New Build Help

So I want a new build for BG:EE only, I have completed using a Kensai and want to try something different. im a melee guy but like to have some additional skills to play with.
I was thinking a swashie but the thac0 progression and 1 APR sounds a bit rubbish, or am i totally wrong?
maybe a dual fighter lvl3->thief, a dual zerker lvl3->cleric so i can get grand mastery?
FYI I plan to use atleast Dorn, Edwin and Mr B in my party and ive got SCS installed!
I was thinking a swashie but the thac0 progression and 1 APR sounds a bit rubbish, or am i totally wrong?
maybe a dual fighter lvl3->thief, a dual zerker lvl3->cleric so i can get grand mastery?
FYI I plan to use atleast Dorn, Edwin and Mr B in my party and ive got SCS installed!
Gnome Illusionist / Thief or Illusionist / Fighter is fun, and a good match for the rest of your group.
Druids are also fun. Shapeshifter is a good tank at low levels, and a fine caster / summoner at high levels (when the shapeshift form starts to be inadequate).
Avengers are basically the opposite: good casters at low level, and their spider form (situationally) good in melee. That situation being "to destroy casters" and "after you cast Web everywhere".
For other options anything utilising Stupifier is an instant win. Backstage are heaps of fun in BG1 and cleric/thief multi or dual is a current favourite of mine with staff of the ram though grabbing Tiax from Beregost with SCS option fills that role fine too.
Finally, maybe a blade? Check if Chelsey Crusher still works with offensive spin first and if so go with that and crossbow of speed. Again though, Eldoth might fit your party well (with bracers of archery).
But for my taste, it's not quite as much fun as I had in the previous game using a half-elven Fighter/Mage. I had him wearing the Robe of the Archmagi and buffed with Armor and Shield. Didn't really need any more buffs than that.
With that character I enjoyed living a bit dangerously by casting a few choice spells in the midst of combat now and then (casting almost never got disrupted, btw). Mixing in wizard spells with melee is a lot of fun. I'd usually cast either Sleep or Glitterdust at the onset before dashing into melee (with a standard mage in the party casting a lot of the same spells as well). Then in melee I'd also sometimes use Blindness, Slow, and Hold. (The casting time for these is fairly fast.) You could also use the Wand of Paralyzation instead of Hold Person but that's so powerful it's almost game-breaking.
In that case, avoid Swashbuckler. I've just completed a run with a swashie, and you really don't get much worthwhile benefit from the kit features at BG1 levels. It'll be a good character for taking on into BG2ee when that arrives, because then the swashie bonuses will start to add up enough that melee is viable, and being viable in melee is the main point of being a swashie instead of a vanilla Thief. But at these lower BG1 levels, you can't develop a swashie far enough for the benefits to become very useful, s/he's still a little too fragile for melee.
Blade is very solid choice. You're probably acquainted with the kit already from using Haer Dalis'. I would think it'd be fun for BG:EE.
Once you get Use Any Item at 3 million XP, you can even use his character-specific items if you want, his "Adventure Wear" is actually pretty good