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[MOD] Voices Voices Extravaganza - AI dialog voiceovers

MoonySolariMoonySolari Member Posts: 20
edited October 2024 in BG:EE Mods
Voices Voices Extravaganza - Baldur's Gate


Adds AI-generated English voiceovers for all characters from Baldur's Gate 1, including the base game and Tales of the Sword Coast. Does not include The Black Pits, the Tutorial, or Siege of Dragonspear.

Check out a demo of this mod on YouTube!


This mod is designed to work with Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition (BGEE), or Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET). When installing the mod on EET, you may install it before or after EET_End.

This mod will work when installed in the middle of a playthrough.

Compatibility with legacy BG1 + TOTSC is also supported. However, some lines differ between the enhanced edition and the legacy edition. These lines will be voiced according to the enhanced edition version.

Compatibility with TUTU, BGT, or TUTU TOTSC is unknown. You're welcome to try it and report back.

Compatibility with other mods is not guaranteed, but in theory it should not conflict with other mods.


Download from Nexus Mods
Download from Github


- Thanks to Reddit user GIMemo for testing the mod in its early stage and providing feedback.
- Thanks to NexusMods user robovoiddev for suggesting the conversion to ogg format.
Post edited by MoonySolari on


  • cddscdds Member Posts: 55
    Wow, judging by the youtube demo this is very impressive, AI voicing really seems to have come a long way. Do you plan to do the rest of the series (SoD, BG2, ToB) as well?
  • MoonySolariMoonySolari Member Posts: 20
    cdds wrote: »
    Wow, judging by the youtube demo this is very impressive, AI voicing really seems to have come a long way. Do you plan to do the rest of the series (SoD, BG2, ToB) as well?

    Yeah, I'm really happy with how far AI voicing has come. The rest of the series is planned, though I'd like to get the community's feedback on this first.
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 148
    Wow, this is game changing to me as were portraits portraits everywhere. Deeper immersion into the game. I'm sure some things will be to emotionless but as is by the video I enjoyed it. Will test it this weekend for sure.
  • megrimlockmegrimlock Member Posts: 66
    This is really great. Khalid seems a bit off, but Jaheira is pretty good, and Koveras is so on point that it's a massive spoiler! I also like that the game's narrator reads the non-quoted parts.
  • MoonySolariMoonySolari Member Posts: 20
    megrimlock wrote: »
    This is really great. Khalid seems a bit off, but Jaheira is pretty good, and Koveras is so on point that it's a massive spoiler! I also like that the game's narrator reads the non-quoted parts.

    LoL I'm actually not worried it's going to be a spoiler. He only appeared once 5 chapters ago and didn't have many lines, so I don't think new players will remember his voice.
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 148
    About the spoiler part... I think that anyone who installed mods and is playing a game from 26 years ago really doesn't have to worry about spoilers for original game. :smiley:
  • barker262barker262 Member Posts: 83
    Wait Duron, are you saying Koveras is someone other than he says he is?
    Been playing since 1999, shocked.
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 148
    GASP! Don't you dare spoil it! It is on par with Who Darth Revan was! :smiley:
  • ivavlakulivavlakul Member Posts: 41
    May I just say THIS MOD IS ASTOUNDING. Even known voices are truly well done. Would be great to learn more of the technical pipeline used to make this wonder.
  • SourSour Member Posts: 133
    Any chance a stand alone option could be made to add voice lines in the original style of the BG games for Jahiera's missing VA in SOD?
  • MoonySolariMoonySolari Member Posts: 20
    Sour wrote: »
    Any chance a stand alone option could be made to add voice lines in the original style of the BG games for Jahiera's missing VA in SOD?

    What does "in the original style" mean? I can add an option for Jaheira, such that you can choose between having everyone completely voiced or only having Jaheria's dialogs completely voiced.
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 148
    Think he means how Jaheira is not voiced in SOD as they used different voice actress and as it didn't sound as good as they wanted they removed her voice lines. So he asks if you could add Jeheira lines with AI original stile voice unlike the one that is hidden in the code of the new voice actress
  • SourSour Member Posts: 133
    Yes Duron is correct. The original voice actress was unable to be contacted so none of her lines have voice acting. Usually the first line of a conversation is voice acted but she is mute the entire game of SOD. It would be a nice touch to make a mini mod that voices the first line of her conversations so that she fits in with the rest of the characters who's voice actors returned for SOD.
  • MoonySolariMoonySolari Member Posts: 20
    I see. I'll consider that after I complete the main SOD counterpart to this, depending on how many lines need to be edited, since I'll need to edit Jaheira's every dialog and cut out everything except the first line.
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 148
    BTW, can I ask, how long did it take you to use AI for entire BG1 game? Cause this looks like an insanely long process.
  • MoonySolariMoonySolari Member Posts: 20
    Duron wrote: »
    BTW, can I ask, how long did it take you to use AI for entire BG1 game? Cause this looks like an insanely long process.

    Several months. Yeah I agree it's a long process, especially when it keeps mispronouncing Gorion, Amn, and all kinds of stuff.
  • DuronDuron Member Posts: 148
    Yeah, I was wondering about that. I presume you used a program to copy the text and have AI pronounce it using a voice (existing or non existing till then). But couldn't you use it to just repeat something that you read and have it use a voice? Like have a human to say the words and have AI to repeat it. In situations with not easy to pronounce sentances that have City names or state names like Tethyr or Amn.
    I mean I am wondering as I personally don't know which or how the AI programs for voices work.
  • MoonySolariMoonySolari Member Posts: 20
    Yeah I can use an AI voice changer in the way you described, but that means I need to voice the lines myself which is a lot of work. Still I might consider it in the future if the current workflow fails to deliver some lines.

    For pronunciations, behold pronounce_fix.json:
    "Abela": "A'bela",
    "Aec'Letec": "Aeck'letick",
    "Amn": "Aamn",
    "Calimshan": "'CaLimshan",
    "Cyric": "Seerick",
    "Dynaheir": "Dynahair",
    "Golodon": "'Go-lodon",
    "Gorion": "Go'raion",
    Most of the times this works with some tuning.
  • ZansoZanso Member Posts: 139
    This sounds absolutely amazing! Would be even more so if it was combined with BG1 NPC Project :)
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 185
    Great Mod! Tried it for BG1. It seems pretty impressive what you've done and the amount of work you put into this.
    The one thing I found a bit odd though is, that the audio files are still playing untill their end, even if you interrupt a talk. Is there a way to change that?
  • MoonySolariMoonySolari Member Posts: 20
    Kensei_xXx wrote: »
    Great Mod! Tried it for BG1. It seems pretty impressive what you've done and the amount of work you put into this.
    The one thing I found a bit odd though is, that the audio files are still playing untill their end, even if you interrupt a talk. Is there a way to change that?

    Sadly I haven't found a way to change that. It seems to be an engine-level issue.
  • Kensei_xXxKensei_xXx Member Posts: 185
    edited December 2024
    Too bad. Apart from that, good work.

    One possibility might be leaving every last Talk out of voicing, that ends the coversation. Or shorten it by voicing only half of it, or the first sentence or something like that.
    But that's only for me. Other players might not bother in no way.

    I'm nonetheless looking forward to future SoD and BG2 content. :)
  • LlewrenLlewren Member Posts: 65
    Personally I find this tasteless and immoral and I shall be speaking against it at every given opportunity, but people are free to download whatever they want, even if what they want is soulless robots plagiarizing real people's voices.
  • ProzhProzh Member Posts: 120
    Llewren wrote: »
    Personally I find this tasteless and immoral and I shall be speaking against it at every given opportunity, but people are free to download whatever they want, even if what they want is soulless robots plagiarizing real people's voices.
    Part of the voice acting of SOD was also done by a neural network. What do you say to this?
  • morpheus562morpheus562 Member Posts: 449
    Prozh wrote: »
    Part of the voice acting of SOD was also done by a neural network. What do you say to this?
    I'd really like to see you provide evidence of this statement as SoD was released almost 9 years ago when ai voice acting wasn't a thing.
  • ProzhProzh Member Posts: 120
    I wouldn't be able to share it due to NDA.
  • morpheus562morpheus562 Member Posts: 449
    Prozh wrote: »
    I wouldn't be able to share it due to NDA.

    Hahaha, if you signed an NDA you wouldn't even be able to make the initial claim. If you make stuff up and post it to make a company look bad, like you arguably just did, Beamdog could go after you for libel. They definitely have the receipts to show your claim has no merit.
  • LlewrenLlewren Member Posts: 65
    Part of the voice acting of SOD was also done by a neural network. What do you say to this?

    I say, what a hilarious, blatant, and purposeless lie.

  • Skull_BearerSkull_Bearer Member Posts: 77
    AI is shite. No one should get this.
  • ErykErykErykEryk Member Posts: 65
    Tell you what - if you would do that with polish dubbing, with voices of our beloved actors - god have mercy on your soul..
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