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Attack on Heaven **spoiler alert**

FredNFredN Member Posts: 135
.....OK, not sure how much about this quest is general knoweldge, hence my spoiler alert label. A lot of players probably do good/neutral runs, and hemce this NPC quest line never arises for them. But I am doing a run with a particularly vile crew. Myself (half-Orc berserker), Dorn, Viconia, Hexxat, Edwin and Sarevok. We have some impressive gear, and awesome mgical skills. Unfortunately, Dorn has done such AWFUL things ... with my cooperation ... that the good Gods have taken offense and put us on their fecal roster. I.E., good aligned Planetars, paladins and other such trash gate in periodically and harass us. How petty!
.....But we can do something about this. We can storm Heaven ... err I mean ELysium ... and erase our names from the scroll of FA & FO, aka the scroll of Retribution. Unfortunately the rules of this quest are ridiculously strict, and any attempt to stealth through it is met with instant failure. Any lie you try is instantly detected, you cannot save the game anywhere, you cannot rest, you cannot go to the pocket plane to recharge, and everyone you meet pretty much will atttack you on sight. While I understand that this quest is meant to be a challenge, being unable to save the game EVER means that I have to play it continuously, regardless of what happens in RL. The best I can do is pause the game and shrink the game screen down so I can attend to other business. Like eating! And sleeping! And doing on-line business transactions. Bah! A serious PITA, which the designers apparently never considered.
.....Ok so I finally get ink and sand and erase our names from the Scroll of Screw You, and being the petty sort, I substitute the names of Noober and Saemon Haverian as new victims of Heaven's Ire. This totally raises the alarm, and we start running like heck back to the exit portal. At which point we ran into not one but TWO silver dragons. Not only that but they were in an enclosed room where we had already been earlier. We killed a Planetar and a number of Paladins there, leaving the room empty. Where the heck did they come from? OK fine, let's suppose the Gods gated them in.
.....We tried to superior haste everyone and just blow past them, but they weren't having any of it. Edwin was the first to go down. Now I have the rod of resurresction, but I couldn't raise him from the dead because ... his body was gone?? His portrait had totally disappeared from the screen character roster. Apparently they voporized him. That was the last straw and I rage quit. Not a well deisgned scenario, IMO.


  • FredNFredN Member Posts: 135
    edited January 23
    OK I am basically writing this bacause I want to vent, although some helpful feedback might be of value. I put 2 hours into this side quest, and I am rather frustrated about the result. Mind you, I am going to try it one more time. Now that I know about those wrteched dragons, once we clear out the Planetars, Paladins and other trash from that room, I am going to seed it with spike traps from Hexxat in the front of the room, and delayed blast fireballs from Edwin in the rear.
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,943
    So, with those silver dragons? They have cold breath, and that's very likely to permanently kill party members. If it does excess damage, the victim becomes an ice statue and can't be revived.

    So, prepare some cold resistance spells and cast them before the fight.
  • FredNFredN Member Posts: 135
    Cold breath kills characters for good? Sheesh, talk about perma-frost! OK, I actually never knew that; thanks for the info. I'll definitely try that next time. Again, I'll have to make sure to keep a 2 hour block of time free for the quest, since saving is verboten. How tedious.
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    Note that it's also possible to talk your way out of the last fight against the Silver Dragons. Even if you massacred everybody in the map, re-wrote the Scroll, etc. I believe with a good enough Charisma check, you can tell the Dragons to stand down because Ao has commanded the gods not to interfere with the Bhaalspawn as they draw close to their inevitable destiny, and that this edict also extends to their greatest champions aka the Dragons.
  • FredNFredN Member Posts: 135
    edited January 25
    Well, yet another thing about which I had no knowledge. Thank you; I'll have to try that. However, my MC's charisma is pretty low, at 12; can one of the other party members substitute for me? Sarevok and Viconia have Charisma of 15, Dorn's is 16, while Hexxat (uncloaked) has an astounding 18. I guess it's part of the vampire charm ability? Not sure if the dragpns would be receptive to talking with a vampire or a Blackguard, but Viconia and Sarevok seem good canditates.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 741
    edited January 25
    FredN wrote: »
    However, my MC's charisma is pretty low, at 12; can one of the other party members substitute for me?
    It's the leader's charisma (the one with the portrait at the top right side) which counts. Put Hexxat or Dorn there.

  • FredNFredN Member Posts: 135
    edited January 27
    Is there no end to the things I don't know? I would never have even considered trying to talk to an angry dragon. Sheesh! Thanks again for sharing your hard-earned wisdom.
    Post edited by FredN on
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