Determining your "Primary Stat." (specifically Blackguard!)

How exactly does one determine their primary stat? Some classes make it pretty straightforward, like a sorcerer's primary stat is obviously intelligence. Others, however, are less explicit.
Take a blackguard for instance. What is his/her primary stat? I understand there are a couple of instances in BG2 where one can obtain +1 to their primary stat, so what would that be for a blackguard? I am hoping it's strength, but I'm worried it might be charisma...
any input is greatly appreciated, thanks!!
Take a blackguard for instance. What is his/her primary stat? I understand there are a couple of instances in BG2 where one can obtain +1 to their primary stat, so what would that be for a blackguard? I am hoping it's strength, but I'm worried it might be charisma...
any input is greatly appreciated, thanks!!

I should note, however, that they've removed one of the + Primary Stat instances (the one in Hell), so the only place this really applies now is with the Deck of Many Things.
Thank you very much (:
For exemple, you said it's obvious a sorcerer needs intellect, but he doesn't need any intellect at all. Intellect is only used to learn spells, and as a sorcerer, you learn them by leveling.
You simply need to know what each stats does. I find dex and constritution to be the primary stat of every class in the game. You want as much dex as possible, you can 16con for non-fighters as they don'T get benefit beyond that, and as much as possible for fighters classes (Includes paladins rangers barbarians monks)
Str increases your melee damage and thaco, anyone thats going to attack in melee, or use slings (they get bonus damage from strenght) will want strenght.
Intellect is only useful for mages and bards, as it uses your intellect to decide whether or not you can sucessfully transcribed a scroll to your spellbook.. and more intellect allows you to have more spells in your spellbook (Not to confuse with how many spells you can cast per day, only your level/class decides that)
Wisdom gives you bonus druid and cleric spells, I find wisdom great but not amazing as it only really gives bonus spells from 1 to 4 unless you cheat. 25 Wisdom gives you an extra lvl7 spell. You already have many spells by the lategame, but i guess it is useful for the early game.
Charisma is only used for prices in stores.
Note that some things, although very few, use wisdom and charisma, such as using limited wish spell to gain positive effects, and i believe 1-2 minor things in the game. More intellect mean youll be able to take more mindflayer hits, and the maze spell won't last as long.
Note that these aren't actually their main stats as per the original game. Rangers have always had Constitution as their main stat and Sorceresses had Charisma. I'm not entirely sure about Bards and Paladins, but I do believe they were both Charisma as well.
But since there's nothing in-game that actually relates to a characters main stat, it's quite an old and forgotten concept.