Struck by lightning! Ouch!

LoL! Rain is pourin down over the friendly arm inn. Was just leaving to go kill some ankheg and all of sudden Khalid gets struck by lightning! Weather or Avenger Druids following me?
I never saw this happen in the original BG. This is a new thing introduced or i just never happened to me before?
I never saw this happen in the original BG. This is a new thing introduced or i just never happened to me before?
In BG EE I was cheesing to kill Drizzt, and he was finished off by a lightning strike, which was actually annoyin cos it meant I didn't get experience for it.
Oh, and no, it does as much damage as a Call Lightning spell. I've had low-level Charnames killed by it before.
In BG 2 it doesn't seem to be a significant problem, only one occurrence so far, but then I am not exploring the outdoors as much as in BG EE.
My first time ever playing it started raining shortly after I was joined by imoen... bam, lightening chunked her. I jumped out of my seat, screamed nooooooo! and reloaded the game. (there was no indication in game that such a thing was possible, she didn't have ANY metal on her body, and there were trees nearby as well as characters who were wearing metal armor but didn't get hit)
If it was the case! I'd make the lightning conductor character! Metal ONLY!
Charname being the one conducting lightning and transferring it to others.
Charname: "Dude, pull my finger."
Khalid: -"I... I - I.. I don't wanna do that!"
Charname: "C'mon dude it'll be fun! Promise!"
Khalid: -"Uggghhh okay?! I'll ju..." *BAM* Struck by lightning - conducted to Khalid. *ROASTEEED*
*Khalid lies dead. Fried by the vengeful lightning of the gods*
*Charname avoids Jaheiras gaze while aiming for the reform group button*
I could not believe how rapidly and repeatedly those lightning strikes hit.
Thought it was cursed at first, as I kept getting pummeled by lightning.
Made me jump first time it happened.
Almost threw it away until I read it's just normal Sword Coast weather.
Cursed Idol would have been cool.
Hmm... comes to think of it, Charname's sea voyages haven't been very smooth ever since... (Isle of Balduran, getting off Spellhold)
*Edit* And was stood next to Khalid in Platemail holding a longsword.
I find it rather frustrating and unnecessary that lightning was made potentially lethal (and even more frequent) in the new game.