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What is your favourite PnP role-playing game?

PhælinPhælin Member Posts: 316
edited November 2012 in Off-Topic
Hey there!

How many geeks out there used to play tabletop roleplays? How many nerds still do it even today? Are you somewhat ashamed of doing such a trivial thing as an adult? How many people you know like this kind of activity?

Well, my favourite was WFRP; it has dark and dangerous feel about it. Other races and magic are not jumping from every corner, yet this is fantasy and I recall many epic moments. To be honest, it all depends on the people you play with, especially the GM (or DM as you will). Last time I played was approx. one year ago or so, but still - if there was time and people willing to join I would gladly smite some greenskin or other filthy scum, or just simply play along.. 'cos it's not all about fighting, duh.
  1. What is your favourite PnP role-playing game?70 votes
    1. Dungeons and Dragons (specify setting)
    2. Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay
    3. Cyberpunk 2020
    4. Vampire: The Masquerade
    5. Call of Cthulhu
    6. Neuroshima
    7. Other system and/or setting


  • PhælinPhælin Member Posts: 316
    PS: My bad, I just realized that Neuroshima hasn't been translated to other languages and still remains a polish-only game.
  • WigglesWiggles Member Posts: 571
    3.5e, though I am interested in "Next" I haven't beta tested it, but I would've loved too. Hard to justify buying a whole new system once you've already spent a couple hundred on books, supplies, minis, etc. for one edition... :(
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    Classic Spycraft. I played more D&D, but I was so attracted to CS that I bought all of the supplemental books. I had a lot of fun gm'ing and look forward to Spycraft 3.0!
  • MedullaOblongataMedullaOblongata Member Posts: 434
    Wiggles said:

    3.5e, though I am interested in "Next" I haven't beta tested it, but I would've loved too. Hard to justify buying a whole new system once you've already spent a couple hundred on books, supplies, minis, etc. for one edition... :(

    I have beta-tested D&D Next, and it does feel a lot more like classic D&D. But buying craptons of books does hurt the wallet a lot, with new editions coming out every few years.

  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    3.5 primarily, though for certain character concepts I do wish you could just scrap the lego-block mentality and just play a straight Fighter/Mage or something like AD&D lets you do.
  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    started playing out of the pink box, played AD&D 1st/2nd ed. extensively...
    still have a 2nd ed. Planescape campaign that gets pulled out of mothballs on occasion...
    shifted over to 3.X/Pathfinder almost exclusively & still play once/week
    tried 4th ed. both as a DM & as a player...i think it is a pretty pathetic system
    will probably buy the D&D Next core books, but have a feeling that will be it; might get a shot at playing in a store setting, but 4th ed. was so bad/boring i am pessimistic...
    currently also playing in my 1st Star Wars Saga game...
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    Pathfinder RPG, which is effectively D&D 3.75 (heavily based on 3.5, but with quite a few tweaks to mechanics and exlucding many iconic D&D monsters such as Umberhulk, Yuan-ti, Mind Flayer, and more due to copyright reasons) is far and away my favorite. As for settings, I do enjoy when the DM makes their own world and does not rely on The Forgotten Realms, Greyhawk, Golarion (the Pathfinder setting) or others. Not that I don't like those, I just find the originality of a DM's own world so much more intriguing.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078
    edited November 2012
    I love D&D and all, but I have to admit, the most fun I ever had tabletop roleplaying with friends was when we played TORG. I miss it and I really wish more people had heard of it.

    ...Other than that? ...Well, I really like Exalted. Exalted is hella fun.
  • iassoniasson Member Posts: 101
    Exalted was the best
  • jhart1018jhart1018 Member Posts: 909
    I wish you could vote for more than one, but I'm an ultra geek. My all-time favorite was Shadowrun. I also want to give honorable mentions to 2nd edition D&D and Vampire: The Masquerade. In the hands of a bunch of people who liked to role play and really got into the psyches of their characters, it was delightful. Oh, in the same vein, am I the only one who remembers Scion? And Hackmaster? Geez, I really am a hopeless geek...
  • Son_of_ImoenSon_of_Imoen Member Posts: 1,806
    edited November 2012
    When I was young, I was a player in a 1st Edition AD&D campaign, a gamesmaster in a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay campaigns, but the ruleset I liked most because of it's elegance, completeness and still easy to master, was RuneQuest. However, my intentions to start a campaign with my friends was cut short by me moving round to the other side of the country to go to university and I never got round to finding a new group to play with.

    I still have the Runequest books in the bookshelf with archives from my life though (filed chronologicaly, just after my childhood memories and just before the most interesting things from studying philosophy and religious studies that I've kept).
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited November 2012
    1st Edition AD&D, plus the BG adaptation.

    @LadyEibhilinRhett, what's TORG?
  • Arabus13Arabus13 Member Posts: 102

    1st Edition AD&D, plus the BG adaptation.

    @LadyEibhilinRhett, what's TORG?

    This perhaps??
  • RannRann Member Posts: 168
    D&D. I prefer 3.5, am happy with 2.0, but tend to play 4.0 with my kids since it's easier for them.
  • IlphalarIlphalar Member Posts: 68
    edited November 2012
    My favourite pnp RPG... that's a hard question and I won't rush to answer in the moment, but one of the best pnp RPGs I've ever played is definitely Neuroshima. The only thing that bothers me a lot however is that I've never seen an English version. When it was actually translated? And I mean... was it?! That would be the marvellous news for me.

    Edit: Oh, ok... I never actually read the first post ;-)
  • GygaxianProseGygaxianProse Member Posts: 201
    Tough question! I think D&D, early editions, are my favorite. But the most fun my group had with PnP gaming was with Palladium's BEYOND THE SUPERNATURAL and RIFTS, mostly the latter, core book and a few early supplements only.
    What was great for my group about RIFTS, was it allowed the munchkins to go nuts, even encouraged them. This made for a better overall campaign because those players weren't at odds with the game, and I think it even got some of the powergaming out of their systems. We had an experienced, good GM for that campaign, which is always vital.
    The BTS games were just awesome. I remember playing a medic Priest who carried an M-60. Good times.
  • killeahkilleah Member Posts: 124
    Ad&D 2nd - edition, Dragonlance setting, mostly for the pantheon, and the distribution of magic, it's just class act done.
  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    2e Forgotten Realms setting. Though I had my own world I made up, complete with continents and everything. :) It's up in the attic now, because I am a massive Packrat when it comes to D&D stuff.
  • SharnSharn Member Posts: 188
    Legend of the Five Rings
  • MechaliburMechalibur Member Posts: 265
    My favorite is actually Pathfinder (yeah, yeah, burn the witch), but it's based heavily on D&D 3.5 so I'll vote on that.
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560
    My favorite is a game I've only played once: Paranoia.

    It was a satirical game and set in a sci-fi dystopia. Think Terry Gilliam's "Brazil," but as a PnP game.

    Even though your group formed parties and worked together, there were times you were better off screwing over the other players in order to survive the insanity.

    I bought all the materials, read the manuals in one sitting, and laughed my ass off for two hours.
  • rexregrexreg Member Posts: 292
    you actually have Paranoia parties that work together?
    i'm impressed
    have a case of bouncy bubbly beverage on me
  • BrudeBrude Member Posts: 560

  • LadyRhianLadyRhian Member Posts: 14,694
    I GM'ed a Paranoia game with a module set in the sewers. The sewers were very slippery, and anyone who fell into the, um, water, for lack of a better term, shorted out their equipment and got declared a traitor for recklessly destroying computer equipment. It got so bad, with people bumping people into the water and whatnot that when one guy fell in, everyone started shooting at him. But since they were RED-level, and RED equipment sucks, they all missed. Badly. As he's being carried away by the sewage flow, he decides to game the system and commits suicide, calling out to the computer to reward his next clone for the kill.

    We also got some really clever names among that group of players. Doct-R-WHO being just one of them. Amazingly enough, he was the only one who survived the Adventure, which made him Doct-O-WHO. His first clone was also the first to die, eating an entire tube of pills meant to cheer him up, along with the tube. He became very, very happy to serve the computer. So happy, he died. 8D <--- His face right before he bit it...
  • HaHaCharadeHaHaCharade Member Posts: 1,648
    Marvel Super Heroes (circa 1980s)
  • saffon69saffon69 Member Posts: 58
    D&D ,AD&D , warhammer, bloodbowl, Judge Dredd,paranoia,WH40k,DL, d&d was my life for about 3 years then started playing other stuff paranoia was fun ,Merp a few times the death and injury table was fun..bit large but fun
  • KarrgootKarrgoot Member Posts: 31
    Drakar och Demoner
  • ChetChet Member Posts: 64
    Pathfinder RPG. I'm the Game Master of a group that meets monthly.
  • allhailsteveallhailsteve Member Posts: 210
    Has anyone ever played SLA Industries? It was the first game I played and was perfect for a first timer as the rules are very easy learn quickly. Great game.
  • JariahxSynnJariahxSynn Member Posts: 67
    Space Marines!!!!

    *Panther Style!!!
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