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ZamielZamiel Member Posts: 15
edited December 2012 in Multiplayer
I'm really angry... not enough that the GUI was apparently made for f****** tablets and NOT for PC (where this great game originally comes from!) on which it looks blurry like hell... NO... even the multiplayer doesn't work!

I gifted a friend a copy of BGEE to play with him on multiplayer but... surprise surprise: it does not work. Ok I read a workaround here by using a tool but sry i'm not a PC professional and i won't install any strange network software just to play this game. And because of that I don't know too how to forward ports.

This is not 1998 where people were connected directly to the internet. Nearly everybody is sitting behind a router or firewall (or both) now. In 2012 one should expect that programmers know this and make their software that it works nonetheless!!! I mean are you serious with this??? If yes it is unbelievable! I think modders would have done it better if they had the sourcecode...



  • HeyaHeya Member Posts: 55
    I'm not a massive fan of the new UI, it's a bit chunky and garish, and perhaps the developers would consider the option to reskin it a bit further down the line. If it's making you fuming mad, well that's your problem pal, the art director couldn't get inside your head and see exactly what YOU wanted it to look like. It's still the same awesome game in the middle if you hadn't noticed.
  • ZamielZamiel Member Posts: 15
    I did not have any expectations how the GUI should look like. All I expected was that it supports all resolutions up to HD and not by stretching it! The iPad with retina display even has 2048*1536... how will this look there? Or will the apple junkies get a better GUI because it's aplle? But my main problem is the multiplayer right now...
  • VintrastormVintrastorm Member Posts: 216
    Or will the Windows junkies get a worse GUI because it's Windows?
  • IngentagIngentag Member Posts: 5
    I bet it looks like crap on any monitor bigger than a damn tablet... Dont realy think the platform matters to much!
    Guess they just want our eyes to bleed dry
  • timeforactiontimeforaction Member Posts: 6
    Zamiel said:

    I'm really angry... not enough that the GUI was apparently made for f****** tablets and NOT for PC (where this great game originally comes from!) on which it looks blurry like hell... NO... even the multiplayer doesn't work!

    OK this is utter bs. As you correctly say, you are not an IT professional, you don't know how to port forward etc etc. So how do you actually know how easy it is to make multi platform MP work across all platforms? Wait, that's right, you don't...

    You won't install 'strange network software'. Maybe you should educate yourself a bit about networking BEFORE you start criticising others about the bad job they have done. If your raison d'etre for buying the game was MP why the hell didn't you wait to see what the problems were before you bought it? Anyone who has read the slightest bit about the development cycle would know that it is just not feasible to release a game which has zero bugs with this kind of complexity. Wait, you're not an IT professional. That's a free piece of advice then and I won't even charge you for it....

    Have you actually read anything about the original artwork? If you had, you might start to understand resolution problems before you post ignorant bs about others not doing their job properly. Wait, you are not an IT professional so you shouldn't have to understand it, it should just work. See previous paragraph.

    You may not be an IT pro, but you sure know the meaning of flaming though, right?

  • Valmont83Valmont83 Member Posts: 2
    You and your friend have to try Hamachi, then it should be workin.
  • MalbortusMalbortus Member Posts: 106

    So how do you actually know how easy it is to make multi platform MP work across all platforms? Wait, that's right, you don't...

    Nor should he. It's the Beamdog people who should.

    What the OP did, was trust them with his money and expect a product update to modern standards.

    Ask anyone who values MP if that's what has been delivered so far. Oh, and ask the tablet users while you're at it.
  • timeforactiontimeforaction Member Posts: 6
    Telemakus said:

    Raging is perhaps the wrong route to take, but I understand exactly why the OP is upset and I think you are a pompous douchecopter for lashing out at him for that.

    I think I have seen enough geek rage on these forums for a lifetime. Perhaps people should take a step back before name calling (douchcopter is a new one on me...) and pretending to be reasonable, while in fact exhibiting passive/aggressive behaviour, which is just as pointless as raging, serving to artificially inflate the posters ego.

    Perhaps everyone should challenge raging on forums as the immature behaviour it actually is.

    I agree, Hamachi, which is not 'strange' should help with the problem right now and patience would help with the long term issues.

  • raelcariraelcari Member Posts: 133
    I think we all agree that multiplayer in BGEE's current state is a little tedious.
    Maybe a little forum rage is exactly what's called for here.
  • MalbortusMalbortus Member Posts: 106
    I haven't had to forward ports for Guild Wars 2, Diablo 3, Starcraft 2. Why should I need to for BG:EE? And even though I did, still no one manages to connect to me when I host.
    Not to mention the gameplay issues when there are more than 2 players, or the frequest lock-ups and disconnects.

    @superfly7n7: can you honestly say that multiplayer BG:EE works fine? Besides, your tone is way out of line.
  • timeforactiontimeforaction Member Posts: 6
    All three games you just mentioned require you be connected to the net to even play them on their solo campaigns. Guild Wars 2 is an MMO. BG:EE is not an MMO and has no connection requirement/dedicated server to handle match ups. In other words, the technical requirements are entirely different. This is why you will have to do something different for BG:EE.

    I usually use Hamachi, if I want MP, with every other game I have that is NOT an MMO, with the exception of Diablo 3 and Starcraft 2 which have dedicated servers. I don't really see this as a problem at all.

    BTW His tone was fine given the aggression of the OP. Reap what you sow.
  • ZangriefZangrief Member Posts: 4
    I played Baldur's Gate II with friends and they could join with just one mouse click.
    Never was a problem to play in a group.
  • jlarose23jlarose23 Member Posts: 24
    edited December 2012
    I checked out the UI and it looked great. Compared to the old versions with widescreen where everything is so tiny, everything so close together was nice.
  • ShredderTurtleShredderTurtle Member Posts: 1
    UI is np i think, but MP does NOT work as it should. Many of my friends fail to join (game crashes) even though we have forwarded port 47630 (and we are using Tunngle). Imo it is as utter shit as any ignorant comment that is flaming the flamer.
  • BoxBox Member Posts: 2
    The multiplayer issues are all the same issues that this game had over ten years ago. I remember trying to solve the port forwarding problem back then. If Beamdog is going to sell an already existing game packaged with mods that fans had already made, then their one selling point should be the easy support for multiplayer. Apparently it doesn't exist. Other posts describe another issue I had over ten years ago, connected players can't see one another. Only the host can.
  • HogfatherHogfather Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2012
    OP has very little tact and his little rant is quite the entitled tanty. However:

    "Improved Multiplayer
    Online multiplayer has been upgraded to include matchmaking functionality, and games can be played across multiple platforms. Adventurers on iPad, Mac, PC and Android Tablets can all play Baldur's Gate: Enhanced Edition together."

    This is STILL listed on the improvements page on the website, and the product is being sold under this assertion. There is no upgraded matchmaking functionality, its basically exactly the same as the original imo, and actually includes a bunch of shiny new bugs that amazingly made it into release.

    Like resting. How the fuck does resting not work. Really?!
  • HafnerHafner Member Posts: 1
    I feel absolutely ripped off buying this game with all the false promises they've made and are still making. I paid $20 strictly so I could play multiplayer with a friend of mine and the multiplayer functionality as actually worse than the original BG that I already own. Can't they at least tell us what is going on and when they will finally include the so called matchmaking that they've promised us?
  • KukarachaKukaracha Member Posts: 256
    Zamiel said:

    This is not 1998 where people were connected directly to the internet. Nearly everybody is sitting behind a router or firewall (or both) now. In 2012 one should expect that programmers know this and make their software that it works nonetheless!!!

    Well... one would expect that people would've learned how to use their most important everyday tool.
    But alas, it is apparently reserved to "computer professionals".
  • VintrastormVintrastorm Member Posts: 216
    edited December 2012
    Kukaracha said:

    Well... one would expect that people would've learned how to use their most important everyday tool.
    But alas, it is apparently reserved to "computer professionals".

    Also, rant:

    (This isn't directly directed to Zamiel but rather to the phenomenon)

    I've always had a problem with the term "This is [year], people should know better" or "I can't believe this happens in the year XXXX! It's outrageous" What makes people in general think that just because its 2000 something that other people in general should know better?
  • TelemakusTelemakus Member Posts: 12


    Also, rant:

    (This isn't directly directed to Zamiel but rather to the phenomenon)

    I've always had a problem with the term "This is [year], people should know better" or "I can't believe this happens in the year XXXX! It's outrageous" What makes people in general think that just because its 2000 something that other people in general should know better?
    I really don't mind going through the necessary steps to get the multiplayer working. It isn't a big deal and if it means I can play BG1 with friends then I am happy. The problem, however, is that I have as of yet been unable to convince my friends to get this game because they do not want to take those steps to get the MP working just to play an outdated game.

    Zamiel's expectations are indicative of the expectations of most, and I believe that is where the flaw in flaming him lies. As a casual gamer, I have no idea how to open ports. I wouldn't know the first thing about altering the game file so that the game doesn't freeze every time I rest in an inn on mp. I understand the information is readily available and being that I am willing to do it, it won't hinder me except for a few minutes. But that is still more than most will want to do, and I can understand why most people would be bothered by this.

  • KukarachaKukaracha Member Posts: 256
    @Telemakus of course, we are in no way saying that things are different when in reality Zamiel's example seems pretty common. It would be a design flaw to aim for a casual market and at the same time miss some key characteristics of said target.

    However, my point is that it is ironic to speak of what is expected from programmers when you could also say the same about consumers. It seems just as much idiotic to release a final product that won't reach its target (which is a mistake Beamdog won't make) than riding a car and not even knowing how to drive (or using a computer five hours a day and still be clueless about how it all works).
  • PapaSmurphPapaSmurph Member Posts: 3
    How about this: more than 2 player multiplayer for this game is clearly broken. Completely broken. As in, not playable. This is an advertised feature. All of these idiots trying to say this isn't really a problem, just shut up. Either you aren't playing 3+ multiplayer (in which case why are you responding about things you know nothing about), or you are just blindly defending Beamdog. In either case, it's not helpful.

    How is it broken? Let me count the ways.
    1) Many problems just trying to get people logged in and assigned a character. Too many bugs to enumerate here. Did no one test this game?
    2) Game locks up when resting in an inn! I mean, did no one test this game?
    3) Game (usually?) disconnects non-host players when transitioning areas (I have tried 4 or 5 areas now, and all of them have problems, so it's not just Friendly Arm Inn). Really? Did no one test this game?
    4) Often times, after dialog is finished, one or most non-host players never see the dialog end. Did no one test this game?
    5) Non-host players cannot see each others avatars on screen move around. They seem stuck. The host sees everything fine. Did no one test this game?
    6) Random disconnects or lockups of non-host players.

    All of this from trying to play with my wife and son just a few times. My wife has basically said "I give up. You two just play without me as this game is too broken to play with 3+ multiplayer." So, no, this is not acceptable. Beamdog needs to fix this ASAP or it WILL be loosing customers. $60 to buy (3 copies of) a game that doesn't work as advertised is enough to keep me from ever dealing with them again.
  • AaezilAaezil Member Posts: 178
    multiplayer is in beta - thats the answer to all of your questions

    just wait patiently for the beamdog servers to get online and patches to be released for multiplayer to be out of beta and into full release- it will happen

    if you cant handle that, then im not really sure what to say besides this thread should probably be locked...
  • TelemakusTelemakus Member Posts: 12
    @anaezil : I think you have hit the nail on the head. I didn't realize the MP feature was still in beta when I purchased the game. Outside of what the client says, I can't say I've seen that advertised either. Perhaps I did not look hard enough?

    Anyways, single player has been running great for me thus far so no complaints there.
  • HogfatherHogfather Member Posts: 27
    If multiplayer is indeed still a Beta feature then they need to fix the website! It advertises 'improved multiplayer' as a game feature when it is arguably quite a bit worse than the un-enhanced version -- available on GOG for $10 less. Anyone buying BGEE for 'improved multiplayer' will be bitterly disappointed.

    You just can't declare a product feature, deliver significantly less, slap a Beta tag on it in game and expect that people won't be unhappy.. anything less than 'yeh that's fucked' is pure fanboyism. The website blatantly and falsely advertises improved multiplayer and matchmaking here:

    A consumer shouldn't need to trawl the forums to determine if features listed after release are actually included. Its poor form.
  • mallzmallz Member Posts: 16
    @Hogfather totally agreed, they (Beamdog) needs to have much better communication with the public.

    After finding out BGEE didn't live up to the devs advertised features, I found myself playing BG2 with my friends isntead. Which has been a blast!

    And the UI... how can people be happy with it? Its worse than the original. Thankfully there are mods!
  • MoomintrollMoomintroll Member Posts: 1,498
    @Tanthalas This thread may need scrubbing with soap.
  • HogfatherHogfather Member Posts: 27
    edited December 2012
    @mallz - I agree that the UI is washed out at 1920 resolution. I suspect that people who don't mind (or at least notice) it are either playing near-800 pixels high or a fair way back from the monitor.

    That's probably the lowest thing on my priority list (especially as it can be modded). TBH I'm playing it at 1920 and I got over it reasonably quickly - the new viewport was a good tradeoff for a kind of blurry UI.

    What's the state of the mods for this btw, is it complete?
  • Space_hamsterSpace_hamster Member Posts: 950
    To be fair, MP never really worked on the original. ;p
This discussion has been closed.