Have searched quite thoroughly too. A lot of forest zones, but I think there's very little changes to old areas. Maybe you need to lead something through a polymorph trap, or the talking snake had something to do with it. Maybe you just need to somehow get as stoned as the guy asking for him.
More likely all three are wrong and the answer will be provided by the next poster:
Thanks @aVENGER, I've managed to find him on my own [spoiler]Does he have any banters or quests? Or is he more like a joke character like Baeloth? And can you find him in ToB?/[spoiler]
Ok, I did find some animal cages and one had a bear inside. I let him go, but journal didn't update or anything and the stoned dude at the refuge also says nothing new. What am I doing wrong?
He is supposed to run away, and later you can find him on the way out of the Temple location (at least thats where I've founded him). Maybe you did something wrong if you didn't get journal entry. I'm not sure but I think I got one.
I found said cages, but I cannot open them because it says they need a key. When I talk to the elf standing nearby all he says is "DO you still need my services?" and I have one option that basically states no. By looking at the cages I don't see any bears inside of them (or any animals for that matter). Is my game bugged or did I do something wrong?
Can someone (in spoiler tags, obviously) give us the full rundown on this guy? Stats, profs, how he works, considering his apparent... condition. Is he any good? I'm not expecting another Baeloth-level powerhouse but just curious
Spoilers: When I come to the cages, I talk to the bear and agree to free him. After I pay the fee, he just run away. But when I should leave the area, I go to where I enter the map, and around there I see the bear waiting. Talk to him and he join my party.
Spoilers: As lvl 9 he has: (4 in armor class, 126hp, 3attacks, 7thaco, 11-16/11-20damage) (he gain xp and lvls as if was a normal companion)
Okey, I am a kind of guy who doesn't use Rasaad cause he's a monk and I have aversion towards monks, so my question is can we find Wilson if we don't have Rasaad in party, as the questgiver is in Neera's area questline and if yes, how? I've been searching for Wilson (and for cats for that matter for awhile now).
Honestly.... THAT is bad programing. Not everyone will use both Neera and/or Rasaad. I get not getting into area of an NPC storyline, but you do not collide it so you can fulfill a quest only if you have 2 specific NPC-s in the game. Now I'll have to go kick Yoshimo AGAIN and grab silly monk just so I can finish this quest.
It's not bad programming, it's a joke. It's a funny quest, but definitely not an important quest. The best part is meeting wilson wich doesn't involve Neera's quest at all.
That's probably my largest gripe with the new content in the EEs; you need to use new NPCs to access a great deal of it. In the base game there was nearly always an option to do the quests related to a character without actually taking that character. Things like killing Valygar or telling Nalia to wait outside, or in BG1 just wandering over to the Gnoll stronghold.
That's probably my largest gripe with the new content in the EEs; you need to use new NPCs to access a great deal of it. In the base game there was nearly always an option to do the quests related to a character without actually taking that character. Things like killing Valygar or telling Nalia to wait outside, or in BG1 just wandering over to the Gnoll stronghold.
I think this is a pretty good point. I'm trying to think of quests you cannot access without specific characters and all I can really come up with is the Harpers quest from Jaheira in BG2. All of the rest are relatively small quests or side stories, but you can still travel to the areas and do various things without the NPCs in your party.
So in a little bit here, I guess I'll start a request thread based on that.
Question: Does all this have to happen before [SPOILER] the attack on the temple? [/SPOILER]
All of this has happened, but I still don't see him near the cages? Infact there's just some bloke standing there next to them, empty... Did I miss something? o.0 Or is the game being tricky, and this ain't even the right place :P
Bear in mind, I didn't find the cages until after the big battle!
Yeah, I didn't explore much inside before the battle either. Since the outside of the temple looked so big, I thought the inside was too, and figured it would be a case of "proving your worth" (passing the tests) then wandering around inside. But it all went by really quickly.
More likely all three are wrong and the answer will be provided by the next poster:
[spoiler]Does he have any banters or quests? Or is he more like a joke character like Baeloth? And can you find him in ToB?/[spoiler]
I hadn't figure out immediately why I was talking to someone who coudn't speak any language....
You are a bunch of geniuses!!!!!!
When I come to the cages, I talk to the bear and agree to free him. After I pay the fee, he just run away. But when I should leave the area, I go to where I enter the map, and around there I see the bear waiting. Talk to him and he join my party.
Spoilers: As lvl 9 he has:
(4 in armor class, 126hp, 3attacks, 7thaco, 11-16/11-20damage) (he gain xp and lvls as if was a normal companion)
(I spent almost an hour looking for the cats.... Why do they run away from my pocket?)
So in a little bit here, I guess I'll start a request thread based on that.