Shandalar, "default benefactor" (dialogue revision)

I have no idea where this note should go, so I hope someone will kindly move it if need be. Anyway, when you meet Shandalar in Ulgoth's Beard, he introduces himself as the town's "default benefactor." "Default" suggests that UB has multiple benefactors and that all benefactor-ing falls to Shandalar unless otherwise specified—an unlikely situation on the face of it.
Surely what was intended here was "de facto": Shandalar is a big fish in a small fishing village, a powerful mage who happens to live in UB and who is looked upon—willingly or unwillingly—as a patron or protector or what have you. Given that he goes out of his way to qualify his status (and even though "de facto benefactor" is a little oddball), I think it's worthwhile to give him the words his situation suggests.
Surely what was intended here was "de facto": Shandalar is a big fish in a small fishing village, a powerful mage who happens to live in UB and who is looked upon—willingly or unwillingly—as a patron or protector or what have you. Given that he goes out of his way to qualify his status (and even though "de facto benefactor" is a little oddball), I think it's worthwhile to give him the words his situation suggests.
So, weirdly enough, I like "de facto" for essentially the same reasons you like "default": Shandalar is benefactor because of the purely contingent fact that he is more powerful than anyone else in town. It also suggests a certain hesitance on his part to be bothered with the townspeople's concerns, which seems to me in character.