Question on Mod Capability

-During player-NPC conversations, can you teleport the player to another level, while they play as another character through a linear mission/quest, then teleport back into the conversation once completed?
Hey guys, so I've been reading up on how one would create an NPC companion mod. Couple questions I've been trying to research, after my base assumption: I want to create an NPC you recruit early in the game. Then as you get to know them, they tell you their story. I want to create some flashback type missions, where you play as that NPC and live their story instead of read/hear it.
I realize I would have to create a new area, and quest or whatever relating to this flashback type mission, I'm just unsure on the logistics of taking the player to that area via a dialogue.
I guess it can compare to the dream sequences the player has in BG1?
Hey guys, so I've been reading up on how one would create an NPC companion mod. Couple questions I've been trying to research, after my base assumption: I want to create an NPC you recruit early in the game. Then as you get to know them, they tell you their story. I want to create some flashback type missions, where you play as that NPC and live their story instead of read/hear it.
I realize I would have to create a new area, and quest or whatever relating to this flashback type mission, I'm just unsure on the logistics of taking the player to that area via a dialogue.
I guess it can compare to the dream sequences the player has in BG1?
Knock the entire party unconcious, stash them in an inaccessible alley and leave only the NPC walking around talking to people. As long as it's not an extended flashback with multiple large areas (which require you to gather your party before venturing forth), this could be the Quick and Dirty solution.
Ideally I'd like a couple different segments playable in any order. Such as:
Dialogue with NPC happens
Choice 1 - see part X of his story
Choice 2 - see part Z of his story
Choice 3 - see part Y of his story
Where X, Y and Z can be explained in any order, but the order they are experienced in depends on the PlayerChars prerogative and where they steer the conversation.
So once I finish fleshing out this story in my head, I can look at the logistics of how to send the PC from the middle of a convo, to a "dream sequence" type event, where you play through a portion of gameplay, then snap back to conversation. I imagine the trick will be to make it so this can happen anywhere during the story or something. I'm still reading up on mods.