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About Neera voice actress...

I have to ask this question.
Is she a voice actress that dubbed Rainbow dash from My Little Pony? :F


  • MERLANCEMERLANCE Member Posts: 421
    No. Though I can definitely hear it like that when Neera says certain things.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,316
    Ashleigh Ball may be the name of the actress you are looking for. Nicola Elbro is the voice of Neera.
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    I thought it was the same actress who voiced Neeshka in NWN2. Sure sounds like her (Robyn Kramer).
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    Her voice aside, some of her lines seem really poorly chosen.

    Like, she's prone to say "My turn to save the day!" ...when I send her to loot some corpses.
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    Poorly chosen? She is a Chaotic Neutral Wild Mage, anything could be said by her!
    When you kill Daevorn, she might say something like "OOh blueberry is my favorite icicle" for all I know.
  • NifftNifft Member Posts: 1,065
    Ya know what?

    I think I'd actually prefer if she said the blueberry thing when I sent her to loot corpses.
  • MykraMykra Member Posts: 252
    edited January 2013
    Nifft said:

    Her voice aside, some of her lines seem really poorly chosen.

    Like, she's prone to say "My turn to save the day!" ...when I send her to loot some corpses.

    The delivery of the previously mentioned line makes me want to shoot her with a magic missile. Or twelve.

    After reading the parts of her short story in the Candlekeep Library on the front page, I actually like the character. She's kind of the overconfident innocent teenager with too much power and too little control. Most of the dialogue she says, or you say to her, are easter eggs or tropes (My turn to save the day!) which I kind of like.

    But my God. That 'They're here!' really puts me in the mood to cut Ekandor up into little bits and stomp up and down on them. (Just in case he has a ring of regeneration on, of course.)
  • toanwrathtoanwrath Member Posts: 621
    edited January 2013
    Mykra said:

    Nifft said:

    Her voice aside, some of her lines seem really poorly chosen.

    Like, she's prone to say "My turn to save the day!" ...when I send her to loot some corpses.

    The delivery of the previously mentioned line makes me want to shoot her with a magic missile. Or twelve.

    After reading the parts of her short story in the Candlekeep Library on the front page, I actually like the character. She's kind of the overconfident innocent teenager with too much power and too little control. Most of the dialogue she says, or you say to her, are easter eggs or tropes (My turn to save the day!) which I kind of like.

    But my God. That 'They're here!' really puts me in the mood to cut Ekandor up into little bits and stomp up and down on them. (Just in case he has a ring of regeneration on, of course.)
    If Ekandor has a ring of regeneration, he loses it before you encounter him for a second time later on, or it doesn't drop from his corpse which sucks. Either way, I WANT SO MUCH MUCH NOW
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  • AristilliusAristillius Member Posts: 873
  • HowieHowie Member Posts: 136
    Only bring her to a certified cleric.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199


    The Red Wizard who's after her.
  • TJ_HookerTJ_Hooker Member Posts: 2,438
    I gotta say, I'm not a fan of the voice acting for Ekandor. Most of it's not too bad, but when he says "Not again!" when Neera teleports him away during the battle when you first meet her, I don't know whether to cringe or laugh.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    The problem with Ekandor is that his delivery is too flat - everywhere. There's no emotion. Only that "always calm methodical villian" tone of voice he's so fond of.
  • Kitteh_On_A_CloudKitteh_On_A_Cloud Member Posts: 1,629
    Mykra said:



    Let's not have a brony flamewar, please. :( My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic really isn't that bad of a show. I watched it. It actually cheered me up sometimes. :p
  • ErinneErinne Member Posts: 151
    It's probably not the same actor, but Neera kind of reminds me of Veronica from Fallout New Vegas, both the voice and their annoying forced quirkiness. A lot of her lines seem like they're trying way too hard to be funny or cute, and just come across as awkward. I cringe every time I hear "Eat flaming or, uh, possibly frosty, death!"
  • ReadingRamboReadingRambo Member Posts: 598
    Erinne said:

    It's probably not the same actor, but Neera kind of reminds me of Veronica from Fallout New Vegas, both the voice and their annoying forced quirkiness. A lot of her lines seem like they're trying way too hard to be funny or cute, and just come across as awkward. I cringe every time I hear "Eat flaming or, uh, possibly frosty, death!"

    She does sound a lot like her. Veronica is voiced by the red head from the Guild
  • LoneWolfDonLoneWolfDon Member Posts: 25
    Personally, I rather like Neera's voice acting and dialogue. She sounds and looks sooo cute. :)
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