Bestiary in the Journal!!!

I Liked it when in Plancescape Torment you had Bestiary in your journal which updated when you encountered new NPC/Monsters Giving information about them.
I think it could be a nice and can improve the overall gaming experience.
I think it could be a nice and can improve the overall gaming experience.
Post edited by mch202 on
Here is the way they have implemented it in PS:T:
An example of what I have in mind:
Great idea! And I'm with sketches too. Rendered images just doesn't seem to fit into the game for me. If the pictures are not done by the same artist, well, honestly, who cares as long as they are nicely done?
Stats about monsters? Eh, nah, don't really like the idea. But they could give some hints in the info about the "beasts", like "very dangerous to face, even for experienced adventurers". Maybe some small hints about what to expect, although that wouldn't make much sense, since you would unlock the creatures after an encounter with it, right? Hm, now that I mention it, how would they be unlocked? After encounter? After a specific encounter? Books? Dialogue? Finishing a quest?
But the separate topic for that is fine too, as probably my thread was flooded by other discussions
There are some original artworks that could be used for the bestiary:
a few here:
It'd be cool if they did the type of thing in NWN where when you inspected a creature, it gave a brief synopsis, and a difficulty level
besides, I love the draft you made, I totaly support it to look that way
@Risingsun There are still 3 months left until the release.. assuming that it wont take them 3 months to work on the UI, I think it is very possible to made it before ship, after all this request involve "only" drawing some sketches ( They have profesisonal artists after all, and there arent alot of monsters in BG1-assuming you refer kobold and koblod commando simply as kobold in the journal ) and to write the description of the beasts, which isnt alot of work, more a matter of copy-paste ( if im not mistaken some of the monsters descriptions appear in the manual ). Implementing it is not time consuming as to remake animations from scratch...
and to unlock each monster in the journal once you meet them not should be a problem, if Pokemon *Some-Color* for gameboy could do it, I belive they can too ;-)
but in the end you are right, its all up to the devs, and I will be happy with what ever they throw at me ( exclude rocks ) :-D
As far as stats go..., I'd put a brief description of the monster's strengths and weaknesses on the main page - as well as any peculiarities about the creature (i.e. how to deal with trolls), and give you a link or tab to click on in case you wanted their exact stats (HP/STR/Saving Throws/etc).
I really liked the idea of having the image of the creature be like a sketch as well.
Thanks for the link to the original art!! you have got to love the art of the original game, The helmets and asxes look great! but notice that the Orc sketches look more like hobgoblins.. and ther weren't orc in BG1.
Also I think it would be nice to add information about Famous and Improtant FR/Game figures, Such as Volo and Elminster ( although the player dont recognize him ) - but I guess it can be a bit too much.
just look at this yeti, awesome!!