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BG2 npc mods

so, by now i have tried almost all the NPC's in BG2, im still missing Mazzy and Cernd.
But i also want to try out some mods.

So far i have found 2 mods that sound interresting.
The Amber and the Angelo mod.

Can you recommend any great NPC mods?.

Are there any NPC mods that Intertwine? that would be really cool.


  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    The Solaufein mod is quite popular, though opinions are notoriously divided on it.

    Saerileth is another long-time favorite of many people. It's very do-goodie though, and the voice acting is atrocious.

    Then there's Chloe, which to me seemed well-made even though I didn't quite like the character herself.

    Valen is very fringe, as the character is very shallow and blatantly overpowered; it's being reworked atm, but I don't know how far along that new version is.

    Those are pretty much the ones I've personally tried. I can also very much recommend the deArnie Romance mod; it's not a new NPC, but it remains to me the best-written character mod I've seen.
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689

    The Solaufein mod is quite popular, though opinions are notoriously divided on it.

    Saerileth is another long-time favorite of many people. It's very do-goodie though, and the voice acting is atrocious.

    Then there's Chloe, which to me seemed well-made even though I didn't quite like the character herself.

    Valen is very fringe, as the character is very shallow and blatantly overpowered; it's being reworked atm, but I don't know how far along that new version is.

    Those are pretty much the ones I've personally tried. I can also very much recommend the deArnie Romance mod; it's not a new NPC, but it remains to me the best-written character mod I've seen.

    Have to agree with deArnie Romance mod being one of the best.

    And NPC mods are very hit/miss. There are so many things that could go wrong and you often need only one or two small things that irks you before you uninstall it.

    1.) Overpowered / Underpowered

    It's most of the time one of these two. It's very rare to find NPC mods that are balanced. And if it isn't attributes then it's equipment you can get for them.

    2.) Voices

    Most of the voices you get with the NPC mods aren't done by a professional, and it can be quite frustrating to listen to some of them.

    3.) Dialogues

    Some people are very picky with dialogues, and they should be as close to the original NPC's as possible. If you add too much emotions (Torment style) then it will feel different to the normal NPC's and stick out. If the dialogues are too long/short you'll notice it aswell. And if there are spelling errors or grammar, you'll notice that aswell. I personally uninstall any mod that has spelling errors.

    4.) Personality

    This is very divided and some people like one thing while other prefer something else. What might work for you might not work for someone else.

    5.) Mary sue

    Many people like to think that the NPC they have made is special. Not like the 'plain' Valygar or Keldorn. This NPC has to be strong, brave, quick and you must lick their boot before falling in love.

    6.) Solaufein

    In my opinion this mod is a perfect example of something great that got much time put into it, yet fails so horrible on so many levels.

    7.) Saerileth

    I don't mind it that much if Anomen goes pompous holier than thou attitude on me. But if a young teenage girl is going to tell me (Bhaalspawn of quite some levels, who beat Sarevok) what to do.... I could strangle her.
  • JediMindTrixJediMindTrix Member Posts: 305
    edited October 2013
    Saerileth and Solaufein are both worth trying once.

    Tyris Flare is extremely well done and the woman who voiced her did a much better job than the average mod (she actually is trying to make a career out of VAing).

    Kulyok's Xan is a mod I enjoy, but some may feel he talks too much. I've played through with him the last 3 or 4 times.

    Kivan and Deheriana is another mod I enjoy (it's mostly just Kivan ;)).
    Post edited by JediMindTrix on
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    I've not played Saerileth, but have heard very mixed things. Everything from "she's touchingly sweet and naive" to "she forces herself on the player character", and "it adds a new way to get to Spellhold" to "it alters the entire gameworld to be about Saerileth".

    Kelsey is meant to be alright. Nothing over-the-top, but meant to fit in well.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Corvino said:

    I've not played Saerileth, but have heard very mixed things. Everything from "she's touchingly sweet and naive" to "she forces herself on the player character", and "it adds a new way to get to Spellhold" to "it alters the entire gameworld to be about Saerileth".

    Kelsey is meant to be alright. Nothing over-the-top, but meant to fit in well.

    I just heard that she can die of a broken heart on about three occasions. It might have been hyperbole, but the thought of it makes me laugh.
  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122

    Corvino said:

    I've not played Saerileth, but have heard very mixed things. Everything from "she's touchingly sweet and naive" to "she forces herself on the player character", and "it adds a new way to get to Spellhold" to "it alters the entire gameworld to be about Saerileth".

    Kelsey is meant to be alright. Nothing over-the-top, but meant to fit in well.

    I just heard that she can die of a broken heart on about three occasions. It might have been hyperbole, but the thought of it makes me laugh.
    It happened when I included her in my party, but that's because charname decided to do it, mortal kombat style.
  • SionIVSionIV Member Posts: 2,689
    edited October 2013


    It isn't hyperbole. She really can die of a broken heart.

    I had the misfortune of playing the mod. And it's just god awful. There is literally nothing redeeming about it, and that is me being kind. I mean I am generally forgiving to mods, I like Solaufein after all, but the Saerileth mod (and the other NPC mods by the same authors) is just appalling.

    The author writes Saerileth so that she speaks in "ye auld english" which makes no sense in the setting, and the author uses the "ye auld english" wrong. Anyone who knows anything about English Literature could tell you that.
    The NPC itself its excruciatingly irritating. She interjects on EVERYTHING. Literally. She almost universally disagrees with the PC on everything if he/she even slightly deviates from the "Lawful Blind" path that she follows. And as aforementioned if you behave contrary to her ideals even slightly she can literally die of a broken heart. And she whines and bitches more than Aerie and Carth put together.
    There is an LP on the LP archive that has entire updates dedicate to detailing the clusterf*ck that is the Saerileth mod.

    Also she is 15 and in love with the CHARNAME from before she meets him because apparently Tyr (the god) told her that they were destined to be together. And if you refuse her she dies. Of a broken heart.

    It should be played to experience how laughingly bad it is. lol.

    Actually I have one redeeming thing to say about Saerileth, if I recall correctly, she at the very least isn't overpowered. She is a paladin but somewhat sucks at it. Unlike Tsujatha whos is a Gary Stu if ever there was one.

    I'm trying to click the like button 20 times, but nothing is happening!
  • etaglocetagloc Member Posts: 349


    It isn't hyperbole. She really can die of a broken heart.

    I had the misfortune of playing the mod. And it's just god awful. There is literally nothing redeeming about it, and that is me being kind. I mean I am generally forgiving to mods, I like Solaufein after all, but the Saerileth mod (and the other NPC mods by the same authors) is just appalling.

    The author writes Saerileth so that she speaks in "ye auld english" which makes no sense in the setting, and the author uses the "ye auld english" wrong. Anyone who knows anything about English Literature could tell you that.
    The NPC itself its excruciatingly irritating. She interjects on EVERYTHING. Literally. She almost universally disagrees with the PC on everything if he/she even slightly deviates from the "Lawful Blind" path that she follows. And as aforementioned if you behave contrary to her ideals even slightly she can literally die of a broken heart. And she whines and bitches more than Aerie and Carth put together.
    There is an LP on the LP archive that has entire updates dedicate to detailing the clusterf*ck that is the Saerileth mod.

    Also she is 15 and in love with the CHARNAME from before she meets him because apparently Tyr (the god) told her that they were destined to be together. And if you refuse her she dies. Of a broken heart.

    It should be played to experience how laughingly bad it is. lol.

    Actually I have one redeeming thing to say about Saerileth, if I recall correctly, she at the very least isn't overpowered. She is a paladin but somewhat sucks at it. Unlike Tsujatha whos is a Gary Stu if ever there was one.

    now i wana play this mod, just to kill her ;D
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    "This darkness weighs upon me like a cold stone which doth threaten to pull me down into silent depths of a black sea." - Saerileth, from a screencap form that LP mentioned above.

    I believe this line to be indicative of the quality of the dialogue. XD
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    @fitscotgaymer You charmer, you. ;)
  • TheElfTheElf Member Posts: 798
    Fade was my personal fave. Pretty sure she has not ToB content though, so she'll be a mime in that one.
  • Lord_TansheronLord_Tansheron Member Posts: 4,212
    @TheElf: that seems to be a recurring theme, I've seen soooo many mods be BG2 exclusive with no ToB content :( Or, of course, the good ol' "ToB content soon!" label - dated several years ago...
  • LiamEslerLiamEsler Member Posts: 1,859
    Fade ToB is actually in progress, which is pretty exciting. :) No ETA yet though.
  • JoeyJoey Member Posts: 201
    Valen was brilliant. It's very, very overpowered, but playing with a kick-ass vampire in your party is just pure awesomesauce.
  • FlashburnFlashburn Member Posts: 1,847
    Coran for BG2. Easily one of the best NPC mods out there - I just can't recommend it enough.
  • LuigirulesLuigirules Member Posts: 419
    This is a good thread to read about NPC mods. I laughed so, so hard when going through it (and its sequels).
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    @Luigirules Thank you for linking that thread! I have been giggling to myself for the past 2 hours while reading through it. You have cost me a morning but repaid me with laughter and I salute you.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    Nothing reads quite as well as pure hate. Thanks for linking that. Personal highlight about the Keldorn romance:
    "There is a line for me in this messed up game. I've had sex with my sister, I'm currently trying to sweet talk a 15 year old in taking her pants off for Tyr. I'm also forcing my sister to become a lesbian with a psuedo-insane moron. But old man sex? Get the hell out of here, I'm not touching that with someone elses brain. I hate anyone who wants to play that, but not nearly as much as I hate the people who are making this"

    IRT Thread
    I've had Kelsey (simple but good), Kivan (killing machine but overly dramatic, less Dirty Harry, more offering hugs and saying 'there there'), Xan (Entertaining but occasionally annoying), Solaufein (Good if you like 'em emo, otherwise /wrist) and Irenicus (freakin' awesome if freakin' overpowered but that makes sense).
    I never want to take more than 1 Modded NPC along per time since usually they don't talk to eachother and I hate missing out on banters.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    edited October 2013
    Based on the thread @Luigirules linked I have changed my opinion of Saerileth (though still without playing the mod). It looks like an emo, Mary-Sue trainwreck. It may not be, but seeing it so aptly mocked means it would never be possible for me to take it seriously.

    *Edit* I've moved on to the sequels to the original thread and actually spent a minute crying with laughter at the invective and bile sent in Saerileth's direction. DarthMordechai is one funny, angry person.
    Post edited by Corvino on
  • MadhaxMadhax Member Posts: 1,416
    To the Saerileth mod's credit, there's a lot of new content added by it. A LOT. All sorts of new, challenging encounters sprinkled throughout the game, several of which don't actually interact with Saerileth.

    But yeah, she's not a good NPC. I first played the mod when I was around 15, so it didn't register to me how severely, cripplingly terrible her personality and story was. I tried it again in my twenties and realized how wrong I'd been.
  • DrugarDrugar Member Posts: 1,566
    Madhax said:

    To the Saerileth mod's credit, there's a lot of new content added by it. A LOT. All sorts of new, challenging encounters sprinkled throughout the game, several of which don't actually interact with Saerileth.

    And to the Xan mod's credit, he talks a lot which is something I like in NPC's.
    However, to its discredit, he talks a lot. I mean a LOT. I mean he won't shut the fuck up and give his opinion on everything.
    There is a point where enough's enough.
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    I like the Alora mod, was always good to have another thief to choose from. Though I did find it odd that they chose to make her a swashy with her terrible frontline stats. She's as sweet as ever though.
    Also a good female bard NPC out there, though I can't remember her name at the moment (anyone help?) she has red hair, tells stories that are well written and is not at all overpowered.
  • ScotGaymerScotGaymer Member Posts: 526
    edited October 2013
    Madhax said:

    To the Saerileth mod's credit, there's a lot of new content added by it. A LOT. All sorts of new, challenging encounters sprinkled throughout the game, several of which don't actually interact with Saerileth.

    But yeah, she's not a good NPC. I first played the mod when I was around 15, so it didn't register to me how severely, cripplingly terrible her personality and story was. I tried it again in my twenties and realized how wrong I'd been.

    Yeah that isn't a good thing for an NPC mod. That is loading down the mod with a load of unnecessary bullcrap; and it's why people say that with the mod installed the game becomes Saerileth's Gate: A Tale of Saerileth. The mod might be a bit more tolerable if it didn't take over everything.


    You should be flatterred, cos I love me some story. :-P
  • redlineredline Member Posts: 296
    No mention of Tashia? I tend to avoid NPC mods but was under the impression she was one of the better ones, in terms of being well written and fitting semi-seamlessly into the game.

    Definitely correct me if I'm wrong, though...
  • Nic_MercyNic_Mercy Member Posts: 424
    edited October 2013
    etagloc said:

    so, by now i have tried almost all the NPC's in BG2, im still missing Mazzy and Cernd.
    But i also want to try out some mods.

    So far i have found 2 mods that sound interresting.
    The Amber and the Angelo mod.

    Can you recommend any great NPC mods?.

    Are there any NPC mods that Intertwine? that would be really cool.

    The Faren mod is awesome. He's not only a great NPC mechanically (fighter dualed thief)... but he's got great voice acting and writing.
  • TheElfTheElf Member Posts: 798
    Delvarian said:

    Also a good female bard NPC out there, though I can't remember her name at the moment (anyone help?) she has red hair, tells stories that are well written and is not at all overpowered.

  • ArcalianArcalian Member Posts: 359
    I can agree on Amber and Angelo, most definitely. Valen makes you pay for her overpowered-ness by having some similiarly overpowered vampire hunters come after her! Also, she definitely Evil Parties Only.
  • DelvarianDelvarian Member Posts: 1,232
    TheElf said:

    Delvarian said:

    Also a good female bard NPC out there, though I can't remember her name at the moment (anyone help?) she has red hair, tells stories that are well written and is not at all overpowered.

    Yep that's the one.

  • DarkDoggDarkDogg Member Posts: 598
    What's wrong with the likes\agrees buttons?
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