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Help with secret locked door in the quest of the unseen cult

Hiya, I'm really stuck on bg2ee quest of the unseen cult. I just got the wind part of the rod and beat the big beholder, the stair on the way there are out so I have to take this passage to a locked door that's looked by a simple spell, now I can not get that door unlocked, I've seen youtubers just walkand open it, i have every item there so It shouldn't need a key, if it does, where do I get it. Pleashelp.


  • Durmir46Durmir46 Member Posts: 110
    Do you have both parts of the rod or only one?
  • BorekBorek Member Posts: 513
    Assuming you have completed the quest (got the rod and killed the Eye) the door will open after a second or 2, you should just need to move up to it.
  • PhycoantoPhycoanto Member Posts: 72
    I have both parts yes but I've been sitting here trying to open it for 5 mins. Must be a glitch then if you say it should just open
  • BorekBorek Member Posts: 513
    Phycoanto said:

    I have both parts yes but I've been sitting here trying to open it for 5 mins. Must be a glitch then if you say it should just open

    Yeah it's always opened for me, but because it's the "back door" they coded it to be unpickable/immune to knock to prevent people bypassing parts of the quest to get right to the Eye. As i said it's supposed to just open once you appear, usually takes a second or 2 for me. If it's not working then try saving in the main Lair, then rebooting and seeing if that fixes it. Sounds like a script isn't firing, but i don't know what command to use to fix it if the reboot doesn't work.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Normally you just stand near it and it opens, you don’t even have to click it.

    If it truly does not open, you can trying clearing your cache or enable cheat keys and use ctrl-j to move your party members to other side.
  • PhycoantoPhycoanto Member Posts: 72
    I was thinking that. Is the cheats same with the baldur.Lauas it is in bg1?
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    edited August 2018
    Can you have "both" parts? Surely as soon as you find the second part it fuses with the first part so that you can use it kill the beholder (which only appears when the two parts are formed into one), then the door opens.
  • PhycoantoPhycoanto Member Posts: 72
    Oh i never used th rod to kill the beholder, i just killed it normally.
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Haha. Good luck leaving the sewers :)
  • PhycoantoPhycoanto Member Posts: 72
    O oooh dam lol don't worry, I've restarted and I'll do things a different way.
  • PhycoantoPhycoanto Member Posts: 72
    Good thing about bg is that there are different paths you can take to playthrough
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    It’s not the fact that you didn’t use the rod that is stopping the door from opening, those are independent and you are allowed to kill the Unseeing Eye normally. But you should read the rod’s description before leaving this quest :)
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    I agree it's not the fact of not having used it, but it may be not having assembled it. I might be dreaming, but I seem to remember that you need to put it in the same inventory to cause it to self-assemble. If that's the case and different characters are carrying the different bits that may be why the door is not opening.
  • dunbardunbar Member Posts: 1,603
    I think it appears assembled in charname's inventory irrespective of which party member has the first half in their inventory or which party member finds the second half.
  • PhycoantoPhycoanto Member Posts: 72
    I see it said i must equip it quickly what i never did. Oh well. Still love the game. :)
  • Jaheiras_WitnessJaheiras_Witness Member Posts: 614
    Read the item description itself. The bit that starts "The Avatar asked..." ;)
  • PhycoantoPhycoanto Member Posts: 72
    Hey all, im back at this point, i equiped the rod and used it to kill the big beholder and the door has opened. Yee.
  • eldaddioeldaddio Member Posts: 4
    Is there any more help for this? I am playing on a Chromebook with no issues until now. I collected both pieces of the rift device, used the single charge to help kill the beholder, and looted the amulet off the corpse. The rift device is in my backpack with no charges. I stand by the locked exit and it won’t open. Only issue I notice is that the journal didn’t update for killing the beholder. No idea what to do except revert to an old save and never go anywhere near this awful quest again.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    The door is scripted to open when you enter its trigger, in the flat segment between the stairs and the door. There are no other conditions; it doesn't matter whether you've killed the boss yet.
    This does take two stages; the trigger script sets a variable, and then the area script actually opens the door. So if something messes up the beginning of the area script like a block that runs repeatedly and preempts the rest of the script, that could break the mechanism.

    The trigger region is a fairly narrow strip, which is not right up against the door. If you're moving too fast, missing the trigger is also a possibility.
  • eldaddioeldaddio Member Posts: 4
    Thanks for your help I appreciate it! I will keep trying in case I am missing the trigger. I definitely don’t want to lose all the experience and loot from this area if possible. With the crowd from my party there doesn’t seem to be much room to move around to try different spots and I frequently go up and down the stairs instead. Hopefully my screen captures show this: hplz6djm9e2l.png
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    The trigger region is in the upper area, and you should have someone standing on it in the first pic.

    Which leaves the area script as my prime suspect. Have you installed any mods that might have altered that? (AR0202.BCS would show up in the "override" folder if that was the issue)
  • eldaddioeldaddio Member Posts: 4
    I have been trying to move around in hopes that I will hit the trigger area will no success. I purchased and downloaded the game from Google Play and have not made any mods. I am playing on a Chromebook and am not sure where to look for the folder you mention or how to go about making a mod. I am also playing from a previous save between tries at the door. The save was not that recent unfortunately so working my way back to this quest and plan to try it again only avoiding battles with haste, invisibility etc making for the door as quickly as possible to see if it will open. Thanks again for your help!
  • eldaddioeldaddio Member Posts: 4
    As an update I successfully made it through this quest. I reloaded from a previous save and worked my way to the door as quickly as possible and before obtaining the second part of the rift device and taking on the eyeless one. Thankfully the door opened this time as soon as I walked up to it. After opening the door I went back in the area and finished the quest without any problems, except for the difficult battles which definitely caused me problems.
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