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Help going up and down stairs

Any tips on how to do this? I've spent 10 minutes trying to go upstairs at the Friendly Arm Inn. I made it upstairs twice, but not sure how I did it. A mundane task such as this must be easier. Yes, my party is gathered. Ideas?


  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    The best "workaround" that's been posted (you'll find this on many threads) is to pause the game, select the whole party, and then try to click.

    If you get movement icons for ALL of the party, you didn't hit it right, click again. If you get only a single movement icon, however, you've clicked the transition area correctly.

    Note: This will get better with the next patch, according to Trent they're testing something they're calling "Smart Tap" or something like that that detects objects, transition points, enemies, etc. in an area around where you tap and will automatically select those things rather than just a common "move" action.
  • tobeovertobeover Member Posts: 2
  • AmerigoVAmerigoV Member Posts: 8
    ignore the tutorial. target the middle of the stairs, not the top.
  • davemodavemo Member Posts: 147
    And in general, don't press quickly all over the place. If you do that, you can't see where you clicked when it worked to learn from it.

    I usually only need the pause technique for picking up loot.
  • BarryWallisBarryWallis Member Posts: 14
    Also, I've had increased success when I' zoom in (ths making the target area larger).
  • mars0124mars0124 Member Posts: 180
    It's a great workaround for people who know roughly where to target, but it still doesn't help for things that need interacting with, like the whine press in Durlag's Tower.

    Not to mention Newbies would nee to be told where these things are.
  • IllydthIllydth Member, Developer Posts: 1,641
    Multiple threads are reporting devs getting close to releasing the next patch which, as far as I can tell, helps fix this by "smart targeting" something other than movement. It's not likely to be long from now.
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