Help with secret locked door in the quest of the unseen cult
Hiya, I'm really stuck on bg2ee quest of the unseen cult. I just got the wind part of the rod and beat the big beholder, the stair on the way there are out so I have to take this passage to a locked door that's looked by a simple spell, now I can not get that door unlocked, I've seen youtubers just walkand open it, i have every item there so It shouldn't need a key, if it does, where do I get it. Pleashelp.
If it truly does not open, you can trying clearing your cache or enable cheat keys and use ctrl-j to move your party members to other side.
This does take two stages; the trigger script sets a variable, and then the area script actually opens the door. So if something messes up the beginning of the area script like a block that runs repeatedly and preempts the rest of the script, that could break the mechanism.
The trigger region is a fairly narrow strip, which is not right up against the door. If you're moving too fast, missing the trigger is also a possibility.
Which leaves the area script as my prime suspect. Have you installed any mods that might have altered that? (AR0202.BCS would show up in the "override" folder if that was the issue)