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Meet Belkar Bitterleaf, Sexy Shoeless God of War

I recently learned of the Order of the Stick strip through this forum and loved it. Now I have this obsession to have a run through the game as Belkar the Chaotic Evil ranger. He will be a halfling ranger, dual wileding daggers. Any suggestions on stats?


  • marcerormarceror Member Posts: 577
    I don't really feel like I'm meeting anyone in this thread.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    I know he has really bad wisdom so I would set it to 3 or something.
  • PugPugPugPug Member Posts: 560
    nano said:

    I know he has really bad wisdom so I would set it to 3 or something.

    His Wisdom is stated at some point in the comic. He quaffs a potion and can cast spells.
  • PugPugPugPug Member Posts: 560
    Can halflings even be rangers in 2e?
  • Cowled_wizardCowled_wizard Member Posts: 119
    With EE keeper you can get yourself an evil ranger hafling. You cant put lvls in barbarian, but you could put the rage ability on him as well.
    Check the order of the stick website for mor information about his stats. His wisdom is under 10, thats for sure (i think 7 or 8)
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    PugPug said:

    His Wisdom is stated at some point in the comic. He quaffs a potion and can cast spells.
    No, I don't think the actual score is ever stated. V casts Owl's Wisdom on him so he can use scrolls. I know it's "supposed" to be 10 going by that scene but I'd make it 3 because that's how he acts.
  • SchneidendSchneidend Member Posts: 3,190
    Considering I've never seen Belkar do any proper sneaking, I'd make him a Barbarian. Then you don't need to worry about rep loss taking away abilities.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    That's a good point, it's no fun if you can't go on a murderous rampage.
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    Just remember he can't track to save his life, or anyone else's, for that matter.
  • SharnSharn Member Posts: 188
    edited November 2013
    Technically Belkar only has one level of Ranger which he took to get two weapon fighting as a bonus feat, he has the track feat that all rangers get, but he cant track because he never put points into the survival skill and has a wisdom penalty.

    Probably an 8 wisdom since owls wisdom would bump it up to 12 temporarily and allow him to cast spells from scrolls.

    His int would also be low, think of Belkar as min maxed to the extreme on a point buy system so 16str 20dex 16con 8int 8wis 8cha plus a point in the attribute of choice at every 4th level.

    I am not very familiar with his level increases, but I do believe he has mostly a mix of fighter and barbarian, perhaps someone else follows the strip more closely and can answer?
    Post edited by Sharn on
  • As far as I can remember he never makes his spot or listen check. Belkar is e.p.i.c.
  • onanonan Member Posts: 223
    Thanks for all the suggestions!

    So, Belkar will be a ranger to get the dual wielding pips just like the original. Then he will almost immediately dual into a barbarian through EEkeeper. He will most likely lose his ranger abilities on account of a bunch of murd-... Erm, unavoidable confrontations with unfortunate results.

    As for stats I will max his physical stats at 17, 19 and 18. His INT score will be 9, the guy has some basic cunning after all. Wisdom and Charisma will be both 7.

    And his racial enemy will be kobolds. Let's see if he can actually survive being low level with his temper.
  • Syntia13Syntia13 Member Posts: 514
    Corvino said:

    Dammit, I wandered into TVtropes for 1 second to post this link: And I've been lost in there for an hour, giggling like a schoolgirl. Again.

    ...gott damn it! D:< Don't drop TVtropes links without warning! I had plans for this morning. >:|

    @onan oh no, I'd say his charisma is pretty damn high. Not only he has absolutely no problems with bedding a random chick he was trying to kill seconds before, she actually stays with him until he leaves her, despite the fact that he has horrible bedside manners, and wouldn't even bring her a sandwich.
    Not to mention all the times when Roy really should have cut of his head and be done with it, and yet Belkar continues living AND traveling with the good-aligned party, half of which is lawful.
    You have to have charisma leaking out your ears to pull shit like that.
  • CorvinoCorvino Member Posts: 2,269
    @onan - If he's dualling to Barbarian then he'll absolutely have to rage every time he's in combat if at all possible. No saving it up for when it's needed.
  • onanonan Member Posts: 223
    Syntia13 said:

    @onan oh no, I'd say his charisma is pretty damn high. Not only he has absolutely no problems with bedding a random chick he was trying to kill seconds before, she actually stays with him until he leaves her, despite the fact that he has horrible bedside manners, and wouldn't even bring her a sandwich.
    Not to mention all the times when Roy really should have cut of his head and be done with it, and yet Belkar continues living AND traveling with the good-aligned party, half of which is lawful.
    You have to have charisma leaking out your ears to pull shit like that.

    Good point. So, Charisma is bumped to 12 and CON reduced to 17 because min/maxing is... wrong?

  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    Heh... you could give him a special pair of daggers that function like the sword of berserking. Could be a pretty fun challenge.
  • onanonan Member Posts: 223
    nano said:

    Heh... you could give him a special pair of daggers that function like the sword of berserking. Could be a pretty fun challenge.

    Hehe, I would do that if I could!

  • recklessheartrecklessheart Member Posts: 692
    Str: 15
    Dex: 18
    Con: 16
    Int: 10
    Wis: 7 or 8
    Cha: 13

    Personally. They never make a thing of his strength, yet he obviously is a very visceral combatant that does a lot of damage. Equally, he IS a halfling, so it wouldn't be too high. His dex is standard. His intelligence isn't very great - he works off Belkar-logic and is easily outsmarted or slow to catch on to things, yet he certainly doesn't seem as dumb as Elan. Wisdom is bad. Charisma gets him out of the odd situation, but isn't stellar. Haley, Roy and Elan handle all the primary interactions, to my memory.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    edited November 2013
    I had great fun once doing an OotS Icewind Dale Run. If you're really super into it, you might want to try a BG run with the entire Order of the Stick as custom characters. (I guess Roy would be the Bhaalspawn.)

    @Raistlin82 already did it as a Black Pits run. Here's a link to his thread, complete with an OotS portrait pack!

    Here are some suggested stats from the website:

    If it's possible through Keeper, Belkar needs a cat familiar with him to represent Mr. Scruffy. ;)
  • onanonan Member Posts: 223

    I had great fun once doing an OotS Icewind Dale Run. If you're really super into it, you might want to try a BG run with the entire Order of the Stick as custom characters. (I guess Roy would be the Bhaalspawn.)

    @Raistlin82 already did it as a Black Pits run. Here's a link to his thread, complete with an OotS portrait pack!

    Here are some suggested stats from the website:

    If it's possible through Keeper, Belkar needs a cat familiar with him to represent Mr. Scruffy. ;)

    Whoa! Those links are great!
  • Avenger_teambgAvenger_teambg Member, Developer Posts: 5,862
    onan said:

    Thanks for all the suggestions!

    So, Belkar will be a ranger to get the dual wielding pips just like the original. Then he will almost immediately dual into a barbarian through EEkeeper. He will most likely lose his ranger abilities on account of a bunch of murd-... Erm, unavoidable confrontations with unfortunate results.

    As for stats I will max his physical stats at 17, 19 and 18. His INT score will be 9, the guy has some basic cunning after all. Wisdom and Charisma will be both 7.

    And his racial enemy will be kobolds. Let's see if he can actually survive being low level with his temper.

    Come on, he laid that bard chick quite easily:
  • onanonan Member Posts: 223

    Come on, he laid that bard chick quite easily:

    Yes but some people are just not picky like that.
  • lolienlolien Member, Moderator, Translator (NDA) Posts: 3,108
    Hey @BelgarathMTH‌, will you continue your OotS run in the future?
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    No, probably not. I decided to make a no-reload out of it when Roy died on Ice Island.
  • WowoWowo Member Posts: 2,064

    No, probably not. I decided to make a no-reload out of it when Roy died on Ice Island.

    Roy dying and being resurrected is part of the OtsS experience though!
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @Wowo, sure, but in the original OotS, that was a huge story arc that lasted over a hundred strips, where the other characters went on without him for months, and we got to see Roy explore the afterlife. Baldur's Gate doesn't let you do that.

    There's only so much adaptation you can do to fit the OotS into BG. I thought my attempt was going pretty well, but when Roy died, I would have had to do a straight up reload and re-do the dungeon, or else do some "creative storytelling" that would really beg suspension of disbelief.

    It had been going well, but I got overconfident, and the death just kind of took my heart out of the project. It was time to move on to the next thing.
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    Corvino said:

    Dammit, I wandered into TVtropes for 1 second to post this link:

    And I've been lost in there for an hour, giggling like a schoolgirl. Again.

    I ended up reading both xkcd and OotS *besides* TVTroupes... Now somebody has to post a link to 8-bit Theater to end up chewing all my time.
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