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Fighting Tanova

I'm at the start of chapter 3. I have been sent to the docks to talk to somebody at night. After resting at the inn until dark i head toward the southern docks and am immediately attacked by Tanova and two vampires. They ask about my working for the Shadow Thieves and then attack regardless of what I say. I put down the vamps easily enough but Tanova rips through my party with barely any effort. All my characters are carrying +2/+3 weapons but non of them are effective, no melee damage at all. I can do some damage with spell attacks but not enough before she kills us all. Am I missing something here. This battle seems WAY to tough for this point in the game. I cant even come close to beating her. Is there a trick to it or something?


  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155
    No, since this happens in the original game too. I were ripped by her lots if times (not to say raped, she made 2 Crit Hits on M/T charname in the same round) and I can say she is almost impossible to kill, but in the original game she wasn't immune to +2 and not even +3, and, well, I can say THATS the only bug here, but sounds me more SCS than vanilla, IDK how @Dee and guys like @LiamEsle haven't noticed this.
    If it is an intended thing an, well, my memory fails, there are many encounters with female vampires in BG2, and some of them are highly difficult, while some are not.
  • ErinneErinne Member Posts: 151
    I seem to remember Tanova being a caster, perhaps she had Protection from Magical Weapons up? Try hitting her with Breach.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    edited December 2013
    No, she's not a caster.
    Why don't you kill her with a mage using Staff of Magi?
    Spell, hit (+4bonus), invisibilty, spell, hit, invisibility, etc...
    Or if you want to be 100% sure, use a scroll of protection from undead. You can find them in almost every temple.
  • nsrnsr Member Posts: 174

    Why don't you kill her with a mage using Staff of Magi?
    Spell, hit (+4bonus), invisibilty, spell, hit, invisibility, etc...

    If the OP is having trouble killing the vampire, I'm not sure killing the holder of the Staff of Magi is any easier. But there is a wand of spell striking you can buy in the Red Wizard Enclave if you can't cast Breach.

  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    Tanova is not a mage in that encounter, I'm sure.

    As for the staff, well...
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2013
    She is immune to +2 and lower weapons, has 102 health, and regenerates 2hp/second (12hp/round). With 19+ strength it would be possible to kill Tanova with the staff of magi but thats going to take a long time and require a lot of luck (or Tenser's).

    Do you have a cleric in your party and if so what level are they?
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    edited December 2013
    @SpaceInvader: You're being mightily cocky and not at all helpful there. The OP is not an especially experienced player, I think that much is obvious from his problem and the way he phrases it.

    To the OP: the vampire encounters are supposed to be very tough. In fact, they are likely to keep you indoors at night before you gain a few levels. However, as @CrevsDaak points out, Tanova should not be immune to +3 weapons, and I don't know what's going on in there. Sounds like some kind of bug to me. Try holy smite, flame arrow, all that. Since you are working for the Shadow thieves, you have been given an amulet that protects from level drain. Go to melee with somebody wearing that and cast all your spells with the rest of your group.

    Her dire charm can also pose significant problems, so you should prepare. It IS a tough fight, if you're low-level.
  • TenreccTenrecc Member Posts: 265
    That sounds really weird. I'm used to just equipping Amulet of Power on a tank and right-click them, and I'm definitely not well-equipped at this point. Immune to +3 sounds really stupid since there are practically no +4 items available at this point. (And no, SotM is supposed to be a very hidden, difficult to get-weapon, there's no chance in hell you're supposed to get it before fighting the vampires).

    A common solution to high weapon-immune creatures is the mage spell Melf's Minute Meteors, which always counts as +5 (or was it +6? can't remember... very high anyway), but it'll take a lot of arcane casters to get rid of 102 hp with 12 hp/round reg...

    Maybe pick up Daystar and burn her with Sunray?
  • DMCDMC Member Posts: 44
    Melfs Minute Meteors with multiple arcane casters like bards and mages works, but mostly I just always make sure I steal Daystar from the Crooked Crane before I start going out at night. Every vampire encounter I have had is resolved with one use of Daystar's special ability.
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    How do you deal with the Daystar baddie (you know, that guy in the coffin...) if you can't deal with vampires? Vampires are a piece of cake compared to him.
  • nanonano Member Posts: 1,632
    Just don't fight him :)
  • CrevsDaakCrevsDaak Member Posts: 7,155

    How do you deal with the Daystar baddie (you know, that guy in the coffin...) if you can't deal with vampires? Vampires are a piece of cake compared to him.

    Spam contingencies with sunfires on yourself, cast protection from fire on yourself and then use Fireballs, Liches don't have so many HP, three or four Sunfires plus three or four fireballs should kill almost every enemies in SoA.
  • SpaceInvaderSpaceInvader Member Posts: 2,125
    It is obvious that YOU didn't read what he said. Amulet of Power, sure...he is at the beginning of chap 3, more specifically he's doing the first quest with Mook.

    You focus on your butthurting about the Staff without noticing I told him to use a
    Scroll. Of. Protection. From. Undead.

    It doesn't require an "experienced" player or any kind of tactic.
    Lich and vampires are pieces of cake in vanilla just because of this op scroll.
    It doesn't cost much, lasts 2hours and it is available in more than 10 places.
    Just by using it on a char wielding a weapon +3 or more and sending him alone, he can kill Tanova without problems.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2013
    CrevsDaak said:

    How do you deal with the Daystar baddie (you know, that guy in the coffin...) if you can't deal with vampires? Vampires are a piece of cake compared to him.

    Spam contingencies with sunfires on yourself, cast protection from fire on yourself and then use Fireballs, Liches don't have so many HP, three or four Sunfires plus three or four fireballs should kill almost every enemies in SoA.
    Liches are immune to spells that are level 5 and under, so spamming Fireballs against them is not going to work. Continguency while using Sunfire won't work either (I just checked).

    Now if you wanted to spam Fireballs against the vampire that would be a totally different story and it could work if done correctly.
  • KillbasaKillbasa Member Posts: 2
    **SPOILER** I think the encounter was glitchy somehow. My tank was wearing the amulet and had Protect from Undead on. My caster Breached Tenova but despite this none of my characters could damage her, ever. (4 with +3 weapons, 2 with only +2). Fire magic and meteors caused damage but not enough to overcome her Regeneration.

    After 20 or so tries, I went back to my auto-save, forcing to map to repopulate. The random encounter cleared and I was able to continue on without meeting her.

    Finished the Chapter 3 storyline. Met her again in the crypts and took her down fairly easily (didn't actually kill her she turned into a bat and flew away) with normal tanking and ranged attacks/magic. Breach took her protections down like it's supposed to. I think her protections wee somehow stuck on and couldn't be dispelled or waited out.

    All is well now.
  • SharnSharn Member Posts: 188
    edited December 2013
    Many of the vampires now need +2 weapons to hit, quite a few need +3, Firekraggs dungeon for me had 7 vampires that all needed +3 to hit, I am not sure if this is intentional.

    Devil Shades are also pretty rough early in the game if you go to Hexxat's tomb right away, +2 weapons I believe to hit them and immune to all elemental damage.
  • styggastygga Member Posts: 467
    Cleric level one spell righteous hammer (i think that's the name?) Hits as a +3 weapon or even higher. Just fyi.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited December 2013
    stygga said:

    Cleric level one spell righteous hammer (i think that's the name?) Hits as a +3 weapon or even higher. Just fyi.

    Spiritual Hammer is a level 2 spell and it can be up to a +3 weapon depending upon your level (it would be +3 at level 13).
  • RannRann Member Posts: 168
    Cavalier (immune to charm)), AC-10, wearing level drain protection amulet, wielding Hammer of Thunderbolts +3 and Shield of Harmony. Tanova fall down, go *boom*. (In fact *all* vampires fall down, go boom.) *So* much fun after years of getting nailed by vampires in this game that I may retry it with Carsomyr, just to see if trading off AC for THAC0 makes a difference.
  • SirVoytekSirVoytek Member Posts: 6
    I`ve killed her easly using Sunfire spells.
  • Bahamut1234Bahamut1234 Member Posts: 1
    I found that the 5th level spell Chaos is very effective against them, which was surprising.
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