You know, in Pen and Paper, Shar and Selune were once both parts of the same Goddess that got split up into light and dark aspects. If you did get them to work in the same party, I'd expect a ton of snippy, snarky remarks back and forth, along the lines of "You can take a Drow to the surface, but she'll still be looking around for darkness to crawl into..." and "You's so holy there's a light shining out of your ass..." type stuff, while your CHARNAME is like, "Stuff it, you two, we have a job to do."
Nah they wouldn't attack each other on sight, though this is possibly only out of respect for Charname. The primary goal of any missionary isn't to kill non-believers, but rather to convert them. They would each try to make the other see the error of their ways, and see this as a far more meaningful challenge than simply killing one another. They are a test of each others faith. Neither is likely to "convert" the other, but through the attempts they will both gain respect for each other. Rasaad likely already realizes the necessity of balance between light and darkness, and perhaps Viconia could learn this as well.
Keep in mind I know nothing of Faerun lore and therefore have no knowledge of any precedent for this situation.
I believe one of the devs said they'd have some kind of special interaction. Haven't seen it, though. My gang of ne'er-do-wells is full with me, Dorn, Viconia, Kagain, Edwin, and Safana.
I've only had one convo interaction so far where they bantered/bickered, and that was when I first met Rasaad and asked him about Selune and his Monk Order. It might be that the trigger radius for Viconia is bit tight and she needs to stay closer, but I am not 100% sure.
I've had a few interactions between Rasaad and Viconia, and without saying too much, I will tell you that it has the potential to get rather... spicy in BG2. I have romanced Viconia in BG2 before, and I know she likes a man with strong will who doesn't back down from a challenge. However, this dialogue may be related to the Rasaad romance, because my main character is female in this playthrough.
"Has Rasaad commented on Viconia when she joined your party?"
Yes! I just got rasaad in my party with viconia and you need to ask about selune first for that to happen.
And from that conversation i don´t think they will come to blows.
*Spoiler* Viconia starts calling selune the "milkmaiden" but rasaad don´t seem offended and kind of understand because of her race.
They have a little philosofical remarks about each other gods. In the end rasaad say they will not agree and if she wish to test his fate she will find his fate is strong, after that he talks to your charname and joins in.
She loved the challenge and want to test it and convert him to shaar :P.
I found in the end a very interesting conversation! As both know they are worshipping two sides of the same coin, at same time they don´t like each other they know the other part need to exist .
Hope for more conversations, maybe one winning and converting the other? (Would be so fun to see that lol).
I've had them both in my party for 37 days and nary a peep between them.
In the interest of trying to stimulate NPC interaction CHARNAMR has Cha 10, and I've kept rep in the 10-13 range for my mixed alignment party. (CG protagonist, Imoen, Viconia, Rasaad, Neera, and Dorn.)
During the summer I had read a dev comment that Viconia and Rasaad don't like each other. But my guess is that if there are any banters between them, they will likely occur during Rasaad's quest (which hasn't begin yet in my game).
They interact several times if you have Viconia in your party while doing Rasaad's quest (which begins when you enter the dock area of Baldur's Gate with Rasaad). They start to argue and you can actually kick one of them out of the party, but if you ask them both to remain they will (not sure if this would have gone worse if I had low charisma). Viconia once again claims that she hopes to convert Rasaad to Shar, and tries to do this several times during the missions - to be honest I didn't think it was terribly convincing because she didn't seem to try that hard. She also has no issues with slaughtering legions of Shar followers, which you could interpret several ways, ranging from lazy quest writing to a spirit of martial competitiveness among Shar's followers (which is supported by the events of the quest) to Viconia choosing her loyalty to you OVER helping the Shar followers, even if it means tolerating Rasaad. Lots of potential here, but I didn't feel it was fully explored.
I've had them both in my party for 37 days and nary a peep between them.
In the interest of trying to stimulate NPC interaction CHARNAMR has Cha 10, and I've kept rep in the 10-13 range for my mixed alignment party. (CG protagonist, Imoen, Viconia, Rasaad, Neera, and Dorn.)
During the summer I had read a dev comment that Viconia and Rasaad don't like each other. But my guess is that if there are any banters between them, they will likely occur during Rasaad's quest (which hasn't begin yet in my game).
Having never read your post before, but looking it up after the Rasaad/Viconia interaction (trying to see if they would fight), we have the exact same party and CHARNAME stats.
Swords of the Lady One order of fanatic Selûnites is known as the Swords of the Lady, who are often referred to colloquially as the "Lunatics". Its members are led by a few Selûnite crusaders who tend to act rapidly in response to threats from Shar and her priesthood, although their behavior is often viewed as bizarre by the public at large.
Oracles of the Moon The Oracles of the Moon is a group of female diviners who worship the Night White Lady. They perform fortune-telling rituals and are some of the highest bards and priests in the faith.
Silverstars Operating mainly in the north, especially Icewind Dale, these priests and priestesses are dedicated to protecting the vulnerable. Gifted Silverstars are normally gifted with a Moonblade, which has special properties to harm those who are evil.
Pact of the New Moon Consists solely of lycanthropes sworn to Selûne, carrying out the most secretive and violent aspects of Selûne's work. Selûne grants these lycanthropes abilities other lycanthropes lack, such as an ability to speak in wolf form, also allowing her followers to invoke prayers and cast spells, rapid shapeshifting and increased strength. Was once declared heretical and anathema for espousing the Heresy of the New Moon but was renewed by Selûne's direct order in a vision to one of her lycanthrope priestesses.
Worshipers: Shar
Church of Shar
The clergy of Shar were a secretive organization that pursued subversive tactics rather than direct confrontation with its rivals. In addition to her clerics, Shar maintained an elite order of sorcerer monks who can tap Shar's Shadow Weave. Among her worshipers were the Shadovar of Thultanthar, who fled into the shadow plane before Karsus's Folly. Shar also held power over all who used the Shadow Weave. Orders
Dark Justiciars The Dark Justiciars was an honorary order or secret society within the priesthood of Shar. It was rumored that in order to gain admittance to the order of the Dark Justiciars, a priest of Shar had to have killed a priest of Selûne.
Order of the Dark Moon Shar's secretive monastic order was referred to as the Order of the Dark Moon. They tapped into the Shadow Weave through their powers of sorcery.
Nightcloaks Nightcloaks, formerly known as Nightbringers were a group of particularly debased followers of Shar who, until the Time of Troubles were a separate entity, but since then have been absorbed into the Church as specialty priests.
Beguilers of Shar An order tasked with keeping the existence of the Shadow Weave secret. When Shar publicly revealed the Shadow Weaves existence, the order was dissolved and its members were ejected from the church.
Darkcloaks Unusual among other orders in the Church, Darkcloaks are actually a compassionate group of oracles and care-givers who tend to those troubled souls who are emotionally damaged, often bringing the bliss of forgetfulness to soothe their pain. Their work has done much to present the church in a positive light to the populace, though too often the reaction is still negative. This order includes some of the few non-evil, non-neutral clerics in the Church
I would say that Viconia is more or less A Darkcloak (and thats why she accept Rasaad if you have high Cha)... she is not that evil... and she turns good in BG2 if you want... anyway... most of the time it is kill on first sight when followers of Shar and selune encounter each other...
ps i never played BG games with low Cha... always had 18 in cha and my partys do have most of time LG and CE in the same time.... going to try to have Ajantis And Dorn With high Cha... whant to see if they kill each other or not.
Viconia had quite a bit to say to Rasaad during his quest, and when he first joined, but that has been about it for me, and I'm just starting Ch. 7, having them both in my party since I arrived in Nashkel.
Viconia had quite a bit to say to Rasaad during his quest, and when he first joined, but that has been about it for me, and I'm just starting Ch. 7, having them both in my party since I arrived in Nashkel.
Viconia comments on various aspects of Rasaad's quest (also to CHARNAME, IIRC), but rather tepidly it seemed to me.
Keep in mind I know nothing of Faerun lore and therefore have no knowledge of any precedent for this situation.
Yes! I just got rasaad in my party with viconia and you need to ask about selune first for that to happen.
And from that conversation i don´t think they will come to blows.
Viconia starts calling selune the "milkmaiden" but rasaad don´t seem offended and kind of understand because of her race.
They have a little philosofical remarks about each other gods. In the end rasaad say they will not agree and if she wish to test his fate she will find his fate is strong, after that he talks to your charname and joins in.
She loved the challenge and want to test it and convert him to shaar :P.
I found in the end a very interesting conversation! As both know they are worshipping two sides of the same coin, at same time they don´t like each other they know the other part need to exist
Hope for more conversations, maybe one winning and converting the other? (Would be so fun to see that lol).
In the interest of trying to stimulate NPC interaction CHARNAMR has Cha 10, and I've kept rep in the 10-13 range for my mixed alignment party. (CG protagonist, Imoen, Viconia, Rasaad, Neera, and Dorn.)
During the summer I had read a dev comment that Viconia and Rasaad don't like each other. But my guess is that if there are any banters between them, they will likely occur during Rasaad's quest (which hasn't begin yet in my game).
They interact several times if you have Viconia in your party while doing Rasaad's quest (which begins when you enter the dock area of Baldur's Gate with Rasaad). They start to argue and you can actually kick one of them out of the party, but if you ask them both to remain they will (not sure if this would have gone worse if I had low charisma). Viconia once again claims that she hopes to convert Rasaad to Shar, and tries to do this several times during the missions - to be honest I didn't think it was terribly convincing because she didn't seem to try that hard. She also has no issues with slaughtering legions of Shar followers, which you could interpret several ways, ranging from lazy quest writing to a spirit of martial competitiveness among Shar's followers (which is supported by the events of the quest) to Viconia choosing her loyalty to you OVER helping the Shar followers, even if it means tolerating Rasaad. Lots of potential here, but I didn't feel it was fully explored.
In their fancy German cars.
By chance, are you an Elven Archer?
Swords of the Lady
One order of fanatic Selûnites is known as the Swords of the Lady, who are often referred to colloquially as the "Lunatics". Its members are led by a few Selûnite crusaders who tend to act rapidly in response to threats from Shar and her priesthood, although their behavior is often viewed as bizarre by the public at large.
Oracles of the Moon
The Oracles of the Moon is a group of female diviners who worship the Night White Lady. They perform fortune-telling rituals and are some of the highest bards and priests in the faith.
Operating mainly in the north, especially Icewind Dale, these priests and priestesses are dedicated to protecting the vulnerable. Gifted Silverstars are normally gifted with a Moonblade, which has special properties to harm those who are evil.
Pact of the New Moon
Consists solely of lycanthropes sworn to Selûne, carrying out the most secretive and violent aspects of Selûne's work. Selûne grants these lycanthropes abilities other lycanthropes lack, such as an ability to speak in wolf form, also allowing her followers to invoke prayers and cast spells, rapid shapeshifting and increased strength. Was once declared heretical and anathema for espousing the Heresy of the New Moon but was renewed by Selûne's direct order in a vision to one of her lycanthrope priestesses.
Worshipers: Shar
Church of Shar
The clergy of Shar were a secretive organization that pursued subversive tactics rather than direct confrontation with its rivals. In addition to her clerics, Shar maintained an elite order of sorcerer monks who can tap Shar's Shadow Weave. Among her worshipers were the Shadovar of Thultanthar, who fled into the shadow plane before Karsus's Folly. Shar also held power over all who used the Shadow Weave.
Dark Justiciars
The Dark Justiciars was an honorary order or secret society within the priesthood of Shar. It was rumored that in order to gain admittance to the order of the Dark Justiciars, a priest of Shar had to have killed a priest of Selûne.
Order of the Dark Moon
Shar's secretive monastic order was referred to as the Order of the Dark Moon. They tapped into the Shadow Weave through their powers of sorcery.
Nightcloaks, formerly known as Nightbringers were a group of particularly debased followers of Shar who, until the Time of Troubles were a separate entity, but since then have been absorbed into the Church as specialty priests.
Beguilers of Shar
An order tasked with keeping the existence of the Shadow Weave secret. When Shar publicly revealed the Shadow Weaves existence, the order was dissolved and its members were ejected from the church.
Unusual among other orders in the Church, Darkcloaks are actually a compassionate group of oracles and care-givers who tend to those troubled souls who are emotionally damaged, often bringing the bliss of forgetfulness to soothe their pain. Their work has done much to present the church in a positive light to the populace, though too often the reaction is still negative. This order includes some of the few non-evil, non-neutral clerics in the Church
I would say that Viconia is more or less A Darkcloak (and thats why she accept Rasaad if you have high Cha)... she is not that evil... and she turns good in BG2 if you want... anyway... most of the time it is kill on first sight when followers of Shar and selune encounter each other...
ps i never played BG games with low Cha... always had 18 in cha and my partys do have most of time LG and CE in the same time.... going to try to have Ajantis And Dorn With high Cha... whant to see if they kill each other or not.