EET has been removed. Talk with k4thos as prudent to ensure all your mods work correctly with the newest EET.
Again, that not what you think it means. And Thalantyr can be already installed natively on EET.
@Raduziel What do you mean by bad interaction with Rogue Rebalancing related to the Sword of Backstabbing ?
My interrogation concerns the install order. Should i preferably install Thalantyr Item Upgrade before Rogue Rebalancing ?
Raduziel is no longer on this forum - he hangs around on Gibberlings 3.
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