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Best 1H backstab weapon in TOB?

Celestial Fury is badass through all of SOA.
Sadly in TOB is becomes noticeable abit that its only +3.

Whats your favourite 1H backstab weapon in TOB? I really wish Runehammer would work. ;)


  • ThraxxThraxx Member Posts: 67
    Depends on the mods rly.
    I like getting shortsword of backstabbing, with the rougebalancing mod, it gives you +1 to backstab modifier. Mix that in with the dagger you can make, in the itemupgrade mod, which gives you an extra +1 to backstab modifier.
    A wopping x9 backstab for assasins!
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Technically (talking unmodded) it'll be what 1H weapon with the largest damage that is usable by thieves. Angurvadal gives you 22 strength, and is a long sword, so that is always a possibility.
  • ShireShire Member Posts: 58
    edited December 2013
    I play unmodded.
    Angurvadal is nice Indeed. I plan to use Crom when i get it for Str bonus. However in TOB i probably use Runehammer instead and therefor need a new str booster.
    Damage on Crom is a little low, nomatter the fact that its a offhand.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    The issue is that you can only backstab with weapons that are naturally usable by thieves, which is why you can't backstab with the Staff of the Magi, even though you can with other staves. I once modded the Ravager to to usable by thieves so my F/T could use it and found I could backstab with it ( I also changed it from a halberd to a staff, which may have also had an effect).

    I think longsword is the best 1H thief weapon, abd Angurvadal is the best LS in terms of raw damage range, I think.
  • TenreccTenrecc Member Posts: 265
    Backstab with... 1h? I'm confused... why would you ever do that?

    Angur isn't that good since STR doesn't factor into backstab damage. But I guess it's the best, along with Spectral, anyway. Unless you're lazy and fancy DotS. :)
  • ShireShire Member Posts: 58
    Im ofcourse dualwielding, just wanted to say 1h weapon so people dont say staff, which i know is best. :)
  • jackjackjackjack Member Posts: 3,251
    I wouldn't know, as I prefer to use daggers :/
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    jackjack said:

    I wouldn't know, as I prefer to use daggers :/

    But they're so bad!

    I get that they make the most sense RP-wise, though.
  • PantalionPantalion Member Posts: 2,137
    Hmm.... Angurvadal +5 probably. +5, strength bonus for accuracy (and minor damage boost), and elemental damage.
    Dagger of the Star isn't bad, if only for the 15% chance to get another, free, backstab in, possibly that same round.
  • Best one-handed backstabbing weapon in the unmodded game is either Angurvadal or Spectral Brand. Angurvadal has slightly better overall damage potential due to its strength bonus (though note that strength damage is not multiplied by backstabbing), but if you get good strength through another source, Spectral Brand's armor-piercing strike ability might be useful for ensuring that you land the backstab.

    Dagger of the Star and Short Sword of Mask have worse damage, but have procs that could help you set up additional backstabs. Depending on your stockpile of invisibility items or desire to chain backstab, that could be handy, but you'd likely be better off using one of the above options.
  • ShireShire Member Posts: 58
    How many prof points do i manage to get as F/T? I got 2 in dw, ls and katana. 1 in hammers were i will take a second. Can i sqeeze in 2 in smithars to try Spectral in the long future?
  • @Shire F/T get more pips every 3rd Fighter level. You should be able to get Scimitar proficiency in the long term. If you mainly use hammers in the off-hand, you could probably put off a second pip in them in order to bring up scimitars faster.
  • EudaemoniumEudaemonium Member Posts: 3,199
    Scimitar profs will also help if you want to use Scarlet Ninjato once you get UAI.
  • KhyronKhyron Member Posts: 639
    It shouldn't be a problem for you to get *** in Two-weapon as well as ** on several weapons. Can probably specialize in 3-4 weapons or more
  • ShireShire Member Posts: 58
    Cheers guys!
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